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and at once bring them so vividly to the attention of people that they will want to do something about them. In this we will need to enlist again the intelligent cooperation of radio, press, movies, public servants, and many other helpful resources.





To sharpen one aspect of this problem the author has asked several college classes to prepare a couplet of posters-one to promote some aspect of health in the present war period and another to promote the same aspect of health 5 or 10 years hence when the world is at peace. The posters proved most revealing. With few exceptions a common motif prevailed.

Posters for the war period carried pictures of battle scenes, men in uniform, tanks, pilots, flags, paratroopers, and other symbols of

strength, honor, patriotism, and all-out devotion to high causes. In each case the wording or the picture itself proposed a course of action favorable to health and to the attainment of the big feeling and noble end so dear to every American. This is illustrated in the upper picture of each of the couplet posters reproduced in this section.

The posters for the peace were, with few exceptions, devoid of such power to move people. Here were used our old standard appeals to beauty of body form, to poise, power, charm, and other self-centered

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feelings. Two of the couplets selected illustrate this weakness of our peacetime appeal. In the food poster created by Miss S, dumbbell pushing and the "look what a big boy am I" feeling replaces the jungle marine model of manhood. In the exercise poster designed by Mr. R, the joys and poise of mallet waving are offered to move men in the peace as waving flags and charging cavalry did in wartime. Do dumbbell pushing and mallet swinging "pack the wallop" needed to move boy or man to eat and exercise adequately?

The T.B. poster designed for use in a Chicago Settlement House by Mr. L. seems to have found a happier solution for the peace. Fit to enjoy his home would seem to arouse, on behalf of the chest X-raying program, feelings for peacetime that are commensurate in bigness and importance to those aroused for the war period.

For higher goals tomorrow is an attempt to associate the noble feeling of service to mankind through a high career with a program of sport to develop the needed stamina of muscle and nerve.

The stories of these posters as of all others could be told in words as well as in pictures. The addition of color to pictures and words often increases their effectiveness. The examples here reproduced are at best mere suggestions of what could be done if we mobilized the best brain power, artistry, dramatic force, and devotion to create yet undreamed-of ways of arousing the strongest and noblest feelings of man in the cause of increasing the quantity and quality of human life. Such workers would find in this task the highest joy and satisfaction, that of serving mankind.


Wrong attitudes must not be ignored. Once they are clearly defined they can be more easily attacked. It is apparent that everyone able to read has already lived long enough to have formed many right and wrong attitudes in relation to health. Some of these attitudes seem almost to be inherited, they are so common to man. Such ones need special attention. The pictures in this section illustrate efforts directed toward correcting three specific attitudes.


The dental poster is one of the U. S. Public Health Service's popular "Big Joe" series that has done much to annihilate the strong man attitude that "it is sissy to take care of oneself."

As the Afternoon is Lent is an effort to correct the notion that busy people, even hard workers, need no exercise. It connects the joy of a happy family evening with an exercise

program that builds the necessary stamina to make such an evening possible after a day's work.


Where does your son get sex education was designed by Mr. B to correct attitudes of lethargy or embarrassment relative to sex instruction of the young, held by so many parents. Used in a Chicago YMCA, this poster helped to recruit a class of over 80 parents to discuss the problems of parental responsibility and opportunity in this important field.

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The needs of babyhood are met by parents. The pleasures of food, warmth, shelter, and safety as also the pain of punishment or displeasure are theirs to give and withhold. Soon, however, approval is needed also from others. Playmates control the pleasure of belonging to the gang as well as the pain of ridicule and ostracism.

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