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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

New provision (rate decrease). New provision (rate increase).

74 Import restrictions (sec. 22, Agricul- Eliminates administrative bur

tural Adjustment Act).

40 Iron castings, rough....

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]


crayon pointers.

Picks and mattocks.

Platinum, certain semimanufactured
Playing cards..

27 Round wire..

67 Rubber and plastic film, strips,

sheets, and plates.

70 Sausage casings...

6 Seaweed..



Shoe machinery and molds. Slide fastener parts..

43 Speed changers, multiple-ratio_




Subporcelain refractory articles_

51 Surveying compasses.


Synchronous motors..

22 Synthetic resins and plastic materials. Swiss-type curtains and drapes. Tableware and household utensils.

13 Textile fabrics, coated, filled, or laminated with rubber or plastics; articles made from such fabrics.

45 Television picture tubes.. Toothbrushes, electric___


53 Watch or clock movements, com

[ocr errors]






bination articles containing.

Wire fencing, certain galvanized.
Wood particleboard...

Wool fabrics, containing flax or ramie.
Wreaths, etc., dried...

Yarns, measure of certain.


New provision (rate decrease). Clarify (rate increase).

New provision (rate decrease). Rate increase.

Court decision (rate decrease). Reaveraging of rates (increase). Reaveraging of rates (decrease). Correct avoidance device. Clarify.

New provision (rate increase). Reaveraging of rates (decrease). Clarify.

Reaveraging of rates (decrease).
Rate decrease to free.
Rate decrease.

New provision (rate increase). Redefinition of sizes (increase and decrease).

Reaveraging of rates; court ruling (decrease).

Rate decrease to free.
Rate increase.

Rate decrease to free.

Clarify (rate decrease).
Rate decrease.

Court ruling (rate decrease).
Clarify (rate increase).
Rate increase.

Rate decrease.
Clarify (rate decrease).

Court ruling (rate increase or decrease).

Clarify (rate decrease).

New provision (rate increase).
Rate increase.

Correct potential avoidance (rate increase).

Court ruling (rate decrease).
Rate increase.

Corrects avoidance device.
Rate decrease.


The Tariff Schedules of the United States were adopted into law as of August 31, 1963, pursuant to authority provided by the Tariff Classification Act of 1962. The new schedules, several years in preparation, replaced the tariff structure which had been in effect since the Tariff Act of 1930.

Despite strong efforts, both on the part of the Tariff Commission and on the part of Congress, to avoid mistakes during the changeover, a number of instances have been found where, through oversight, inadvertance, or lack of information, the duty on particular articles either was increased or decreased in the transition. If was not the objective of the new schedules to change rates of duty, although in the interest principally of simplification, some incidental changes in duty were effected.

The purpose of H.R. 7969 is to correct errors found to involve family significant items of trade. The corrections generally cover instances where it is clear that errors were made through oversight, or inadvertance, or lack of information at the time the schedules were formulated, or in which clarifying language is desirable.

While it is recognized that there may be still further corrections to be made in the tariff schedules, the provisions in H.R. 7969, by and large, apply to those most in need of technical qualification or


Those changes which cause a reduction in duty are made applicable by the bill to articles imported on or after August 31, 1963, and provision is made for refunds where a higher duty was paid.

The changes which increase the duty on particular articles are made applicable only with respect to articles imported more than 60 days after the date of the anactment of H.R. 7969.

Under the bill, it is provided that the rates of duty for the articles specified in the bill are to be the rates of duty taken into account for the purpose of trade negotiations under the Trade Expansion Act of


H.R. 7969 is substantially identical to H.R. 12253 of the 88th Congress, which passed the Senate on September 30, 1964, with amendments the House was unable to act on before Congress adjourned.

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