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grams of the State agency for supervisory and related services in public elementary and secondary schools in the fields of guidance and counseling, and testing: and administration of all plan operations. There may be Federal participation in State agency expenditures for such programs to the extent that they are directly related to the establishment, maintenance, and improvement of guidance and counseling, and testing, programs developed under the plan.

(a) Categories of activities. Such programs may include the following activities: (1) The organization, general direction and coordination of the guidance and counseling, and testing, programs established under the plan; (2) planning State programs and assisting in the planning of local programs; (3) assisting local guidance personnel in establishing, maintaining, or improving programs; (4) planning and preparation of materials and information for State and local programs; (5) demonstrating through pilot programs, or otherwise, guidance and counseling, and testing, procedures and techniques; (6) evaluating the results of guidance and counseling, and testing, programs; and (7) such other related activities as may be necessary for the organization, maintenance, and improvement of programs established under the plan.

(b) Categories of expense. The cost of administration and of supervisory and related services, in guidance and counseling, and testing, programs in which Federal participation may be claimed includes such categories of expense as the following, to the extent that the items of cost are attributable to the programs approved under the State plan: (1) Salaries of the staff, both clerical and professional; (2) consultants' fees; (3) expenses of committees, workshops and conferences, including the travel of those representing the State agency or acting in an advisory capacity to it; (4) contractual services consistent with State laws and regulations and the State plan, provided such services do not result in the relinquishing by the State agency of any part of its responsibility for supervisory and related services; (5) office equipment and equipment necessary for State programs of guidance and counseling, and testing; (6) communication; (7) supplies, printing, and printed materials, including reference books; (8) purchase or rental of tests, answer sheets, profile sheets, cumulative record forms, and such other materials as may be necessary under the plan; (9) rental of equipment for scoring, processing, and

reporting the results of tests administered under the plan or, if such equipment is owned by State or local agencies, the pro rata share of the cost of maintaining and operating such equipment; (10) rental of office space as provided in paragraph (c) of this section; (11) employer's contributions to retirement, workmen's compensation, and other welfare funds maintained for one or more general classes of employees of the State agency; (12) machine processing of administrative and program data; and (13) travel expenses of staff and consultants. (c) Once space. Federal financial participation will be available for expenditures for office space (including the cost of utilities and janitorial services) in privately or publicly owned buildings if: (1) The expenditures for the space are necessary, reasonable, and properly related to the efficient administration of the plan programs of guidance and counseling, and testing, or for supervisory or related services; (2) the State agency will receive benefits during the period of occupancy commensurate with such expenditures; (3) the amounts paid by the State agency are not in excess of comparable rental in the particular locality; (4) the expenditures represent an actual cost to the State agency; and (5) in the case of publicly owned buildings, like charges are made to other agencies occupying similar space. § 143.26 Studies, investigations, and


Expenditures may be made under the plan to determine, evaluate, and demonstrate: (a) Local or State guidance and counseling, and testing, needs; (b) the effectiveness of procedures in guidance and counseling, and testing; and Expenditures for such services are allow(c) the results of program operations. able expenses to the extent that they fall within the categories of allowable expenses specified in § 143.25(b). § 143.27 Professional personnel.

The Federal Government will participate, with respect to those categories of expense that are set forth in § 143.25(b), in the cost of supervisors, consultants, or instructors used by the State agency in the conduct of professional activities, including conferences and workshops: (a) To develop, improve and strengthen the conduct and quality of guidance and counseling, and testing, programs; and (b) to develop materials, procedures, and techniques to improve the quality and conduct of guidance and counseling, and testing, programs.

§ 143.28 Conduct of supervisory or re- provide for a testing program to be lated services.

planned and administered by a local agency under the plan; and (3) contract with public or private institutions or agencies, or with individuals for services (e.g., machine scoring of tests and reporting of test results) which are not inconsistent with its responsibilities.

The State educational agency may set forth provisions in the plan, which are not inconsistent with its supervisory responsibilities, to conduct, in part, professional supervisory and related services in public elementary or secondary schools by: (a) Utilizing local educa- If the State agency conducts a testing (b) Expenditures of local agencies. tional agencies or other public agencies to conduct certain of the activities agraph (1) or (2) of paragraph (a) of program under the provisions of subparspecified in § 143.25(a), § 143.26, 8 143.27; this section, expenditures otherwise apand (b) providing for the establishment propriate are subject to Federal particiof cooperative arrangements among pation when made by the local agency units of the State agency, or between the for (1) the purchase or rental of tests, agency and other public agencies or private agencies or organizations, which tive record forms, and such other mateanswer sheets, profile sheets, cumulawill provide maximum opportunity for rials as may be necessary under the plan; the utilization of all available resources (2) the rental of equipment for scoring, to improve the quality of guidance and counseling, and testing, programs under the plan.

Subpart F-Program for Testing
Aptitudes and Ability

tests administered under the plan or, if processing, and reporting the results of owned by State or local agencies, the pro-rata share of the cost of maintaining and operating such equipment; or (3) contractual services, not inconsist§ 143.29 Purposes of testing program. ent with State and local responsibilities, The State plan shall provide for a test- for machine scoring of tests and reporting program to identify students with ing of test results.


outstanding aptitudes and abilities in § 143.32 Plan requirements for testing public elementary and secondary schools, including at least one test not above The plan shall describe the primary grade 12, and may extend it to students in public junior colleges and technical objectives of the program, including institutes, which program shall, if au- procedures for providing each local eduthorized by law, also be extended to stu- cational agency, nonpublic elementary dents in other elementary and secondary or secondary school, junior college, and schools and other junior colleges and technical institute (to the extent that they enroll students in the grade levels technical institutes. Such a program shall: (a) Provide such information covered by the plan testing program and about the aptitudes and abilities of stu- are not excluded from participation purdents as may be needed in connection suant to § 143.4) with an opportunity to with the counseling and guidance program under the plan (see § 143.33); and (b) provide such information as may be

needed to assist other educational or

training institutions and prospective em-
ployers in assessing the educational and
occupational potential of students seek-
ing admission to educational or train-
ing institutions or employment.
§ 143.30

nual reviews by the State agency of participate, and shall provide for anprogress toward meeting such objectives. The plan shall describe the provisions (a) The types of tests to be utilized for for carrying out the program, including: the measurement of aptitudes and abilibe tested; and (c) the procedures to be ties; (b) the grade level of students to utilized in the selection and administration of tests with the view of obtaining "Testing," as used in section 503(a) (1) optimum benefits from such tests. The of the Act, means the use of tests which plan shall provide that the program will measure abilities from which aptitudes be made available to all students in the for the individual's educational or ca- specified grades in the schools of the reer development validly may be inferred.

Testing defined.

§ 143.31 Conduct of testing program.

participating local educational agencies and in the other participating schools, Junior colleges and technical institutes. Subpart G-Guidance and Counseling Programs

(a) Utilizing other agencies. In administering the testing program, the State educational agency may: (1) Utilize local agencies to conduct the testing § 143.33 program under State supervision; (2)

Scope and purposes.

(a) Guidance and counseling pro

educational plans, including the choice of courses and the choice of an institution of higher education; (iv) to stimulate desires in the student to utilize his abilities in attaining appropriate educational and career goals; and (v) to provide the student, directly or through arrangements with other appropriate resources, with such assistance as may be needed for the development of his aptitudes and the full utilization of his abilities;

grams which are established, maintained ance of his parents, make appropriate or extended under the plan shall serve (1) to advise students, in public elementary and secondary schools or public junior colleges and technical institutes, regarding courses of study best suited to their ability, aptitudes, and skills; (2) to advise students relative to their decisions as to the type of educational program they should pursue, the vocation they should train for and enter, and the job opportunities in the various fields; and (3) to encourage students with outstanding aptitudes and ability to complete their secondary school education, take the necessary courses for admission to institutions of higher education, and enter such institutions.

(b) Such programs shall provide assistance, appropriate to the educational levels of the students, by (1) assessing the abilities, aptitudes, interests, and educational needs of each student; (2) developing understandings of educational and career opportunities and requirements; (3) helping students, directly and through their parents and teachers, to achieve educational and carcer development commensurate with their abilities, aptitudes, interests and opportunities; and (4) interpreting student needs for expanded or modified educational activities.

(c) Such programs shall include the following guidance and counseling activities to the extent that they are carried out by utilizing procedures and techniques appropriate to the educational levels of the students and are directed toward the achievement of the foregoing purposes:

(1) Collecting, organizing, and interpreting such information as may be appropriate to the understanding of the student's abilities, aptitudes, interests, and other personal assets and liabilities related to educational readiness and progress and to career planning and development;

(2) Making available to the student and his parents such educational and career information as may be essential for them to understand the educational

process and the various educational and career opportunities and requirements related to the choice of an educational program and a career;

(3) Providing individual counseling (1) to help the student and his parents develop a better understanding of the student's educational and occupational strengths and weaknesses; (11) to help the student and his parents relate his abilities and aptitudes to educational and career opportunities and requirements; (111) to help the student, with the assist

(4) Providing services to encourage and assist students in making educational transitions, such as placement in the next educational level, and in securing appropriate employment during and upon completion of the educational program;

(5) Providing such group activities as may be necessary to orient students and their parents to the (1) school program including its offerings, services, and requirements; (11) educational opportunities and requirements at the next level; and (iii) career opportunities and requirements:

(6) Providing to teachers and school administrators such assistance and information about indiivdual students or groups of students as may be necessary to enable them to plan and implement curricular and instructional programs and services which will afford students

maximum and equal opportunity for educational development, and which will be consistent with the manpower needs of the State and the Nation; and

(7) Collecting and analyzing such information as may be needed to evaluate the guidance and counseling program and to provide such guidance information as may be available and needed to evaluate the school's program in terms of the educational needs of the students and of the State and the Nation.

§ 143.34 Categories of expenditures applicable to approved local guidance and counseling programs. Categories of allowable expenditures for the supervision and operation of local guidance and counseling programs approved by the State educational agency under the standards and procedures established pursuant to § 143.35(a) in public elementary and secondary schools or public junior colleges and technical institutes include the following:

(a) Salaries and necessary travel expenses of local school guidance personnel to the extent that they are engaged specifically in activities under the plan and within the scope of the activities listed in 143.33 or in accordance with State

plan provisions authorized by

activities under the plan.

143.28. 'ment, and materials to be available for The employer's contribution to retire- the conduct of guidance and counseling ment, workmen's compensation, or other welfare funds maintained for one or more general classes of employees of the local agency may be included.

(b) Salaries of clerical personnel assisting local guidance personnel engaged in the operation of a local guidance and counseling program under the plan.

(c) The purchase and maintenance of office equipment necessary to meet the plan requirements with respect to professional guidance and counseling activities.

(d) The purchase of such materials (including library source materials) and supplies as may be necessary to fulfill the functions of the guidance and counseling program under the plan.

(e) Necessary travel expenses for local guidance personnel engaged in plan activities to participate in such professional activities, including conferences and workshops, as may be approved under the plan by the State educational agency. § 143.35

Plan requirements applicable to guidance and counseling pro


(a) The plan shall set forth a program for guidance and counseling in public elementary and secondary schools, and may provide for such a program in public junior colleges and technical institutes, and shall include the following items, differentiated with respect to such types of schools or institutions where appropriate:

(1) Procedures to be employed by the State educational agency in the initial and succeeding approvals of local guidance and counseling programs for participation under the plan, and the methods to be used in the conduct of the professional reviews of such programs pursuant to § 143.8.

(2) Minimum professional standards to be employed by the State educational agency for approval of local guidance and counseling programs with respect to (i) a testing program which fulfills the purposes established in § 143.29; (ii) the guidance and counseling activities to be provided and the grade levels of students who are to be the participants in such activities; (i) the duties of and qualifications for local guidance and counseling positions; (iv) the ratio of students to each full-time local guidance and counseling position or its equivalent filled by a person performing the duties and meeting the qualifications called for

(3) Professional standards recommended by the State agency for local guidance and counseling programs, in the arcas of minimum standards established

under subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, with a description of such steps as may be required to meet such recommended professional standards.

(4) Supervisory methods and procedures to be employed in local guidance and counseling programs under the plan.

(5) Coordination methods and procedures to provide assurance of appropriate relationships between the local guidance and counseling program under the plan, and other related services available to students.

(6) Categories of expenditures in local and guidance counseling programs (8143.34) to be included by the State educational agency as a part of the total amount expended to earn its allotment under section 502(a) of the Act.

(b) The State plan may also provide for the establishment of guidance and counseling programs designed to meet special needs of students or unusual circumstances in the community in which the local agency is located, such as cultural differences, economic deprivation, dropouts, and youth unemployment. The plan shall provide that any such special programs be consistent with §§ 143.26 and 143.33, and describe the conditions under which the State will establish such programs including provisions for State supervision, evaluation, and reports to the Commissioner.

§ 143.36 Transition provisions.

State plan. A State plan approved prior to the promulgation of these revised regulations remains in effect through June 30, 1965, unless prior to June 30, 1965, the State plan is revised to be in accord with these revised regulations. After June 30, 1965, in order for a State to receive payments under Title V-A of the Act, the State plan must have been revised to be in conformity with the revised regulations.

These revised regulations are effective immediately.


FRANCIS KEPPEL, U.S. Commissioner of Education. Approved: December 31, 1964.


Secretary of Health,

Education, and Welfare.

by subdivision (iii) of this subparagraph; FR. Doc. 65-171; Filed. Jan. 6. 1965;

and (v) the physical facilities, equip

8:48 a.m.)

[blocks in formation]


JOHN W. GARDNER, Secretary

Office of Education, HAROLD HOWE II, Commissioner


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