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The first one is a letter which I have received from Hon. John W. McCormack representing the 12th District of Massachusetts.

BOSTON, MASS., November 8, 1955.

DEAR SENATOR: I am sorry that I will not be in Boston while you are holding hearings in connection with disaster-insurance legislation, but I desire to record myself in favor of effective legislation that will meet the situation and enable property owners to obtain coverage against future hurricanes and floods. It is also my opinion that in connection with such legislation, there must be Federal assistance in order to prevent prohibitive premiums being paid by property owners, either home or business.

I will appreciate it if you will record my views in the hearings conducted by you.

With kind personal regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,


Senator LEHMAN. There is submitted for the record a report to this committee by Mr. Donald H. Mudd, president, Manufacturers Association of Chicopee, Mass.

(The report referred to follows:)


To thoroughly investigate and ascertain the staggering losses sustained by industrial plants in the Chicopee area due to the destructive forces of Hurricane Diane, positive and constructive action was taken immediately by the formation of a committee recruited from the ranks of the Chicopee Manufacturers Association, Chicopee Taxpayers Association, and the municipal governing body of the city of Chicopee.

The committee, under the direction of Mr. Leo N. Roy, has met on numerous occasions with qualified representatives and engineers of the affected firms, and substantial information has been received and reviewed as to cause of flood conditions and recommendations for preventive measures have been suggested. Approximately 10 industrial firms have submitted written reports to the committee outlining estimates of damage.

At the request of the committee, Congressman Edward Boland toured 3 of the ravaged plants and participated in 1 of the meetings. The Congressman generously offered to be of service in whatever manner possible. In addition, Mr. Louis Kendrick, of the Commonwealth department of commerce has been in close touch with the committee and sat in on a recent roundtable discussion of flood control.

A preliminary report has been submitted to the Chicopee manufacturers' board of directors and other company representatives in a meeting on November 2 by the committee engineers. At this meeting it was voted to submit this report to proper State and Federal authorities. Copies have been submitted to the associated industries of Massachusetts and the Commonwealth department of commerce.

This report, while not purporting to be extensive and minutely detailed in scope, refers to the extent of loss to Chicopee manufacturers as well as losses to others, offers suggestions for some immediate corrective measures, and urges that a definite program be expedited as quickly as possible.

The engineering committee makes note of the fact that a more detailed recommendation from both an engineering and cost standpoint is necessary. They also stress quite emphatically that, because of the many intangibles, the report obviously cannot be recognized as anything beyond a study of an exploratory nature. It refers only to several and not all of the plants experiencing damage. The figures referred to in the report represent preliminary observations and are subject to considerable revision.

Beyond the work and analysis already completed, it is the purpose of the committee to pursue further the study with the ultimate hope of exchanging views and opinions in conference with duly qualified State and Federal officials.

The attached report outlines the nature and estimated cost of damage to respective firms.

Estimated damage reported by firms in Chicopee, Mass., as a result of

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On September 7, 1955, a majority of the directors of the Chicopee Manufacturers' Association met with Mayor Walter Trybulski; President Robert McComb and Executive Secretary Dr. David Galligan, of the Chicopee Taxpayers' Association; City Engineer Thomas Robinson; and City Solicitor Joseph Nowak for the purposes of forming a committee to thoroughly investigate the severe losses to a large number of Chicopee manufacturers by flood and excess surface water occasioned by hurricane Diane, with the thought of eventually arriving at recommendations for immediate and long-range corrective measures.

A committee was appointed, with Mr. Leo Roy, chairman, Messers. John Shaw, Walter Trybulski, and D. H. Mudd, with Dr. David Galligan to act as secretary. Many meetings of this steering committee have been held, which have included qualified representatives of affected firms whose engineers have submitted detailed written reports to the committee of damage to their plants. There are 10 such reports on file. Congressman Edward Boland attended 1 of our meetings and likewise visited 3 of the plants where great damage was inflicted. Mr. Louis Kendrick, representing Mr. Richard Preston, commissioner of the Commonwealth department of commerce, was present at one of the meetings and has been in touch with us on other occasions.

A preliminary report was submitted to the Chicopee manufacturers' board of directors and other company representatives in a meetnig on November 2 by Committee Engineers Messrs. Leo N. Roy, John Kapinas, Joseph A. Nowak, Jr., and Thomas Robinson. At this meeting it was voted to submit this report to State and Federal authorities.

This report refers to the extent of losses to Chicopee manufacturers as well as losses to others, offers suggestions for some immediate corrective measures, and urges that a definite program, which would undoubtedly require a considerable length of time to complete, be determined upon.

The engineering committee emphasize that a more detailed recommendation from both an engineering and cost standpoint is necessary. They also stress that the report be accepted only as preliminary. It refers only to several and not all of the plants experiencing damage. The estimated costs of proposed immediate corrective measures to be taken are not the estimates of any firm of construction engineers and undoubtedly would be subject to considerable revision.

It is felt, however, that this initial report is sufficiently detailed to present to State and Federal authorities.

The engineering committee have spent many long hours and days in investigation by actual observance and survey throughout Chicopee and in the study of maps and charts and are to be commended for their fine work. You will be advised of further developments.

Yours very truly,


President, Chicopee Manufacturers' Association.


In reviewing flood effects, damage and sources of same, a reviewing committee agrees generally on a temporary measure of expediency, to some of those who suffered, that the full impact of another unprecedented rainfall will not be so devastating. In some instances possible damage may be alleviated if not completely eliminated.

In general it is agreed that the location of some of our industrial plants makes it impossible to conceive of any means of temporary protection. This reference is to such plants as are located on the Chicopee River banks. It would appear that restricting dikes to prevent the spread of river flow would be the only means of damage relief. Of course, these dikes should be of permanently rigid, wellanchored materials, preferably concrete. Either as self-sustaining structures or earth-backed walls of concrete. If impervious cored-earth dikes are used, flow exposed surfaces should be close jointed riprapped. Since the damage suffered by three of our main industries located on the Chicopee River banks and since the river's behavior is the responsibility of the Federal Government, it leaves no alternative but our local and State government administrators should press for immediate action. This project of relief is one of sizable scope and requires the study of all aspects of terrain factors bordering the river and innumerable contributing tributaries. It is reported that Army engineers are

studying the problem at the present time.

It is recommended that dam conditions east of the Deady Memorial Bridge in Chicopee Falls be thoroughly inspected, especially the bank keyings and the northeast end of the dam, which has been seriously weakened by bank and road washouts.

Damages sustained by our industry in the Chicopee Falls area, including the municipal plant, roughly approximates $2,400,000. Propertyholders along the Chicopee River have suffered considerable loss likewise. This amount has not been appraised. However, it is recommended that the total loss be ascertained by a survey group for record purposes to support claims.

Industrial and residential property damage suffered in the northwestern area of our city, damaging areas at and around A. G. Spalding and Church Manufacturing is definitely due to excessive surface runoff. In both areas damage was caused by unprecedented rainfall and poorly maintained and insufficient take-away facilities; accumulated earth wash and rubbish have reduced the capacity of our drainage facilities seriously.

To relieve flash flows of water into the A. G. Spalding area inexpensive collection or flow-arrester basins are available as natural topographical sinkages and dammed by railroad ballast and road crossing. One to serve the Spalding protection is headed off by Dale Street in Aldenville. The only requirement would be the riprapping of the road embankment, the northeast side only, construction of a headwall and control gate. These gates can be manned during flood periods and the flow backup released as our sewer system indicated ability to cope with the released flow. An approximate figure of $20,000 could be used to provide headwall, control gate, and riprapping of the project. It is also recommended that the present storage basin east of Spalding plant be enlarged by width, depth, and length; plus the riprapping of railroad ballast.

Another flow-arrester or collection basin should be considered to take care of the Church Manufacturing-Hampden Brewery area. This basin is like the Dale Street Basin, a natural topographical sinkage, and its location northeast of the North-South Memorial Drive Highway directly opposite the Roberts Pond. Similar treatment would be recommended as above described and at an approximate cost of $30,000.

The cleaning up of the open flow-away to the Hampden Brewery Pond to restore the full capacity of passage in conjunction with the flushing and removal of accumulated earth deposits in the pond itself, restoring its original capacity. Reconditioning of the control gate of the pond to make it readily functionable could give complete assurance that no backup water would ever reoccur in this area. The gate at the brewery pond should be manned in all cases of flash flows and the pond drawn down if conditions indicate a backup in the flowaway skirting the Tremblay-Paquette properties. It would appear, for tentative figures, that six to eight thousand dollars would suffice to insure the proposal as a cure-all to that particular area. There may be other small flushes that occur only under flash runoffs but it is felt that a cleared flow-away will be ample to cope with these incidental areas. At any rate there will be no cause for backup other than an unprecedented river height such as occurred in 1938.

Unfortunately our sanitary takeaway system is imposed upon by storm water takeaway also, which in the event of our experience of the recent hurricane effect would be insufficient to take away storm water alone, say nothing of the system's original design to take care of sewerage only. In this area referred to several drainage areas are piped into the sanitary system which at times taxes the system to about 50 percent of its capacity. At this stage of our population size and considering our rapid growth, the time has long passed that a storm

water system should have been started so that we could have borne this expense without a serious jump in our taxation. Such long-range planning and payment procedures have been repeatedly recommended by such organizations as Chicopee United, Chicopee Federated, and previous to such sources, privately interested citizens.

However, now because of time and total expenditure involved to correct a serious situation that may threaten and actually reoccur in as bad or worse degree than we have recently experienced, an expedient suggestion is offered in the way of natural collection areas such as above mentioned which by gated controls can prevent the present threat, requiring considerable less expense than a permanent storm-water system and pumping facilities. It would be necessary to cruise these areas in which the source of difficulty originates to present any degree of comprehension of the entire suggested project. In lieu of a cruise it would be necessary to plot and present a topography and a diagramatic layout requiring considerable time and expense.

McKinstry Avenue hill should be guttered and paved in trough form so that the runoff from a large borough bank which is pitched toward the slope of the hill, so that it can, to some degree, be directed to a storage basin area southwest of McKinstry Avenue and southeast of the B. & M. Railroad ballast. This area should be controlled by gates at outlet points that now lead under the B. & M. Railroad tracks. This arrangement would give protection to the Production Pattern & Foundry as well as the Roy Lumber Co., Overhead Door Co., and Meadow Terrace and Senecal housing projects.

Similar treatment should be given to Granby Road hill. However, burns and gutter stone-lined relief-ways to the river would eliminate any necessity of gate control. It may be found necessary to series the relief-ways, as the total flow calculation would indicate.

The two projects could involve fifteen to twenty thousand dollars expenditure, this being dependent on results of accurate survey of conditions to be controlled. Many other storm-damaged areas which can be similarly treated and the major ones concerned being Szot Park swimming pool and Oxford Country Club. It is understood that the highway department and Army engineers are working on the repairs and corrections to these two projects.

A map showing 36 damaged areas within our city bounds, furnished by the city engineer, is included as part of this general review. Also a map submitted by the city engineer indicating storm collection and control reservoirs, proposed elimination of low area devastation is included and is recommended for study to make this report comprehensive.

In conclusion it would appear that the total expenditure to provide temporary but expedient protection against unusual behavior of recent storm elements would reach approximately $200,000. This committee would also urgently recommend that a study be made immediately and costs obtained for the installation of a complete storm water system for our city.

For the present I would suggest that a meeting involving all interested persons be arranged to discuss the proposal of temporary protection which we feel will suffice for several years at least while some reliable permanent measures can be secured.

It is approximated that damage sustained by industry and property losses in the northwest area of our city could be set at $1 million.



JOSEPH A. Nowak, Jr.,

Committee Engineers.

Mr. EDELSTEIN. There is also submitted for the record by Mr. C. Conrad Parker of Parker & McPherson, insurance agents, a proposal for legislation along the lines of what is being studied by this committee. That is submitted to this committee for the record, to be printed in the record.

(The proposal for legislation referred to follows:)

To Whom It May Concern:

PARKER & MCPHERSON, Worcester 8, Mass., November 8, 1955.

Enclosed is a proposal for recovery in part from damage to buildings and their contents as a result of a flood.

It is intended as a supplement to flood-control programs recently mentioned in the press.

It is not contemplated to cover roads, bridges, drains, sewers, etc., that constitute the responsibilities of public agencies.

It is only intended to cover such properties as are described in the insurance policies to which it is attached.

Its limitations are intended to encourage property owners to protect their interest in addition to such protection as furnished in public agencies for communities.

Its ramifications are for discussions and explorations only. Careful study and computation of all available statistics must be made before its true worth can be evaluated.

I have submitted this proposal to those persons and organizations that I believe would be interested, such as the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, the National Board of Fire Underwriters, certain companies, company and agency associations, Senators Saltonstall, Kennedy, and others.

I would appreciate your comments and suggestions as to the proposal and your views as to the value of further explorations along these lines.

Sincerely yours,



1. All owners of real or personal property must share in the expense of providing funds to cover flood damages regardless of where their property is located. 2. Property owners to recover from flood funds must expect to bear a portion of the loss themselves, for at least two reasons:

(a) As an incentive to protect the property as far as is reasonable against anticipated recurrent floods.

(b) To keep overall costs to everybody within reasonable bounds.

3. A Federal flood insurance corporation or fund be set up within the scope of the powers of the proper department or existing bureau.

4. That the fund be held by the proper authorities for the payment of losses within the ramifications of an insurance program later described in the plan. 5. To facilitate handling details with the public every insurance company or association licensed to do fire insurance anywhere in the United States shall become a fiduciary agent of the Federal organization under whose jurisdiction the program is assigned. If a Federal flood insurance corporation is set up, companies becoming a fiduciary shall subscribe an average of $5,000 to the flood fund held by that corporation and then issue as a part of every fire insurance policy negotiated thereafter a special endorsement (to be prescribed) and collect the required fee (to be determined) for remittance to the duly constituted flood insurance corporation less a predetermined percentage to cover expenses; also the fiduciary shall make available its facilities for loss adjustments.

6. Recommended special endorsement: This policy shall also cover the hazard of flood in the same amount and under the same participating conditions as prevails for the fire insurance portion of the policy except that

1. On all real and personal property, excluding 1- or 2-family dwellings and household furniture in any dwelling, there shall be a $1,000 deductible from every loss and a 10 percent deductible of any excess over the $1,000. This deductible to apply to each building and contents thereof except that if there be several buildings under one ownership at the same location the amount deductible shall not exceed 25 percent of the value of any building or contents. (Note: To provide some coverage on small buildings and small

stores, etc.)

On 1- and 2-family dwellings there shall be a $500 deductible and 5 percent in excess thereof.

On household effects there shall be a limit of $5,000 after a $100 deductible is applied.

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