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notice that it wants to present information and arguments in person to the debarring official, that official shall chair such a meeting within 20 calendar days of receipt of the request, unless the contractor requests a longer period of time. The oral presentation shall be conducted informally and a transcript need not be made. However, the contractor may supplement its oral presentation with written information and arguments for inclusion in the administrative record.

(3) Pursuant to FAR 9.406-3(b)(2), the contractor may request and shall be entitled to a hearing before the fact-finding panel. The fact-finding panel shall conduct the hearing within 20 calendar days of receipt of the request, unless the contractor requests a longer period of time.

(4) The debarring official shall convene the fact-finding panel for this purpose and shall provide the panel with a copy of all documentary evidence on the matter. Upon receipt of such material, the fact-finding official shall notify the contractor and schedule a hearing date.

(5) In addition to the purposes provided in FAR 9.406-3(b)(2), the hearing is intended to provide the debarring official with findings of fact based on a preponderance of evidence submitted to the fact-finding panel and to provide the debarring official with a determination as to whether a cause for debarment exists, based on the facts as found.

(6) The fact-finding panel shall conduct its hearing in accordance with rules promulgated by the fact-finding official. The rules shall be as informal as is practicable, consistent with FAR 9.406-3(b) The fact-finding official is responsible for making the transcribed record of the hearing, unless the contractor and the fact-finding panel agree to waive the requirement for a transcript.

(7) The fact-finding official shall deliver written findings and the transcribed record, if made, to the debarring official within 10 calendar days after the hearing. The findings shall resolve any facts in dispute based on a preponderance of the evidence presented and recommend whether a cause for debarment exists.

(c) Notice of proposal to debar. (1) Upon receipt of a complete referral and after consulting with the Office of the Legal Adviser, the debarring official shall decide whether to initiate debarment action.

(2) When a determination is made to initiate action, the debarring official shall provide to the contractor and any specifically named affiliates written notice in accordance with FAR 9.406-3(c). A copy of the notice shall be provided to the DOS officer who made the referral and to each DOS organizational elements affected by the determination.

(3) When a determination is made not to initiate action, the debarring official shall so advise the DOS officer who made the referral.

(d) Debarring official's decision. In addition to complying with FAR 9.406– 3(d) and FAR 9.406-3(e), the debarring official shall provide single copies of the decision to each DOS organizational element affected by the decision and to the General Services Administration in accordance with 609.404.

[53 FR 26165, July 11, 1988; 53 FR 36461, Sept. 20, 1988]

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(a) Investigation and referral. Investigation and referral shall be accomplished as provided in 609.406-3(a), except that referrals made to the suspending official shall cite causes pertinent to a suspension action (see FAR 9.407-2).

(b) Decisionmaking process. (1) If the contractor does not respond to a notice of suspension within 30 calendar days after receipt of the notice, the suspending official may proceed with completion of investigation.

(2) The DOS decisionmaking process for a suspension action pursuant to FAR 9.407-3(b) follow those established for a debarment action (see 609.406(b)), except that the contractor may request and shall be entitled to a

hearing before the fact-finding panel only if permitted under FAR 9.4073(b)(2).

(c) Notice of suspension. Notice of suspension shall be accomplished as provided in 609.406-3(a), except that the suspending official shall process the notice in accordance with FAR 9.407-3(c).

(d) Suspending official's decision. In addition to complying with FAR 9.4073(d), the suspending official shall provide single copies of the decision to

each DOS organizational element affected by the decision and to the General Services Administration in accordance with 609.404.

Subpart 609.5—Organizational Conflicts of Interest

609.503 Waiver.

The Procurement Executive is the agency head's designee for the purposes of FAR 9.503.



Subpart 613.5-Purchase Orders




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613.501 General.

The contracting officer shall distribute copies of each purchase order in conformance with Subpart 604.2.

613.505 Purchase order and related forms. 613.505-2 Agency order forms in lieu of Optional Forms 347 and 348.

(a) In lieu of Optional Forms 347 and 348, DOS contracting activities may use either

(1) Optional Form (OF) 206, Purchase Order, Receiving Report and Voucher, and Optional Form 206A, Continuation Sheet (illustrated at 653.302-206 and 653.302–206A, respectively); or

(2) Department of State Form (DST) 1089, Order-Supplies or Services (illustrated in 653.303-DST-1089).

(b) Both OF 206 and form DST 1089 provide the requisite space for purchase data and budgetary, accounting and voucher payment data. Either form may be used as

(1) A purchase order for small purchases;

(2) A delivery order under an established contract;

(3) Documentation in connection with a blanket purchase agreement; and/or

(4) A voucher.

(c) (1) When using OF 206, contracting activities may use Optional Form (OF) 127, Receiving and Inspection Report (illustrated in 653.302-127), for that purpose.

(2) When using form DST 1089 as a purchase order and until such time as the form is revised, contracting activities shall replace the "Terms and Conditions Applicable to Purchase Orders" (located on the reverse of the original copy) with the appropriate FAR and DOSAR clauses, in accordance with 613.507-70.

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by the Procurement Executive in accordance with 601.470. If any part of a contract is not written in the English language, the contracting officer shall attach an accurate English language translation of such part to the original and each copy of the contract, unless the contracting officer determines such action is infeasible.

(b) When contracting by sealed bidding, the contracting officer shall insert the clause at 652.214-71, Notices, in all solicitations and contracts awarded or performed overseas.

(c) When contracting by sealed bidding, the contracting officer shall insert the clause at 652.214-72, Authorization to Perform, in all solicitations and contracts awarded or performed overseas.

(d) See 615.106-70 regarding use of the clauses prescribed in this subsection when contracting by negotiation.

Subpart 614.4-Opening of Bids and Award of Contract

614.402 Opening of bids.

614.402-1 Unclassified bids.

After the unclassified bids have been opened pursuant to FAR 14.402-1, the bid opening officer shall announce that the opening of bids has been completed and that all bidders will be notified as soon as possible regarding the award.

614.402-70 Waiver of public opening of bids.

Overseas posts may request waiver of the public opening of bids if that activity is inconsistent with local law or legal practice, or with post security. For that purpose, the Procurement Executive must approve a deviation in accordance with 601.470.

614.404 Rejection of bids.

614.404-1 Cancellation of invitations after opening.

The authority to make the determination prescribed in FAR 14.404-1(c) is delegated, without power of redelegation, to the head of the contracting activity (see 601.603-70). The head of the contracting activity shall obtain

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