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Abel, Mary W. Hinman. Successful Family Life on the Moderate Income. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Pp. xii+ 251. $2.00.

Adams, Elizabeth Kemper. Women Professional Workers. New York: Macmillan. Pp. xiv+467. $2.50. American Child Hygiene Association. Transactions of the Eleventh Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 11-13, 1920, 1211 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md. Gertrude B. Knipp, sec. Pp. 440, bibl., tables, charts. American Country Life Association. Rural Organization: Proceedings of the Third National Country Life Conference, Springfield, Mass., 1920. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 242, illus. plan. $2.50. American Prison Association. Proceedings of the Annual Congress, Columbus, Ohio, October 14-19, 1920. 135 E. 15th St., New York. Pp. 469. $3.00. Anderson, Harry B. State Medicine a Menace to Democracy. 145 W. 45th St., New York: Citizens Medical Reference Bureau. Pp. vi+115. $1.50. Aslan, T. Trait d'Union. ArménieFrance. Leurs relations depuis les temps les plus reculés. Vannes: Lafolye Freres, éditeurs. Pp. 162. Bailey, William B., and Cummings, J. Statistics. Chicago: McClurg. Pp. 153. $0.60.

Baker, Charles Whiting. Government Control and Operation of Industry in Great Britain and the United States during the World War. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. viii+ 138. $1.00.

Balfour, Arthur James. A Defence of Philosophic Doubt; Being an Essay on the Foundations of Belief. New York: Doran. Pp. x+355. $5.00. Barnes, G. N., and Others. Labour as an International Problem. Series of Essays Comprising Short History of the International Labour Organization and a Review of General Industrial Problems. New York: Macmillan. Pp. lx+345. 18s net.

Barnes, H. E. The Social History of the Western World. An Outline Syllabus. New York: Appleton. Pp. 126. Basset, William Rupert. The Organization of Modern Business. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. Pp. 271. $2.00.

Baur, Erwin, Eugen Fischer, and Fritz Lang. Grundriss der mensehl Erblichkeitslehre. Bd I. München: J. F. Lehmann. Pp. 305, 8vo. Geh. M 50. Bell, Ralcy Husted. Woman from Bondage to Freedom. 12 Mount Morris Park West, New York: The Critic and Guide Co. Pp. xv+230. $2.50. Berkson, Isaac Baer. Theories of Americanization. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University. Pp. viii+226. $3.00.

Berman, Louis. The Glands Regulating Personality. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 300. $3.50.

Blymer, William H. The Isolation Plan. 2a Park St., Boston: The Cornhill Pub. Co. Pp. xxiv+152. $2.00. Bowley, Arthur Lyon. Official Statistics;

What They Contain and How to Use Them. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 64. $1.00. Brandt, Lilian. How Much Shall I

Give? 100 W. 21st St., New York: The Frontier Press. Pp. xi+153. $2.00.

Brawley, Benjamin Griffith. A Social History of the American Negro. New York: Macmillan. Pp. xv+420. $4.00.

Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston. Madeline McDowell Breckinridge; A Leader in the New South. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. xvi+274. $2.50.

Bremond, E. La Cilicie en 1919-1920. Paris: Imprimiere Nationale. Pp. 76. Briggs, L. V. The Manner of Man That Kills. Boston: Badger. Pp. 444, illus. $5.00.

Brown, Charles Reynolds. Social Rebuilders. New York: The Abingdon Press. Pp. 188. $1.25.

Bruce, Henry Addington Bayley. SelfDevelopment. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. Pp. x+332. $1.50. Bucke, Oswald Fred. The Development of Economics. New York: Macmillan. Pp. vi+348. $2.25.

Burr, Walter. Rural Organization. New York: Macmillan. Pp. xi+250. $2.25. Bury, J. B. The Idea of Progress. An Inquiry into Its Origin and Growth. New York: Macmillan. Pp. xi+372.


Butler, Nicholas Murray. Scholarship and Service; The Policies and Ideals of

a National University in a Modern Democracy. New York: Scribner. Pp. xi+399. $2.00. Carver, Thomas Nixon. Principles of National Economy. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 773. $3.00.

Chauvelot, Robert. Mysterious India;
Its Rajahs, Its Brahmans, Its Fakirs.
New York: Century Pub. Co. Pp.
xx+277. $3.50.

Cole, G. D. H. Guild Socialism. A
Plan for Economic Democracy. New
York: Stokes. Pp. 202.
Cook, William G. H. Insanity and
Mental Deficiency in Relation to
Legal Responsibility. New York:

Dutton. Pp. xxiv+192. $4.00.
Davis, Elmer Holmes. History of the
New York Times, 1851-1921. New
York: the New York Times. Pp. xxii
+434. $2.00.

Doumergue, Emile. L'Armenie les Massacres et La Question D'Orient. 48, Rue de Lille, Paris: Editions de "Foi et Vie." Pp. 210.

Dunlap, Knight. Mysticism, Freudianism and Scientific Psychology. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co. Pp. 173. $1.50.

Eddy, A. J. Property. Chicago: McClurg. Pp. 254. $2.50.

Ferrero, Guglielmo of the Ancient Civilization and the Triumph of Christianity. New York: Putnam. Pp. vii+210. $2.50.

Fiske, Bradley Allen. Invention: The Master-Key to Progress. New York: Dutton. Pp. ix+356. $4.00. Forbes, Allan. Towns of New England ana Old England, Ireland and Scotland. New York: Putnam. 2 vols. Pp. 225 each. $12.50.

Fouillee, Alfred Jules Emile, and Others. Modern French Legal Philosophy. New York: Macmillan. Pp. Lxvii+ 578. $5.00.

Frazer, John William. The Untried

Civilization. New York: The Abingdon Press. Pp. 137. $1.00. Freeman, Richard Austin. Social Decay and Regeneration. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Pp. xx+354. $5.00. Freud, Sigmund. Dream Psychology for Beginners. New York: J. A. McCann. Pp. 238. $3.50.

Friedman, Elisha Michael. America and the New Era. New York: Dutton. Pp. 500. $6.00.

Fries, Amos A., and West, Clarence J. Chemical Warfare. New York: McGraw-Hill Co. Pp. 445. $3.50.

Gamble, Sidney D. Peking: A Social Survey. New York: Doran. Pp. xxiii+537. $5.00.

Gillen J. L. Poverty and Dependency: Their Relief and Prevention. (Century Social Science Ser.) New York: Century. Pp. 707, bibl. $4.00. Goldstein, Philip Reuben. Social Aspects of the Jewish Colonies of South Jersey. 10 W. 18th St., New York: The League Printing Co. Pp. 63. Graham, Stephen. The Soul of John Brown. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 328. $3.00.

Grant, Madison. The Passing of the
Great Race. New York: Scribner.
Pp. xxxiii+476. $3.50.
Harding W. G. Our Own Country:
Mutual Good Will in America. New
York: Bobbs-Merrill Co. Pp. 302.

Harkness, Georgia Elma. The Church
and the Immigrant. New York:
Doran. Pp. xii+110. $1.50.
Harrington, M. Raymond. Religion and
Ceremonies of the Lenape. New York:
Museum of the American Indian, Heye
Foundation. Pp. 249.

Hartland, Edwin Sidney. Primitive Society. New York: Dutton. Pp. 180. $2.50.

Heath, Arthur George. The Moral and Social Significance of the Conception of Personality. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. viii+160. $3.75. Hecht, John S. The Real Wealth of Nations. Yonkers, N.Y.: World Bk. Co. Pp. ix+350. $2.40. Hilton-Simpson, Melville W. Among the Hill Folk of Algeria; Journeys among the Shawia of the Aures Mountains. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. Pp. 248. $6.00. Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney. The Rational Good. New York: Holt. Pp. xxii+237. $2.00.

Holmes, S. J. Trend of the Race: A Study of Present Tendencies in the Biological Development of Civilized Mankind. New York: Harcourt. Pp. 396, bibl., tables. $4.00.

Hornady, John R. The Book of Birmingham. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. Pp. 375. $3.50.

Jeffrey, J. E. Breaking Point (New Era
Ser., Vol. xi). London: Parsons.
Pp. 159. 4s. 6d.
Jordan, Riverda Harding. Nationality
and School Progress: A Study in
Americanization. Bloomington, Ill.:
Public-School Pub. Co. Pp. 105. $1.25.

Kallen, H. M. Zionism and World Politics: A Study in History and Social Psychology. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co. Pp. 345. $3.50.

Kawakami, Kiyoshi Karl (ed.). What Japan Thinks. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 237. $2.00. Keith, Arthur Berriedale. The KarmaMimamsa. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 112. $1.15. Kellogg, Walter G. The Conscientious Objector. New York: Boni. Pp. xviii+141. $1.00.

Kerby, William J. The Social Mission of Charity. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 196. $2.25.

King, Ulysses Grant. Mental Evolution. Boston: Roxburg Pub. Co. Pp. xiv+274. $2.00.

Kingston, Charles. Remarkable Rogues. New York: J. Lane. Pp. x+289. $4.00.

Kisch, Franz. Menschenzucht. Ein Merkbuch für die keifen beiderlei Geschlecht, Bonn: Marcus & Weber, 1920. Pp. 100, 8vo. Kart. M. 8,40. Kitson, Harry Dexter. The Mind of the Buyer. New York: Macmillan. Pp. x+211. $1.50.

Kohler, Josef. Philosophy of Law. New York. Macmillan. Pp. xliv+390. $4.00.

Kuno, Yoshi S. What Japan Wants. New York: Crowell. Pp. viii+151. $1.00. LeBon, Gustav. World in Revolt: A Psychological Study of Our Times. London: Unwin. Pp. 256. 12s. 6d. Le Rossignol, James Edward. What Is Socialism? New York: Crowell. Pp. x+267. $2.00.

Lomax, Montagu. Experiences of an Asylum Doctor: With Suggestions for Asylum and Lunacy Law Reform. [Great Britain]. London: Allen. Pp. 255. 12s. 6d.

London of the Future. The London Society. New York: Dutton. Pp. 286. $15.00.

Long, Constance Ellen. Collected Papers on the Psychology of Phantasy. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co. Pp. 216. $3.00.

Lubschez, B. J. Story of the Motion
Picture, 65 B.C. to 1920, A.D. 727, 7th
Ave., New York: Reeland Pub. Co.,
Inc. Pp. 64, illus. $1.00.
Lugan, A. L'Ensignement social de
Jesus. I: Les Grandes directives

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L'Enseignement social de Jesus. VI: La Loi Sociale du Travail. 3, Rue de Mezieres, Paris, VI: Procure Générale. Pp. 116.

Magnus, L. A. The Heroic Ballads of Russia. New York: Dutton. Pp. xxiii+210. $5.00.

Maiwer, R. M. Elements of Social Science. Contents: Nature of Society; Stages of Society; Society and Environment; Interests and Associations; Structure of Society; Evolution of Society; Great Law of Social Evolution. London: Methuen. Pp. 186, bibl., table. 6s.

Mangold, G. B. Children Born Out of
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to the U.S. (University of Missouri
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Marden, Orison Sweet. Masterful Per-
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Marks, E. G. Merit and Democracy.
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Marvin, Francis Sydney, and Others.
The Evolution of World-Peace. New
York: Oxford University Press. Pp.
192. $4.75.
Massachusetts Commission on Probation.
Probation Manual. Courthouse, Bos-
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Mess, H. A. Facts of Poverty. 32
Russell Sq., London: Student Christian
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Miraglia, Luigi. Comparative Legal
Philosophy. New York: Macmillan.
Pp. xl+793. $6.00.

Müller, A. Bismarck, Nietzsche, Schef-
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Muller-Lyer, Franz Carl. The History
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Knopf. Pp. 350. $5.00.

Munson, Edward L. The Management of Men. New York: Holt. Pp. 801. $6.00.

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Conference on City Planning, Pittsburgh, May 9-11, 1921. Boston: Flavel Shurtleff, sec. Pp. 206. $2.25. Newman, Horatio Hackett (comp).

Readings in Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. xviii+523. $3.75. New York State Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings, 21st Conference, Buffalo, N.Y. Nov. 9-11, 1920. Room 431, the Capitol, Albany, N.Y.: Richard W. Wallace, sec. Pp. 302, illus.

New York State Dept. of Labor. Court
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Law. January, 1920-June,
Albany, New York: The Department.
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Olgin, Moissaye J. The Soul of the Russian Revolution. New York: Holt. Pp. xii+423. $2.50.

Panunzio, Constantine M. The Soul of an Immigrant. New York: Macmillan. Pp. xiv+329. $2.00. Park, Robert Ezra, and Burgess, Ernest Watson. Introduction to the Science of Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. xxi+1040. $4.50.

Petrescu, Nicholas. Thoughts on War and Peace. An Inquiry into the Conceptions Prevailing in Foreign Politics. 17 Johnson's Court, Fleet St., London, E.C: Watts & Co. Pp. iv+ 124. 5S. Placzek, Siegfried. Das Geschlechtsleben der Hysterischen. Eine medizinische, soziologische u. forensische Studie. Bonn: Marcus & Weber, 1919. Pp. vii+264, large 8vo. M. 15. Public Opinion and the Steel Strike. The Commission of Inquiry. The Interchurch World Movement. I W. 47th St., New York: Harcourt, Brace & Howe. Pp. x+346. $2.50. Rathenau, Walter. In Days to Come: Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul. New York: Allen. Pp. 286. 12s. 6d.

Roberts, Morley. Warfare in the Human Body. New York: Dutton. Pp. xiii+ 286. $7.00.

Rowntree, B. Seebohm. The Human

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Sadler, G. T. Social Expression of the Spiritual Life (World Religion Bks. 4). New York: Daniels. Pp. 119, bibl., chart. 3s. 6d.

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Scott, Walter Dill, and Hayes, Mary Holmes Stevens. Science and Common Sense in Working with Men. 20 Vesey St., New York: Ronald Press Co. Pp. ix+154. $4.20.

Smith, W. G. A Study in Canadian Immigration. Toronto: Ryerson Press. Pp. 406, tables, map. $3.20. Smythe, W. E. City Homes on Country Lanes: Philosophy and Practice of the Home-in-a-Garden. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 270, illus., tables. $2.50. Snow, A. H. Question of Aborigines in the Law and Practice of Nations, Including a Collection of Authorities and Documents Written at the Request of the Dept. of State. New York: Putnam. Pp. 376. $3.00.

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Snowden, Philip. Labour and the New
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Sorley, William Ritchie. A History of
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Stoddard, Lothrop. The New World of
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Tahmazian, K. Turcs et Armeniens.
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Temperley, H. W. V. (ed). A History of the Peace Conference of Paris. New York: Oxford University Press. 5 vols. Vols. I, II, III, now ready. Pp. xxxii+518, xvii+488, vii+457. $21.00. Totomiantz, V. L'Armenie Economique. 227, Boulevard Raspail, Paris: H. Turabian. Pp. 95. 5 fr. Vecchio, Giorgio del. The Formal Bases of Law. New York: Macmillan. Pp. lvii+412. $5.00.

Watkins, G. S. Co-operation: A Study in Constructive Economic Reform (University of Illinois Bul. vol. 18, No. 28) Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois. Pp. 85, bibl., tables. $1.00. Watts, Frank. An Introduction to the Psychological Problems of Industry. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 240. $5.00.

Weiss, Fari Felix. The Sieve; or,

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White, William A. Foundations of Psychiatry. New York: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Co. Pp. ix+136. $3.00.

William, Maurice. Social Interpretation of History: A Refutation of the Marxian Economic Interpretation of History. 62 Vernon Ave., Long Island City, N.Y.: Sotery Pub. Co. Pp. 397. $3.00.

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Woolston, Howard Brown. Prostitution in the United States. New York: The Century Co. Pp. xiii+360. $42.50.


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nisba P. The Administration of the Aid-to-Mothers Law in Illinois. Washington: Govt. Ptg. Office. Pp. 173. American Civil Liberties Union. Fight for Free Speech: A brief statement of present conditions in the U.S. and of the work of the union against the forces of repression. 138 W. 13th St. New York. Pp. 30, tables. Andonian, Aram. Documents Officiels concernant les Massacres Armeniens. Reproduction photographique d'un grand nombre de Cocuments. 227, Boulevard Raspail, Paris: H. Turabian. Pp. 168.

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Cass, E. R. Study of the Parole Laws

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Child Welfare: Report of the Committee Appointed to Formulate a Scheme for Providing Assistance, Financial and Otherwise, to Expectant Mothers of the Laboring Classes by Ceylon Govt. Colombo: Govt. Rec. Office. Pp. 4. $0.12.

Co-operative Housing, by Associations of Consumers. 2 W. 13th St., New York: Co-operative League of America. Pp. 16. $0.10.

Gilbert, C. K., and Lathrop, C. N. Social Opportunity of the Churchman. 281, 4th Ave., New York: Dept. of Christian Social Service. Pp. 103.

Glueck, Bernard. Modern Tendencies in the Field of Criminology. Richmond Hill, N.Y.: Soc. of Medical Jurisprudence. Pp. 21.

Housing Question is Sweden, Edited by the Swedish Delegate at the Interallied Housing and Town Planning Congress, in London, June, 1920. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. Pp. 64, illus., tables, charts, plans.

Industrial Housing. Wisconsin University. Ext. Div. Dept. of Group_and Community Service. Bureau of Commercial and Industrial Relations (Circ. No. 9). Madison, Wis. Pp. 8 (Minn.).

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