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5. The "Personnel Division" of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery plans, recommends, and coordinates naval personnel requirements, complements, and allowances, except for the Medical Department.

6. The "Dispensary Medicine Division" of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery studies and makes recommendations concerning medical activities, policies, and services in naval stations, naval shipyards, etc., and the medical activities

7. Participation by personnel of the Naval Establishment (military and civilian) in medical research projects shall be on a

basis only.

8. Application for appointment in either the Medical Corps of the Navy or the Medical Corps of the Naval Reserve are to be submitted through designated Navy

9. Appointments as officers of the Medical Corps of the Navy are made by the by and with the

advice and consent of the Senate.

10. The actual number of officers of the Medical Corps on the active list and on active duty from year to year is based on the allocation of



In the following statements or questions place the number preceding the correct answer in the blank space provided.

11. In accordance with the statutory organization of the Navy Department, the duties of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery are performed under the authority of the 1. Secretary of Defense

2. Secretary of the Navy
3. Chief of Naval Operations

4. Surgeon General

12. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery has both management and technical control over all the following named units, except one, which is a/an

1. Naval medical unit at an Army hospital

2. Medical supply depot

3. Advance base medical component

4. Medical research unit

13. The Medical Department comprises five separate corps. Which of the corps listed below is not one of the five?

1. Dental Corps

2. Nurse Corps

3. Hospital Corps

4. Pharmacy Corps

14. In the absence of the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine

and Surgery, his full responsibilities and authorities are assumed by the

1. Deputy and Assistant Chief of Bureau

2. Legal Assistant to the Surgeon General

3. Assistant Chief of Bureau for Personnel and Profes

sional Operations

4. Surgeon General

15. Which one of the following is not a special division in BuMed?

1. Atomic Defense Division

2. Aviation Medicine Division

3. Bacteriological Warfare Division

4. Submarine Medicine Division

16. When discharging their responsibilities, the district medical officers and the district dental officers are, in

effect, field representatives of the

1. Secretary of the Navy

2. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

3. Inspector, Medical and Dental Activities

4. Secretary of Defense

17. Experimental studies of a medical nature involving persons in the Naval Establishment are forbidden except when

1. the experiment has received the prior approval of the Secretary of the Navy

2. approved by the Chief of Naval Research Division 3. approved by the Bureau of Naval Personnel

4. the persons involved are 21 years of age or older

18. Captains of the Medical Corps selected for advancement to the grade of rear admiral shall be examined professionally

1. by written examination only

2. by oral examination only

3. by written and oral examination

4. on their records only

19. Each person, on accepting an appointment as an officer of the Medical Corps, shall immediately forward a letter of acceptance to the

1. President

2. Chief of Naval Operations
3. Chief of Naval Personnel

4. Secretary of the Navy

20. Based on the total of the number of authorized personnel in the service in some categories, plus the actual number in other categories, the authorized number of commissioned officers of the Medical Corps shall be 1. 0.25 per centum of the total

2. 0.65 per centum of the total

3. 1.0 per centum of the total

4. 1.5 per centum of the total


Write the word "True" or "False" in the blank space provided after each statement.

21. As used in the Manual of the Medical Department, the words "the Bureau" always indicate the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

22. Personnel of the Naval Establishment who volunteer to participate in naval medical research programs are required to execute a release from future liability for negligence attributable to the Navy.

23. Activities of the Medical Department relative to sanitation extend into fields under the jurisdiction of other departments.

24. A Medical Service Corps officer may be assigned as officer in charge of an activity over which the Bureau has management and technical control.

25. Officers of the Dental Corps are not eligible to command any naval activity over which the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery has management and technical control.


Assignment No. 2

Read this reference: Manual of the Medical Department, Chapters 3 and 4.


Complete the following statements by supplying the proper word or words.

1. When two or more officers of the Medical Corps are attached to the same ship or station, one (usually the senior) shall be designated the medical officer and is the of the medical department, and all others

medical officers.

shall be designated 2. Personnel who are ordered transferred, but are retained because of a communicable disease, must be admitted for and a prompt report must be made to


3. During examinations to reveal suspected concealed diseases, the medical examiner should observe the

condition and the personal

of personnel being examined.

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4. Familial sexual contacts of infected naval personnel shall not be reported to State or local health authorities unless investigation and follow-up within the naval service is

5. Instructions concerning disposition of naval personnel who refuse medical, dental, or surgical treatment are contained in No. 3.

6. The medical officer of a command or activity, particularly if in a foreign port, shall cooperate with the intelligence officers and furnish such data as may be required from



standpoint. 7. Medical Corps officers shall be guided by

in the preparation and publication of

articles on professional subjects. 8. Narcotics, alcohol, and alcoholic beverages must be inventoried at least by a duly constituted

9. Losses, thefts, or irreconcilable differences between physical inventory findings and the narcotic accounting records shall be reported immediately to BuMed through official channels, and simultaneously a copy of this report shall be supplied to the supervisor of the nearest U. S.




10. The quantities of narcotics and alcohol in battle dressing boxes shall

stations and
be promptly removed to security when not required by
operating conditions.

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