22. Personnel traveling as individuals under the sponsorship or authority of the Armed Forces to a country other than a U. S. possession or Territory shall be furnished an International Certificate of Inoculation and Vaccination in addition to the usual Navy Immunization Record. 23. The observation titles in the diagnostic nomenclature shall be used in preference to "diagnosis undetermined," as applicable, for purposes of admitting patients to the sick list. 24. Recruits diagnosed as "meets minimal physical requirement of AR 40-115 and is physically qualified for duty" may, upon action of the aptitude board, be discharged by reason of unsuitability. INSTRUCTION TEST Read this reference: BuMed Instructions, 6000, 7000, and 11,000 series. COMPLETION ITEMS Complete the following statements by supplying the proper word or words. 1. Naval hospitals shall report local collections for hospitalization or subsistence furnished supernumerary patients on section G of the Med-36). (Nav 2. Navy medical facilities other than hospitals furnishing hospitalization or subsistence to supernumerary patients shall report collections on the NavMed-1316, Local Collections for In-Patient , Report of. 3. Collections for meals sold from hospital messes will be made at time of serving except for those sold food handlers in whose case collection will be made by 4. Specimens of pertinent tissues from all important operations, particularly and material having scientific or possibly future administrative importance will be promptly sent to the Armed Forces 5. Except in cases of emergency or in areas where donor services are not available, personnel on active duty shall not receive remuneration from appropriated funds for acting as blood donors. 6. Naval patients who may be transferred to VA hospitals are those patients who require hospitalization, specialized hospital care, and treatment for certain diseases. 7. All dried blood plasma shall be forwarded to the nearest medical and dental supply depot. Age or condition of the material is not a factor. Serum albumin and should be utilized in lieu of dried blood plasma. or 8. The services of medical repairmen are to be made available to other in the respective vicinities of their duty station when required. 9. Continental activities are directed to procure special tools and/or replacement parts not available through supply officers locally from manufacturers or distributors as required, chargeable to the activity's 10. Army, Navy and Air Force facilities engaged in the ---, evacuation of patients will establish and of patients. MULTIPLE CHOICE ITEMS In the following statements or questions place the number preceding the correct answer in the blank space provided. 11. Dependent wives of discharged or released members of the naval service under medical (maternity) care at naval activities may be continued under out-patient prenatal care or hospitalization when, in the opinion of the medical officer, undue hardship would result from refusal of such care. After discharge or release of the prospective father, out-patient care may not be continued beyond 1. 30 days 2. 60 days 3. 90 days 4. 120 days 12. Medical records and X-ray films of a Navy or Marine Corps patient being transferred to a VA hospital shall be accompanied by a completed 1. Receipt for Records and Patient's Property (DD Form 675) 2. copy of Individual Statistical Report of Patient (NavMed-F) 3. copy of Standard Form 88 4. Separation Epidemiologic Report (Med-059) 13. When a NavMed-U has been completed on activeduty Navy or Marine Corps personnel, it shall be forwarded to BuMed in 1 duplicate 2. triplicate 3. quadruplicate 4. quintuplicate 14. All excess narcotics and all narcotics unfit for use shall be 1. destroyed after notifying the Supervisor of the nearest U. S. Treasury Bureau of Narcotics, district office 2. forwarded to the nearest medical supply depot only upon prior approval from the depot 3. destroyed, after obtaining the commanding officer's permission 4. forwarded, under security conditions, to the nearest medical supply depot without prior approval, obtaining receipt in each instance 15. When blood cannot be obtained for emergencies by donations, commanding officers are authorized to make payment at such rate as may have been established in the Navy. The current rate, when it is necessary to purchase blood, is 5 cents per cc, with a minimum payment of 1. $5.00 and a total payment not to exceed $25.00 per blood withdrawal 2. $10.00 and a total payment not to exceed $50.00 per blood withdrawal 3. $15.00 and a total payment not to exceed $60.00 per blood withdrawal 4. $20.00 and a total payment not to exceed $65.00 per blood withdrawal 16. Medical units that contain "Dressing, First Aid, Individual Troop, Camouflage, Small" that have a sealed 5 gram pocket of sulfanilamide powder with the dressing should be 1. disposed of by destroying the dressing 2. returned to nearest medical supply depot intact 3. kept in the unit and personnel instructed to destroy the sulfanilamide powder upon opening the dressing for use 4. continue using the sulfanilamide powder when using the dressings for wounds 17. Navy and Marine Corps personnel whose active service is terminated while hospitalized in a VA hospital will receive appropriate orders and will be entitled to travel and transportation allowances in the same manner as though terminated at a duty station, as prescribed by 1. the Manual of the Medical Department 2. U. S. Navy Regulations 3. Joint Travel Regulations 4. Instructions for the Navy Personnel Accounting System 18. Activities requiring subsequent copies of the Handbook of the Hospital Corps, U. S. Navy, 1953, should submit their request to the local district publications and printing office on form 1. NavExos-158 2. NavMed-4 3. NavSandA Form 127 4. NavMed-569 19. In compliance with instructions on accounting and reporting procedures for medical and dental material at other than naval hospitals, naval reserve training centers shall submit accounting returns, for consolidation, to 1. Field Branch, BuMed 2. appropriate director of naval reserve training 3. district medical officer 4. district finance officer TRUE-FALSE ITEMS Write the word "True" or "False" in the blank space provided after each statement. 20. Submission of the NavMed-U is required when active duty Navy or Marine Corps personnel are rendered medical, dental, or hospital care, service, or treatment by Army or Air Force medical facilities. 21. The Naval Medical School, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, is the histopathologic center for the Eighth Naval District. |