Excessive damages, see post. - injury by water. Question for jury as to, see TRIAL. - pollution of water. Cattle confined in barn because of pollu- Excessive damages, see post. Horse's death from lockjaw as element of Measure of damages for pollution of Mitigation of damages, see ante. Remote and speculative damages. 38- Time for which damages may be assessed, Italic type indicates points with annotation; roman type points without. Proviso that land shall revert to grantor Reverter, release of possibility of, as Reversion. Estate created as affected by possibility Release of possibility of reverter. 38- DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION. In general. MINISTRATORS. Contract as to distribution of estate, con- Definiteness of language in describing DEFEASIBLE FEES. See DEEDS. DEFENSES. To civil liability, see ACTION OR SUIT. DEFINITENESS. See UNCERTAINTY AND INDEFINITENESS. Strict construction of statute as to de- Succession, meaning of. 38-1. Wills, see WILLS. Effect of adoption. Right of adopted child to inherit from kindred of adoptive parents. 38-8 DESCRIPTION. Automobile, description of, in policy in- suring against theft. 38-1128. DESERTION. Divorce or separation because of deser- DESTRUCTION. Conditional sale, destruction of goods, see The dash in each citation stands for A.L.R. |