project officer and the contract nego- 307.105 Contents of written acquisition 307.105-1 Format and content. The Department does not prescribe (a) Identification information. The (b) Programmatic considerations. (1) Description of the project/sup- plies/services. Include a brief descrip- tion of the proposed project/supplies/ services. Discuss all anticipated future requirements related to the acquisi- tion. Discuss any past, present or (2) Project funding. Include the sum- mary of funds expected to be obligated for the entire project by fiscal years and phases. Include expenditures for previous years. Discuss the probability of obtaining future years funding and/ or what specific managerial action can be taken to insure future funding (if (3) Background and acquisition his- tory. Provide a brief factual summary of the technical and contractual histo- ry of the supplies/services being ac- (4) Related projects, efforts undertak- en to avoid duplication of effort. Dis- any related in-house efforts, searches, (5) Need for project/supplies/serv- (6) Special program clearances or (7) Phasing. Briefly describe discrete (8) Government furnished material/ (9) Discussion of project risk. Pro- and schedule risk. Describe what ef- forts are planned to reduce risk. If an acquisition, which is planned to be awarded using other than full and open competition represents a signifi- cant portion of a proposed contractor's business, discuss the impact on techni- cal capability, realism of schedule, ments. Describe the basis for establish- ing the delivery/reporting require- ments and include the anticipated de- liverables and time(s) for delivery. (11) Replication, dissemination, or use of the results. Discuss anticipated replication, dissemination, or use of the results. Describe user audience and their expected use. Include a de- scription of the delivery system. (12) Data, data rights, patents, copy- rights. Discuss data to be developed. used, maintained, disclosed and disposed of by the contractor. Discuss data subject to the Privacy Act or Confidentiality of Information clause. Discuss data to be delivered with limited rights, data where title would not vest in the Government, and anticipat-_ ed copyrights or patents. Discuss whether or not the data will permit any follow-on acquisitions to be competitive. (13) Post-award administration and monitoring. Detail milestones that require periodic evaluation of the contractor's progress. Discuss any formal management systems to be used to monitor the contractor. Discuss plans for post-award conference and site visits. Delineate the timing of the periodic status reports. (14) Technical evaluation plans. Discuss the plans for technical evaluation of the proposal. Discuss whether nonFederal technical evaluators will review the proposals. Discuss potential conflict of interest situations. (c) Acquisition approach. (1) Proposed sources. Include sources or categories of sources (if apparent). Address the pertinent areas stated in FAR 7.105(b)(2). (2) Contract type. Provide the rationale for recommendation of contract type. (3) Socioeconomic programs. Discuss preliminary liaison with the Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Specialist for review to determine requirements susceptible for the various socioeconomic acquisition programs; i.e., small business, disadvantaged business, or labor surplus area setasides. (4) Other considerations, as applicable. Discuss special contract clauses and proposed HHSAR deviations, if required. Discuss circumstances such as the effect of a protest on a previous acquisition to this acquisition, special public law or regulatory requirements which place restrictions on this acquisition, and use of a special type of synopsis. Address planned preproposal conference, preaward survey and preaward site visits. (d) Planning for the acquisition cycle. (1) Scheduling considerations. The project officer and the contract negotiator shall establish realistic planned dates which meet the program needs for award to assure timely delivery or completion of the project. The following factors should be considered in planning realistic dates: (i) Individual project officer and contract negotiator workloads; (ii) Planned, extended absences from the office; and (iii) Schedules are in consonance with established office goals for overall orderly and balanced workloads. (2) Acquisition planning schedule. The following acquisition planning schedule should be included in all plans to the extent the items are significant or appropriate to the acquisition. Additional items may be added as appropriate. ACQUISITION PLANNING SCHEDULE Actions and Date Advance or sources sought synopsis released Advance or sources sought synopsis closed Synopsis evaluation received Request for contract received Special program approvals received Request for proposal released Technical evaluation received Cost advisory or audit report received Contract document prepared (e) Approvals. All acquisition planning documents shall be signed by the project officer and the contract negotiator. Acquisition planning documents for acquisitions estimated to be between $100,000 and $1,000,000 shall be approved by the contracting officer. Acquisition planning documents for acquisitions estimated to be in excess of $1 million shall be approved by the principal official responsible for acquisition or his/her designee. The designated official shall be in a position no lower than the level above the contracting officer. One copy of all acquisition planning documents shall be filed with the principal official responsible for acquisition or the designated official for planning purposes. The original acquisition planning document shall be retained in the contract file. [49 FR 13969, Apr. 9, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 23129, May 31, 1985; 50 FR 38004, Sept. 19, 1985] 307.105-2 Special program clearances or approvals. The following special program clearances or approvals should be reviewed for applicability to each planned acquisition. The ones which are applicable should be addressed in the acquisition planning document and immediate programmatic action should be initiated to obtain the necessary clearances or approvals. (a) Clearances or approvals required to be completed and submitted with the request for contract (RFC).—(1) Automatic data processing. All proposed acquisitions of automatic data processing hardware, software packages, and services, as well as telecommunications equipment, which exceed the dollar thresholds stated in Chapter 4-10 of the HHS Information Resources Management (IRM) Manual, must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM), OASMB-0S. (See HHS Information Resources Management (IRM) Manual, Chapter 4-10; Title 41 CFR Chapter 201; and Subpart 339.70.) (2) ADP systems security. All ADP systems regardless of dollar amount are required to have a Certification of ADP Systems Security Adequacy signed by the ADP system manager and the cognizant ADP systems security officer. (See HHS IRM Manual, Part 6—ADP Systems Security; OMB Circular No. A-71, Transmittal Memorandum No. 1; and Subpart 339.70.) (3) Advisory and assistance services. OPDIV and STAFFDIV heads and regional directors are responsible for review and approval of all proposed advisory and assistance services contracts and purchase orders. (See General Administration Manual Chapter 8-15.) (4) Evaluation contracts. The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) must approve all evaluation projects for proposed solicitations, except those which have been included in research, demonstration, or evaluation plans previously approved by the ASPE. (5) Commercial activities. (OMB Circular No. A-76) A request for contract (RFC) must contain a statement as to whether the proposed solicitation is or is not to be used as part of an OMB Circular No. A-76 cost comparison. (See General Administrative Manual (GAM) Chapter 18-10; FAR Subpart 7.3, Subpart 307.3; OMB Circular No. A-76.) (6) Paid advertising. Paid advertisements, notices or contract proposals to be published in newspapers and periodicals may be authorized by the contracting officer. (See FAR Subpart 5.5, Subpart 305.5; Title 7, Chapter 5-25.2, and the General Accounting Office Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies.) (7) Printing. The acquisition of printing by contract is prohibited unless it is authorized by the Joint Committee on Printing of the U.S. Congress. Procedures to be followed are contained in the "Government Printing and Binding Regulations" and the HHS Printing Management Manual and FAR Subpart 8.8. (8) Fraud, abuse and waste. All proposed acquisitions that concern the subjects of fraud, abuse and waste must be reviewed and approved by the Inspector General or Deputy Inspector General, and written approval from either must be included in the request for contract. (9) Paperwork Reduction Act. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-511), a Federal agency shall not collect information or sponsor the collection of information from ten or more persons (other than Federal employees acting within the scope of their employment) unless, in advance, the agency has submitted Standard Form 83, Request for OMB Review, to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Director has approved the proposed collection of information. Procedures for the approval may be obtained by contacting the OPDIV reports clearance officer. (See Title 5 CFR Part 1320 and General Administration Manual Chapter 10-20.) (10) Contracts with federal employees. Contracts between the Government and Government employees or between the Government and organizations which are substantially owned or controlled by Government employees may not knowingly be entered into, except for the most compelling reasons (see FAR Subpart 3.6). Authority to enter into a contract with a Government employee or an organization substantially owned or controlled by a Government employee must be approved prior to award of the contract by either the Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget, the head of the OPDIV, or the regional director, or their designees. (See 45 CFR Part 73 and HHS Standards of Conduct.) (11) Publications. All projects which will result in contracts and which include publications require review and approval by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (OASPA). Form HHS-615, Publication Planning and Clearance Request, should be forwarded to OASPA through the OPDIV public affairs officer. Publications are defined in the chapter on publications in the Public Affairs Management Manual. (12) Public affairs services. Projects for the acquisition of public affairs services in excess of $5,000 shall be submitted to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (OASPA) for review and approval on Form HHS-524, Request for Public Affairs Service Contract. (13) Audiovisual (videotape and motion picture production). Any proposed acquisition of an audiovisual production requires the submission of a Standard Form 282, Mandatory Title Check, to the National Audiovisual Center (NAC). When the results of this title check have been reviewed by the project office and if a determination is made that existing materials are not adequate to fulfill the requirement, a statement to that effect shall be prepared by the project office. For acquisitions in excess of $5,000, a copy of that statement, together with a Standard Form 202, Federal Audiovisual Production Report, and Form HHS-524A, Request for Audiovisual Material, shall be submitted through the OPDIV public affairs officer to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (OASPA) for review and approval. Following approval by OASPA, the SF 202 and the statement explaining why existing materials are insufficient will be forwarded to NAC by OASPA. An approved copy of the Form HHS-524A will be returned to the OPDIV for transmission to the contract negotiator. All audiovisuals are required to be acquired under the Government-wide Contracting System for Motion Picture and Videotape Productions, unless they are included in the exceptions to the mandatory use of the uniform system. (See the Executive Agent for Government-Wide Contracting System for Audiovisual Productions' March 21, 1980, memorandum on Implementation of OFPP Policy Letter No. 79-4, November 28, 1979, Contracting for Motion Picture and Videotape Productions; HHS General Administration Manual Chapter 1-121.) (14) Privacy Act (Pub. L. 93-579.) Whenever the Department contracts for the design, development, operation, or maintenance of a system of records on individuals on behalf of the Department in order to accomplish a departmental function, the Privacy Act is applicable. The program official, after consultation with the activity's Privacy Act Coordinator and the Office of General Counsel as necessary shall include a statement in the request for contract as to the applicability of the Act. Whenever an acquisition is subject to the Act, the program official prepares a "system notice" and has it published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. (See HHS Privacy Act regulation, 45 CFR 5b; FAR Subpart 24.1 and Subpart 324.1.) (b) Clearances or approvals required to be completed prior to contract award. All foreign research contract projects to be conducted in a foreign country and financed by HHS funds (U.S. dollars) must have clearance by the Department of State with respect to consistency with foreign policy objectives. This clearance should be obtained prior to negotiation. Procedures for obtaining this clearance are set forth in the HHS General Administration Manual, Chapter 20-60. [49 FR 13969, Apr. 9, 1984, as amended at 49 FR 36110, Sept. 14, 1984; 50 FR 23129, May 31, 1985; 50 FR 38004, Sept. 19, 1985; 53 FR 15563, May 2, 1988; 53 FR 43207, Oct. 26, 1988; 53 FR 44551, Nov. 3, 1988] 307.105-3 Specification, purchase description and statement of work. One of the most important parts of a contract is the description of the work to be done. The description of that work may be in the form of a specification, purchase description or statement of work. A brief reference to specifications and purchase descriptions is provided, although the nature of the work performed in this Department usually results in the development of work statements. The development of the acquisition planning document should result in sufficient information to readily develop the description of work, usually in the form of a statement of work. (a) Specification. Specification is defined in FAR 10.001. Use of the specification is primarily limited to supply or service contracts where the material end item or service to be delivered is well defined by the Government. (b) Purchase description. FAR 10.001 also contains the definition of purchase description. (c) Statement of work.—(1) General. A statement of work differs from a specification and purchase description primarily in that it describes work or services to be performed in reaching an end result rather than a detailed, well defined description or specification of the end product. The statement of work may enumerate or describe the methods (statistical, clinical, laboratory, etc.) that will be used. However, it is preferable for the offeror to propose the method of performing the work. The statement of work should specify the desired results, functions, or end items without telling the offeror what has to be done to accomplish those results unless the method of performance is critical or required for the successful performance of the contract. The statement of work should be clear and concise and must completely define the responsibilities of the Government and the contractor. The statement of work should be worded so as to make more than one interpretation virtually im possible because it has to be read and interpreted by persons of varied backgrounds, such as attorneys, contracting personnel, cost estimators, accountants, scientists, sociologists, educators, functional specialists, etc. If the statement of work does not state exactly what is wanted, or does not state it precisely, it will generate many contract management problems for both the project officer and the contracting officer. Ambiguous statements of work can create unsatisfactory performance, delays, and disputes, and can result in higher costs. (2) Term (level of effort) vs. completion work statement. Careful distinctions must be drawn between term (level of effort) statements of work, which essentially require the furnishing of technical effort and a report thereof, and completion type work statements, which often require development of tangible end items designed to meet specific performance characteristics. (i) Term or level of effort. A term or level of effort type statement of work is appropriate to research where one seeks to discover the feasibility of later development, or to gather general information. A term or level of effort type statement of work may only specify that some number of labor-hours be expended on a particular course of research, or that a certain number of tests be run, without reference to any intended conclusion. (ii) Completion. A completion type statement of work is appropriate to development work where the feasibility of producing an end item is already known. A completion type statement of work may describe what is to be achieved through the contracted effort, such as the development of new methods, new end items, or other tangible results. (3) Phasing. Individual research, development, or demonstration projects frequently lie well beyond the present state of the art and entail procedures and techniques of great complexity and difficulty. Under these circumstances, a contractor, no matter how carefully selected, may be unable to deliver the desired result. Moreover, the job of evaluating the contractor's progress is often difficult. Such a con |