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24. The primary instrument by which the best qualified officers are promoted and inefficient officers eliminated is the

1. officers qualification record jacket

2. officers data card

3. officers biography sheet

4. fitness reports of officers


Write the word "True" or "False" in the blank space provided after each statement.

25. Reports are classified as periodic reports, situation reports, one-time reports, and feeder reports.

26. All copies of the agreement to extend enlistment shall be signed by the individual concerned and by the officer taking his oath.

27. Maintenance of directory files and readdressing mail for personnel transferred are the responsibilities of the post office of the activity.

28. The Navy Recruiting Service covers the entire United States and management control is vested in the Chief of Naval Operations.

29. The Family Allowance Unit is a branch of the Personal Affairs Division of the Bureau of Naval Personnel. INSTRUCTION TEST

Assignment No. 21

Read this reference: Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual, Article B-1101 through Article C-3203.


Complete the following statements by supplying the proper word or words.

1. The principal files of the Bureau of Naval Personnel comprise the officer personnel files, the enlisted personnel files, and the


2. In conducting written examinations for appointment to warrant grades, each examination day is divided into two periods of

hours each.

3. A person who has been discharged from the Regular Navy by reason of expiration of enlistment, and who has been recommended for reenlistment, may reenlist on board within

hours following discharge.

4. An agreement to extend enlistment may be cancelled by the when a person is on unauthorized absence on the date of expiration of his enlistment.

5. A person who has been discharged from the Regular Navy, and enlists or reenlists in the Naval Reserve, may then reenlist in the Regular Navy under continuous service, provided the reenlistment in the Regular Navy is effected within months after discharge from the

Regular Navy.

6. An enlistment may be extended for either 1, 2, 3, or 4 years, regardless of whether serving in a first or subsequent enlistment, or may be reextended, provided the extentions and reextentions do not aggregate a total of more than years in any single enlistment.

7. A person who has completed sufficient active service for transfer to the Fleet Reserve or the retired list and desires to extend his enlistment for either 1, 2, 3, or 4 years must first execute a written statement that he waives his right to transfer until he has served at least

year(s) in the extension.

8. Enlisted personnel take precedence among themselves according to rates or ratings, pay grades within rating, and date of advancement to pay grade held. In case of Chief Petty Officers, the date of precedence is that of advancement to Chief Petty Officer,


9. The Chief of Naval Personnel assigns to all officers of the Regular Navy and Naval Reserve a numerical, classifying

10. Testing, interviewing, selecting, and informing recruits concerning the duty for which they are best qualified is the responsibility of the training commands.


In the following statements or questions place the number preceding the correct answer in the space provided.

11. All permanent commissioned officers, line and staff, of the Regular Navy are appointed to commissioned grades by the

1. Chief of Naval Operations

2. President

3. Chief of Naval Personnel

4. Secretary of the Navy

12. No person may be appointed to a commissioned grade in

the Regular Navy who is not a

1. graduate of the Naval Academy

2. former Warrant or Commissioned Warrant Officer

3. graduate of an accredited college

4. citizen of the United States

13. Prior to any appointment in any grade or classification in the Regular Navy, canidates must be found qualified physically, mentally, morally, and professionally. Physical examinations normally will be conducted by 1. boards of medical survey

2. inaptitude boards

3. boards of medical examiners

4. a physical review council

14. Officers commissioned in a staff corps of the Regular Navy shall be recommended for such appointment by a board of commissioned officers of the

1. staff corps concerned

2. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

3. Bureau of Naval Personnel

4. Chief of Naval Operations

15. No applicant shall be appointed to commissioned grade in the United States Navy unless recommended in all respects as qualified for such appointment by the

1. President of the United States

2. Department of Defense

3. Chief of Naval Operations.
4. Chief of Naval Personnel

16. For appointment in the permanent grade of lieutenant (junior grade), Medical Corps, United States Navy, a candidate shall be a graduate of a medical school approved by the

1. American Medical Association

2. Bureau of Naval Personnel

3. Armed Services Medical Procurement Agency

4. Chief of Naval Operations

17. No enlisted person will be appointed a warrant officer, excluding pay clerks and grades in the Hospital Corps, who is over

1. 32 years of age at date of appointment

2. 32 years of age at date of application
3. 35 years of age at date of appointment
4. 35 years of age at date of application

[blocks in formation]

18. Candidates for warrant officer may begin to qualify in the practical factors for the appropriate warrant officer grade at any time after achieving

1. petty officer, second class

2. chief petty officer, permanent appointment
3. chief petty officer, acting appointment

4. petty officer, first class

19. A person who has been discharged from the Regular Navy with an honorable discharge by reason of expiration of enlistment and who remains separated after discharge longer than three months, must, in order to be reenlisted, apply at

1. the last duty station

2. any receiving station

3. a regular recruiting station

4. any duty station he desires

20. Upon receipt of information by the commanding officer concerning fraudulent enlistment of a member of his command, he will immediately

1. notify the disbursing officer to stop the person's pay 2. discharge the person as an undesirable

3. discharge the person for convenience of the government

4. transfer the person to a receiving station


Write the word "True" or "False" in the blank space provided after each statement.

21. The President may appoint seventy-five midshipmen annually from among the sons of regular service personnel.

22. The statutory age for enlistment in the Regular Navy is 17 years for men.

23. The administrative age for enlistment in the Naval Reserve is 21 years for men.

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