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[blocks in formation]

Points, action on electrical charges, Reflection, angle of, 62.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

sound, 191, 206, 221, 224, 226, 227. Zero, absolute, 264.

sympathetic, 206.

Zeppelin airship, 169.

By F. W. CLARKE, Chief Chemist of the United States Geological Survey, and L. M. DENNIS, Professor of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Cornell University

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HESE two books are designed to form a course in chemistry which is sufficient for the needs of secondary schools. The TEXT-BOOK is divided into two parts, devoted respectively to inorganic and organic chemistry. Diagrams and figures are scattered at intervals throughout the text in illustration and explanation of some particular experiment or principle. The appendix contains tables of metric measures with English equivalents.

Theory and practice, thought and application, are logically kept together, and each generalization is made to follow the evidence upon which it rests. The application of the science. to human affairs, its utility in modern life, is also given its proper place. A reasonable number of experiments are included for the use of teachers by whom an organized laboratory is unobtainable. Nearly all of these experiments are of the simplest character, and can be performed with home-made apparatus.

The LABORATORY MANUAL contains 127 experiments, among which are a few of a quantitative character. Full consideration has been given to the entrance requirements of the various colleges. The left hand pages contain the experiments, while the right hand pages are left blank, to include the notes taken by the student in his work. In order to aid and stimulate the development of the pupil's powers of observation, questions have been introduced under each experiment. The directions for making and handling the apparatus, and for performing the experiments, are simple and clear, and are illustrated by diagrams accurately drawn to scale.







N elementary textbook providing a foundation for the study of agriculture, domestic science, or college botany. But it is more than a textbook on botany—it is a book about the fundamentals of plant life and about the relations between plants and man. It presents as fully as is desirable for required courses in high schools those large facts about plants which form the present basis of the science of botany. Yet the treatment has in view preparation for life in general, and not preparation for any particular kind of calling.

The subject is dealt with from the viewpoint of the pupil rather than from that of the teacher or the scientist. The style is simple, clear, and conversational, yet the method is distinctly scientific, and the book has a cultural as well as a practical object.

The text has a unity of organization. So far as practicable the familiar always precedes the unfamiliar in the sequence of topics, and the facts are made to hang together in order that the pupil may see relationships. Such topics as forestry, plant breeding, weeds, plant enemies and diseases, plant culture, decorative plants, and economic bacteria are discussed where most pertinent to the general theme rather than in separate chapters which destroy the continuity. The questions and suggestions which follow the chapters are of two kinds; some are designed merely to serve as an aid in the study of the text, while others suggest outside study and inquiry. The classified tables of terms which precede the index are intended to serve the student in review, and to be a general guide to the relative values of the facts presented. More than 200 attractive illustrations, many of them original, are included in the book.


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