Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
amendment Angwenyi answer apologise ask the Minister Assistant Minister bagasse beg to reply beg to support by-product cash crops cent Chair cheap sugar Chemilil Coast Province cost court crocodiles Dandora Housing Scheme Development electricity ensure funds gasohol give importation of sugar imported sugar increase investment issue Kamanda Kenya Ports Authority Kenya Revenue Authority Keroka Town Council Khamasi Khaniri Kiambu Dandora Farmers Kitale land Machage Makindu Police Station Marsabit District Masandukuni megawatts members of staff million Minister for Agriculture Minister for Health Ministry molasses Mugo Muhoroni Mumias Sugar Company Munya Mwancha Mwenje Nairobi Office Ojode Omondi Osundwa point of order police cells Private Notice problem Question by Private Serut Shakombo Sony Sugar street lighting sub judice sugar industry sugar-cane supporting this Motion taxed teachers Temporary Deputy Speaker tonne of sugar tonnes of sugar-cane tractors Value Added Tax Wildlife