Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
AIDS Control Committees AIDS Control Council allocated anti-retroviral drugs Anyona areas ask the Minister Assistant Minister beg to reply beg to support budget Bungoma CACCs cent chang'aa Constituency AIDS Control Control Committees CACCs daktari disease dispensaries doctor documents facilities Gatundu hata HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS pandemic HIV/AIDS scourge hiyo ikiwa inquest institutions issue Jambo kama Kenya Medical Kenyans Kenyatta National Hospital Kiangoi Kisii KMTC KPLC Kshs300 million kuna kuwa kwa sababu kwamba Lakini Lamu District malaria mara Members of Parliament Minister for Public Ministry of Health Mombasa Mosoriot Mtito Munyasia Mwingi District NACC Nairobi National AIDS Control Ndicho Ningependa Okemo Ongeri parastatals patients Permanent Secretary point of order police officers postmortem report President Prof Public Health Question referral hospital Ruiru rural electrification programme Samoei saying seminar sub-district hospital talk tell Temporary Deputy Speaker Thika District Hospital Toro urge the Minister Vote Wizara zahanati