Decedent's estate, see EXECUTORS AND AD- Warehouse receipts, see WAREHOUSEMEN. MINISTRATORS, ADOPTION. AMENDMENTS. Pleading, see PLEADING. Children, see PARENT AND CHILD. ADVERSE POSSESSION. Recognizing title as barring claim of ad- AEROPLANES AND AERONAUTICS. Amusements, liability of keeper of place AFTERBORN CHILD. Remainder to, see WILLS. AGENCY. See PRINCIPAL AND AGENT. AGREEMENT TO SELL LANDS. Definition of, see WORDS AND PHRASES. AIR. Easement of, see EASEMENTS. Leased premises, change of physical con- AMUSEMENTS. Ball playing, see BALL PLAYING. Scenic railways, see SCENIC RAILWAY. Municipal or statutory regulations. Liability for injury to patron. Pass, injury to one using. 38-352. 352. as- - contributory negligence and Italic type indicates points with annotation; roman type points without. ANIMALS. Nuisance resulting from burning of ani- Injuries by. ANSWER. Defendant's answer, see PLEADING. ANTICIPATORY BREACH. Sale contract, see SALE. APARTMENT HOUSES. Exclusion of, from residence districts, see APPEAL AND ERROR. Decisions reviewable; finality of judg- Demurrer, appealability of order as to. Jurisdiction, appealability of order over- Who entitled to appeal. New trial, right of one whose motion for, Briefs. Evidence, waiver of error in admission of, Objections and exceptions; - definiteness; sufficiency. Subscription agreement, exception to find- - necessity for exceptions. -raising question by motion or other Evidence, failure to object to, by motion Findings, request for, after rendition of Presumptions - as to evidence. -as to verdict or findings. Nuisance, presumption that persons com- Probate proceedings as within statute as Errors waived or cured below. Pleading, waiver of matters as to, see PLEADING. - as to evidence. Brief, waiver of error in admission of Review of facts. General rule as to disturbing findings. 38-651. - of verdict. Instances of excessive damages, see DAM- AGES. - of findings of court. Referee's findings in equity case. 38- Remedy at law for nuisance, review of What errors warrant reversal - as to Instructions in action for injury to by- Minority verdict, reversible error in in- - submission of issues. The dash in each citation stands for A.L.R. ASSIGNMENT. Insurance policy, assignment of, see IN- SURANCE. Lease, assignment of, see LANDLORD AND What assignable. Option in lease to purchase land. 38- AUTOMOBILES AND MOTOR- Public regulation and control. see ESTOPPEL. Sale of, regulations as to, see SALE. - registration; license. Civil rights and liabilities as affected by Contributory negligence, right to set up Italic type indicates points with annotation; roman type points without. Reclaiming property from purchaser. 38-172. BALL PLAYING. Liability of owner or keeper of baseball BANK COMPTROLLER. Authority of, to permit suspended bank to Bond of, see BONDS. BONDS. BANKS. Bond of bank examiner or comptroller, see Personal liability of members of govern- FICERS. Right to do business after suspension. Payment of checks and drafts. - acceptance rendering bank liable to Bank's acceptance of check as effected Insolvency. Bank comptroller's liability for permitting Venue of insolvency proceeding or action BASEBALL. See BALL PLAYING. Liability for injury as affected by failure Theft insurance as affected by failure to Negligence in use of; injuries by. - contributory negligence; assumption At street crossings or intersections. 38- Gross or wanton negligence in driving of operator, defense of contributory Violation of statute as gross negligence BAIL AND RECOGNIZANCE. Definition of "bail" and "recognizance," Who may take. Recess of court, permitting bond to be Validity of bond. Acknowledgment of bail bond in open Principal's failure to sign bond as affect- Sheriff's agreement that sureties are not BAILMENT. What constitutes. Character of contract for use of chattels Different kinds of bailment. see WORDS AND PHRASES. The dash in each citation stands for A.L.R. |