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5.3 Federally owned facilities

(a) Public Law 875 provides authority, under certain conditions, for the repair of facilities owned by the United States damaged or destroyed in a major disaster. The authority to approve such action is covered by section 6 of the act. The allocation of funds for such purpose is vested in the President and he has not delegated such authority. Federal agencies having jurisdiction over facilities owned by the United States, and lacking authority or funds to repair damages inflicted by a major disaster must clear such action as is necessary with the Bureau of the Budget and the White House. The Federal Civil Defense Administration will lend all possible assistance in obtaining such clearance. 5.4 Federal agency disaster plans

(a) Each Federal agency having equipment, supplies, facilities, personnel or other resources which may be used in flood, drought, fire, hurricane, earthquake, storm, or other catastrophe will be asked to develop a disaster plan. If such plans have already been developed they will be asked to review them carefully to insure maximum usability.

(b) Such plans should include organization for disaster operations at both departmental and field levels. Inventories of equipment, supplies, material, personnel, and other resources should be as current as possible. These inventories are generally maintained at local level and summaries report at regional and departmental level. Areas of responsibility and lines of authority should be established, if such authority should deviate from the normal channels in any way. In order to establish effective liaison with Federal Civil Defense Administration and other agencies operating in the disaster field, it has been requested that a liaison officer for the department or agency be designated.

5.5 Negotiations with other Federal agencies

(a) General guidelines for coordination of action to be taken by other Federal agencies under authority vested in them by law and the utilization of the resources of all Federal agencies under the authority vested in the Administrator will be established at the Washington level. All Federal agencies in addition to specific authority to function in disaster situations, may furnish assistance as follows:

First: Utilization of personnel, equipment, material or other facilities of a Federal agency in the disaster area under the general direction of a State or local disaster coordinator. An example would be the use of trucks and drivers from the Army to assist in temporary repair of important highways. Provision for such use is within the authority delegated to the regional director and can generally be arranged with the appropriate field representative of the agency concerned. If reimbursement of the agency is required, funds must be earmarked from the amount allocated to the Federal Civil Defense Administration.

Second: Through delegation of all or part of necessary disaster action to such agency. An example would be a delegation of authority by the Administrator to the Federal Security Agency to take necessary action to protect public health. In action of this kind initial arrangements will be consummated at the departmental level. Reimbursement will be made under a specific agreement between the agency and the Federal Civil Defense Administration. The regional director will make inspections of the work as required.

(b) Some of the responsibilities of Federal agencies may overlap. It is one of the principal functions of the Federal Civil Defense Administration to coordinate action to insure maximum use of Federal facilities. This applies not only to the work such agencies are doing for Federal Civil Defense Administration but also to the work they are doing under their own authority. When it appears that the efforts of two or more participating agencies may conflict or where gaps or deficiencies in their operating plans exist, necessary corrective action will be taken.

5.6 Register of Federal agency disaster capabilities

(a) Each regional office has been directed to establish a register of Federal, State, and other agencies operating in their jurisdiction and having disaster functions or capabilities. Such register should list the agency, the disaster responsibilities or capabilities of the agency, a short statement regarding the method to be followed in obtaining the services available and as complete a listing as possible of names, telephone numbers, addresses, and area covered by key personnel of such agencies. Since disasters do not respect hours of the day or day of the week, home addresses and telephone numbers as well as business locations

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are important. A summation of Federal agencies which have disaster responsibilities or capabilities is presented as a partial listing of the total Federal capabilities in appendix C. Failure to list any additional agencies having such authority, or inaccuracies in listing, is indicative only of incomplete information within the Federal Civil Defense Administration at this time.




The White House, Washington, D. C.:

Heavy rainfall of the past 10 days coupled with an unprecedented snow cover in the watershed of the River has caused the river at

to reach a state of 45.2 feet at the present time, with an anticipated crest of 51.6 by next Saturday, as compared with flood stage of 37. Damage, hardship, and suffering so severe that Federal assistance is required. Local and State civil defense organizations producing maximum effort. Red Cross and other charitable institutions rendering full assistance. All available State, county and city funds now committed. Suggest allocation of $_-_-____ funds available to you under authority of Public Law 875, 81st Congress to assist State and local effort and such additional personnel, equipment, and material as you deem necessary.

[blocks in formation]

by and between the United States of America, hereinafter called the Government, acting by and through the regional director, Federal Civil Defense Administration, and the State of hereinafter called the State, acting by

and through its governor,


That whereas Public Law 875, 81st Congress, as amended, provides for an orderly and continuing means of assistance by the Federal Government to States and local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to alleviate suffering and damage resulting from major disasters; and

Whereas sections 3 and 5 (a) of Public Law 875 prescribe the authority conferred upon the President to direct Federal agencies to provide assistance in major disasters; and

Whereas Executive Order 10427 provides that the described authority and functions of the President be transferred and exercised by the Federal Civil Defense Administrator; and

Whereas such authority and functions, except as enumerated in subsections (c) and (d) of section 1, section 5, and section 8 of such order have been delegated to regional directors of Federal Civil Defense Administration; and

Whereas the President has determined that the (threat of)

in the State is (or threatens to be) a major disaster of sufficient severity and magniture to warrant disaster assistance by the Federal Government to supplement the efforts and available resources of the State and local governments therein in alleviating the damage, hardship, or suffering caused thereby; and Whereas the Governor has certified the need for Federal assistance to alleviate hardship and suffering caused by said (threatened) disaster; and

Whereas the Governor has given assurance of expenditure of a reasonable amount of the funds of the government of the State, local governments therein, or other agencies, for the same or similar purposes with respect to such catastrophe:

Now, therefore, pursuant to such authority, the said parties, in consideration of the mutual promises herein expressed, covenant and agree to and with each other as follows:

(1) The State on behalf of itself, the local governments therein and other agencies thereof, hereby agrees to utilize all available resources for the purpose of alleviating the damage, hardship, or suffering caused by the said disaster.

(2) The Government hereby agrees to supplement the disaster relief efforts of the State, local governments, or other agencies by providing emergency assistance through utilization of Federal equipment, supplies, facilities, personnel, and other resources, and through contributions to the State and local governments therein for work essential for the preservation of life and property, clearing debris and wreckage, making emergency repairs to and replacement of public facilities of local governments damaged or destroyed in such major disaster, and providing temporary housing or other emergency shelter for families who, as a result of said disaster, require temporary housing or other emergency shelter: Provided, however, That the total amount of such financial assistance shall not exceed the sum of $--

(3) Financial assistance to the State, as above provided for the foregoing purposes, shall be made upon presentation by the State of duly executed vouchers prepared on United States Government standard form accompanied by itemized certified statements which evidence the indebtedness incurred by the State or local governments in relieving hardship and suffering caused by catastrophe: Provided, That in no event shall reimbursement be made hereunder for any costs incurred unless such costs are specifically authorized and/or approved by the Government: And provided further, That the Governor certifies that civil defense facilities and equipment, procured from the matching funds program as provided in section 201 (i) of Public Law 920, which has been utilized, damaged, or destroyed while in the performance of relief activity during said disaster, will be immediately replaced, and such costs may be defrayed in whole or in part by the Federal funds allocated by this section.

(4) The Federal Government shall not be liable for any claim based upon the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform a discretionary function or duty on the part of a Federal agency or an employee of the Government in carrying out the provisions of this agreement.

(5) No Member or Delegate to Congress, or resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share of part of this contract or to any benefit that may arise therefrom.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year above written.


[blocks in formation]

(a) Extension Service.—Advice on cleanup of damaged property, sanitary precautions, water supply and sewage disposal, insect infestations, use of canned and locker-stored food subsequent to interrupted power service, use of electric service after disaster, safety of damaged buildings, food an water for livestock, substitute planting for damaged crops, grain-storage problems, renovation of equipment and farm facilities. Contact with a county extension agent or home demonstration agent usually located at the county courthouse will make this service available.

(b) Community Credit Corporation.—This organization, operating through Production and Marketing Administration has been instrumental in providing livestock feed to disaster-damaged areas. No basic authority exists for such action and it is necessary to delegate authority under the provisions of Public Law 875. Operating funds are available to the Corporation, but expenditures must be reimbursed from disaster funds. Contact and County Production and Marketing Administration committees usually located at the county seat.

(c) Farm Credit Administration.-Provides loan assistance through (1) production credit associations and (2) national farm loan associations for farm rehabilitation on a rather restricted basis. Loan assistance is on a banking basis and national farm loan association loans must be secured by first mortgages. Contact the Farm Credit Administration office serving the area, the nearest national farm loan association or a Federal land bank.

(d) Farmers' Home Administration.-Provides loan assistance at rate of 5 percent on unpaid principal for periods up to 10 years to farmers requiring assistance in purchase of feed, seed, fertilizer, livestock, equipment, and repair or replacement of damaged farm buildings and renovation of farm property. Security for loan is required. Contact Farmers' Home Administration State director, or the Farmers' Home Administration county supervisor, usually located at the county seat.

(e) Forest Service.-This Service has extensive authority to operate in disaster situations located in or immediately adjacent to the national forests. It is well equipped and had personnel trained in many types of disaster operation, such as fire fighting, snow removal, and rescue operations. The Service is a prolific source of assistance and advice in areas in which it operates. Contact the nearest regional forester or a forest supervisor.


1. Federal Building, Missoula, Mont.

2. Post Office Building, Denver, Colo.

3. Post Office Building, Albuquerque, N. Mex.

4. Forest Service Building, Ogden, Utah

5. 630 Sansome Street, San Francisco 11, Calif.

6. Post Office Building, Portland, Oreg.

7. Bankers Security Building, Philadelphia 7, Pa.

8. Peachtree Building, 50 Seventh Street NE., Atlanta, Ga.

9. Madison Building, Milwaukee 3, Wis.

10. Federal Territorial Building, Juneau, Alaska

Tropical Post Office Box 577, Rio Piedras, P. R.

(f) Production and Marketing Administration.-Provides storage, distributes and under certain conditions donates agricultural products. Has been active in previous disasters in providing livestock feed to disaster areas and has served as a coordinating agent of Department of Agriculture activities in disaster areas. Contact through the County Production and Marketing Administration committees.

(g) Rural Electrification Administration.-Assists in restoration of power in Rural Electrification Administration service lines. Can be utilized as a source of assistance on power difficulties on non-REA problems by delegation of authority from Public Law 875. Contact county agent or county agricultural mobilization committees to locate nearest Rural Electrification Administration cooperative.

(h) Soil Conservation Service.-Provides technical assistance and some equipment for farm rehabilitation and conservation repairs on damaged agricultural lands. Contact through Soil Conservation Service office.

2. American National Red Cross

Two of the primary missions of the American National Red Cross, with a Nationwide organization including chapters in nearly every hamlet of the Nation, are to provide emergency care and rehabilitation assistance to individuals in need. A reasonable amount of funds to provide such assistance is made available by national headquarters in each disaster situation, and such assistance is on a grant basis only. However, investigation of each case is made after emergency food and shelter is furnished and additional food, clothing, shelter, and rehabilitation is provided only in those instances where the individual is incapable of obtaining other assistance. Contact any local Red Cross relief office.

3. Atomic Energy Commission

Although information regarding facilities of the Atomic Energy Commission is in many cases classified information and this agency has not been called on in previous disaster operations, it is probable that some of the equipment, material, and outstanding personnel of the organization could be utilized to great advantage in subsequent disasters where such action does not seriously infringe on accomplishment of their primary mission. Contact will be made with the Atomic Energy Commission at the Washington level and appropriate directives issued.

4. Civil Service Commission

Although Public Law 875 provides for certain exemptions from civil-service laws and the Classification Acts, Civil Service Commission can be of great assistance in locating required personnel and accomplishing their assignment to Federal agencies for services in a disaster area. Contact the nearest Civil Service Commission office.

5. Department of Commerce

(a) National Production Authority.-National Production Authority has issued regulations to give priority assistance on materials and equipment required for repair and rehabilitation. Will assist in location of emergency supplies and shipment to disaster areas. Under emergency self-authorization most materials can be acquired. When assistance is needed the nearest National Production Authority field representative may be contacted.

(b) Bureau of Public Roads.-Under Federal-Aid Highway Act Federal funds for emergency repair or reconstruction of federally aided highways and bridges damaged by disasters may be available on a 50-50 matching basis. Requests must channel through the appropriate State highway department.

(c) Civil Aeronautics Administration.—This agency maintains an extensive air navigation and communication network. It may provide communications for local authorities when commercial facilities are not available; will assist in determining damage to airports and may participate in repair and restoration; and, will assist in mobilization of local civil aviation for emergency operation. May be contacted through any airport officials.

(d) Weather Bureau.-Furnishes advice of present and long-range weather forecasts, disseminates information regarding storm centers, river levels, rainfall and comparable data to key officials and to some extent to the public. Contact through any weather station or through news service if not locally available. (e) Coast and Geodetic Survey.-Will furnish maps, air and navigation charts on request of proper officials.

6. Department of Defense

The Department of Defense, acting through the three subordinate departments, has broad power and authority to take necessary action in any situation affecting the security or welfare of the Nation.

(a) Department of the Army.-Has issued Army regulations and directives covering authority of local commanders to function in disaster conditions. May use armed services, equipment and material to extensive degree under emergency conditions. Contact with nearest commanding officer of Army installation will place requests for assistance in proper channels.

(b) Corps of Engineers.-Basic authority is vested in the Chief of Engineers to repair, restore or strengthen existing flood-control works damaged or threatened by floods. Also has authority to perform drainage and debris clearance work when damage threatens flood-control installations. Will assist in surveys of damages and proposals for repairs to any river structures or installations. Contact district or division engineer, Corps of Engineers.

(c) Department of the Navy.—Under basic authority and policy may furnish assistance in emergencies by providing general supplies or personnel, floating equipment, including small craft, generating equipment, etc., and assistance in airlifts or sea rescue. Nearest naval installation will place any requests in proper channels.

(d) Department of the Air Force.-Cooperates with civilian authorities in emergency aid and relief actions by furnishing airlift and rescue craft and personnel. Contact nearest Air Force installation.

7. Defense Transportation Administration

Makes surveys and takes action, if necessary, for use of domestic transport and storage facilities. Surveys damaged warehouses, freight terminals, passenger and freight facilities, grain elevators, and makes allocation of material where necessary. Local emergency committees consisting of Defense Transportation Administration, Interstate Commerce Commission, Bureau of Public Roads, Civil Aeronautics Administration and the Military Traffic Services of the Department of Defense have been established.

8. Economic Stabilization Agency

(a) Office of Price Stabilization: Will take necessary action regarding unusual price situations or make adjustments due to disaster conditions. Contact nearest Office of Price Stabilization Office.

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