Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Abdirahman acaricides Amos Kimunya appeared asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General Bank of Kenya beg to reply Central Bank Chair Chairman clarifications companies corruption debate Departmental Committee Deputy Speaker Prof disposal employees ensure Environment and Mineral evidence fact fish Fisheries Githae give going Government Governor Grand Regency Hotel HANSARD House Imanyara investigate issue Kabando wa Kabando KACC Kajembe Kamar Kenya CBK Khalwale Kilonzo Lake Turkana look Madam Temporary Deputy maize mandate matter Members Michuki Midiwo Mineral Resources Minister for Agriculture Minister for Environment Minister for Finance Minister for Trade Ministerial Statement minutes Motion Mungatana Mututho Mwakulengwa Mwalimu Hotel Naivasha Namwamba OCPD Ojode Okemo Ombui Otuoma Parliament point of order power of sale private treaty Report roads sale process Samoei sell the hotel sewer sewerline sold Standing Order statutory power stood Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank told transactions vehicles Wamalwa Wednesday youth