Chief Hospital Corpsman: A Course with Test Material and a Series of Instruction TestsBureau of Naval Personnel, 1955 - 123 pages |
From inside the book
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Page i
... Bureau of Medicine and Surgery , with the assist- ance of the Bureau of Naval Personnel Published by BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL DEP TMENT OF THE NAVY BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSON NAVY TRAINING COURSES NAVPERS 10668 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ...
... Bureau of Medicine and Surgery , with the assist- ance of the Bureau of Naval Personnel Published by BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL DEP TMENT OF THE NAVY BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSON NAVY TRAINING COURSES NAVPERS 10668 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ...
Page ii
... Medical Department , U. S. Navy , BuMed , 1952 . Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Instructions and Notices . Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual . Since each of the above listed references is subject to change , it will be necessary for the ...
... Medical Department , U. S. Navy , BuMed , 1952 . Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Instructions and Notices . Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual . Since each of the above listed references is subject to change , it will be necessary for the ...
Page ix
... BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SUR- GERY INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTICES Assignment No. 16 ( BuMed 1000 , 4000 , and 5000 ) ---- 61 ... BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL MANUAL Assignment No. 20 ( Articles A - 1101 thru B - 3101 ) 78 Assignment No. 21 ...
... BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SUR- GERY INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTICES Assignment No. 16 ( BuMed 1000 , 4000 , and 5000 ) ---- 61 ... BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL MANUAL Assignment No. 20 ( Articles A - 1101 thru B - 3101 ) 78 Assignment No. 21 ...
Page 1
... Medical Department of the Navy is vested in the Bureau . of the Navy , who is the Chief of the 3. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery has control over the medical and dental departments on vessels of the Navy . 4. The titles " Inspector ...
... Medical Department of the Navy is vested in the Bureau . of the Navy , who is the Chief of the 3. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery has control over the medical and dental departments on vessels of the Navy . 4. The titles " Inspector ...
Page 2
... Bureau of Medicine and Surgery plans , recommends , and coordinates naval per- sonnel requirements , complements , and allowances , except for the Medical Department . 6. The " Dispensary Medicine Division " of the Bureau of Medicine ...
... Bureau of Medicine and Surgery plans , recommends , and coordinates naval per- sonnel requirements , complements , and allowances , except for the Medical Department . 6. The " Dispensary Medicine Division " of the Bureau of Medicine ...
Common terms and phrases
appointment authorized blank space provided board of medical Bureau of Medicine Bureau of Naval CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Chief Hospital Corpsman Chief of Naval civilian commanding officer Complete the following COMPLETION ITEMS Complete Convention of July correct answer courts martial discharge district medical officer enlisted personnel following statements forwarded to BuMed grade health record Hospital Corps INSTRUCTION TEST Assignment July 27 Medical Corps Medical Service Corps medical survey Medicine and Surgery months MULTIPLE CHOICE ITEMS Nav Pers naval district naval hospital naval medical Naval Operations Naval Personnel Manual naval service NavMed-N Navy and Marine Navy Enlisted Classification number preceding patients place the number preceding the correct prisoners prisoners of war proper word questions place Read this reference Regular Navy Standard Form statements by supplying statements or questions supplying the proper transfer True 12 True 9 TRUE-FALSE ITEMS Write U. S. Navy United UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA word or words word True Write the word
Popular passages
Page 59 - If the death penalty is pronounced on a prisoner of war, the sentence shall not be executed before the expiration of a period of at least six months from the date when the Protecting Power receives, at an indicated address, the detailed communication provided for in Article 107.
Page 59 - ... of a sentence may be detained until the end of their imprisonment. Belligerents shall communicate to each other the lists of those who may not be repatriated for the reasons given in the preceding paragraph. 2. DISCIPLINARY PUNISHMENTS ARTICLE 54 Arrest is the most severe disciplinary punishment which may be imposed on a prisoner of war.
Page 104 - In each of the above situations, the individual's military record should form the basis for the action taken. (b) General Discharge. Issuance of a General Discharge is conditioned upon: (1) Military record not sufficiently meritorious to warrant an Honorable Discharge. (2) Eligibility for discharge...
Page 59 - ... offense shall be sent as soon as possible to the representative of the protecting Power, for transmission to the Power in whose armies the prisoner served. The sentence shall not be executed before the expiration of a period of at least three months after this communication.
Page 28 - When the specific gravity of the specimen first examined is under 1.010, further observation of the applicant and repeated complete urinary examinations are indicated.
Page 58 - Power may utilize the labour of prisoners of war who are physically fit, taking into account their age, sex, rank and physical aptitude, and with a view particularly to maintaining them in a good state of physical and mental health. Non-commissioned officers who are prisoners of war shall only be required to do supervisory work. Those not so required may ask for other suitable work which shall, so far as possible, be found for them.
Page 59 - Belligerents are bound to send back to their own country, regardless of rank or number, seriously sick and seriously injured prisoners of war, after having brought them to a condition where they can be transported. Agreements between belligerents shall accordingly settle as soon as possible the cases of invalidity or of sickness, entailing direct repatriation, as well as the cases entailing possible hospitalization in a neutral country.
Page 60 - Act shall, while proceeding to their place of duty, while serving thereat, and while returning therefrom, be transported and subsisted at the cost and charge of the United States...
Page 58 - Power, to any military or civil medical unit qualified to treat them. ARTICLE 15 Medical inspections of prisoners of war shall be arranged at least once a month.
Page 102 - Uniforms and clothing. (a) The instructions relating to uniform clothing of personnel being discharged are contained in Individual Clothing Regulations. (b) A person discharged with a dishonorable, bad conduct or undesirable discharge or for reason of unsuitability or security shall have all uniform coats, overcoats, raincoats, liners, trousers, utility uniforms, caps and hats in his possession, together with all grade and branch of service insignia, service stripes, and brass or bronze buttons pertaining...