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22. When Fibrin Film, Human, has been retained until its expiration date, it should be packed and forwarded to the nearest medical supply depot.

23. While Fleet Marine Force or naval activities are staging in combat areas, they are not required to submit accounting returns to the Bureau.

24. Illustrative items of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology are available only to Army and Air Force installations.

25. Funds for the procurement of ambulances under BuMed cognizance is a budgetary responsibility of the Bureau of Yards and Docks.

26. In the operation of ambulances, the use of the siren and red light shall be governed by local laws and command regulations.

27. When considered expedient, ambulances under BuMed cognizance may be used to transport messengers, mail carriers or baggage.

28. Activities having ambulances under BuMed cognizance in excess of current requirements may declare the excess and dispose of the ambulances after an informal survey, and may transfer the excess ambulances to a surplus property redistribution center for sale.

29. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery shall be an information addressee on all correspondence concerning the transfer of ambulances under BuMed cognizance regardless of whether the transfer or reassignment is of a temporary or permanent nature.





Assignment No. 20

Read this reference: Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual, Article A-1101 through Article B-3101.


Complete the following statements by supplying the proper word or words.

1. Developing budget estimates, allocation of appropriated funds, and controlling relating expenditures for internal bureau operation are functions of the


division of the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

2. Processing of proposed legislation to insure sound legislative policies affecting naval personnel is a function of division of the Bureau of Naval



3. Accounting for appropriated funds administered by the

Bureau is a function of the

Bureau of Naval Personnel.

division of the

4. An activity established to receive, process, house, mess, clothe, pay, and transfer transient enlisted personnel is a naval

5. An activity established to carry out general courtsmartial sentences involving confinement of Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard personnel who are to be retrained for possible restoration to a duty status upon release from confinement is a

6. The United States Naval Home is controlled administratively by a line officer officially known as the

7. The complement of an activity is established by the Chief of Naval Personnel to indicate, for officers by corps and and for enlisted personnel by rating group and pay grade, the numbers necessary to carry out the

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of the activity.

8. When advance pay has been made to officer and enlisted personnel, the amount advanced must be liquidated within the period of months.

9. In addition to any pay, allowances, special or incentive pays that they are otherwise entitled to receive, certain eligible officers of the Medical Corps and Dental Corps are entitled to credit of special pay at the rate of dollars per month for each month of active service.

10. When enlisted personnel are authorized to mess separately, within the U. S., they shall be paid


11. Letters of nomination of Navy mail clerks forwarded to the Chief of Naval Personnel shall be accompanied by

[blocks in formation]

12. Service records of enlisted personnel shall be forwarded immediately, via mail, to the Chief of Naval Personnel when closed out on account of cancellation, discharge, desertion, death, retirement, or transfer to the

13. A review of service records of all enlisted personnel shall

be made by all activities
tachment as well as upon


and upon deof each enlisted

14. A report is defined as any written communication of required information for purposes of


In the following statements or questions place the number preceding the correct answer in the space provided.

15. The administration of all naval personnel throughout the Naval Establishment is directed by the

1. Chief of Naval Operations

2. Department of Defense

3. Secretary of the Navy

4. Chief of Naval Personnel

16. Taking appropriate action on promotions, discharges, and discipline of enlisted personnel; processing claims for dependents, personal travel, terminal leave, and miscellaneous claims in the Bureau of Naval Personnel are functions of the

1. Fiscal Division

2. Enlisted Services and Records Division
3. Legislative Division

4. Plans and Policy Control Division

17. The United States Naval Home is a naval station maintained for providing an honorable and comfortable home for old, disabled, and infirm officers and enlisted personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard. The Home is under management control of the 1. Chief of Naval Personnel

2. Joint Armed Forces

3. Chief of Naval Operations

4. Department of Defense

18. Any person in the Navy making an official communica-
tion of any kind to the Chief of Naval Personnel or to
any superior authority shall send the communication
1. direct to the person or bureau concerned

2. to the personnel officer for his endorsement
3. unsealed to his commanding officer

4. to the executive officer for his endorsement

19. The average per diem number of persons regularly attached to an activity shall determine the classification of the post office of the activity. An activity with 150 to 700 persons attached will be classified as

1. Class I

2. Class II

3. Class III

4. Class IV

20. Navy Post Offices are established by the Post Office Department at the request of the

1. Chief of Naval Operations

2. Chief of Naval Personnel

3. Department of Defense

4. Secretary of the Navy

21. Upon release to inactive duty of Reserve or Retired personnel who have been recalled to active duty, the service record shall be forwarded to the

1. Chief of Naval Personnel

2. Chief of Naval Operations

3. Director of Reserve Training

4. commandant of the district in which he intends to reside

22. Enlisted personnel on authorized leave and not furnished rations in kind or cash allowance for subsistence are entitled to a leave ration at the rate prescribed by the 1. Chief of Naval Personnel

2. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts

3. Secretary of the Navy

4. Comptroller General

23. When an activity is placed out of commission, all honorable discharge buttons will be forwarded via registered mail to the

1. nearest district publications and printing office

2. Bureau of Naval Personnel

3. Chief of Naval Operations

4. commandant of the naval district

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