INSTRUCTION TEST Read this reference: Manual of the Medical Department, Chapter 23. COMPLETION ITEMS Complete the following statements by supplying the proper word or words. 1. For purposes of identification and control, all reports required by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery have been assigned a 2. Medical Department personnel who are required to prepare reports shall maintain a supply of the necessary blank forms not to exceed months' supply on hand and on order for stations, and months' supply on hand and on order for ships. 3. The FSA Form PHS-1421 shall be prepared and submitted on each alleged contact of an individual admitted with a 4. The medical officer of a ship visiting foreign ports shall prepare a medical intelligence report in full upon the health conditions of the areas visited whenever and to the extent that he has reason to believe that information on the subject is or may be desirable. 5. The NavMed-F Card serves to advise the Bureau of each patient admitted to the sick list and of all diagnoses established and performed on each patient while on the sick list. 6. Naval and Marine Corps personnel on the sick list in hospitals not having naval medical units shall be considered, for purposes of NavMed-F reporting, to be attached to the activity to which they are assigned for purposes. 7. Federal Security Agency Form PHS-956 (VD) shall be prepared by the medical officer of each naval training center and Marine Corps recruit depot on recruits having a positive test resulting from syphilis which existed prior to 8. The MED-046 Intelligence Report of Survivors' Experiences shall be prepared by all naval and Marine Corps activities having a representative of the Medical Department on board on survivors of 9. When a ship is decommissioned for disposal or an activity is disestablished, all medical files and records, except health records, shall be transferred to the Naval at Garden City. 10. Medical officers are authorized to furnish any individual in the naval service a copy of his health record upon his except information which would prove injurious to his physical or mental health. MULTIPLE CHOICE ITEMS In the following statements or questions place the number preceding the correct answer in the blank space provided. 11. A patient shall not be finally disposed of from the sick list with the title Diagnosis Undetermined except in the case of 1. invalided from service 2. death 3. transfer 4. desertion 12. Specialty letters are used to identify certain classes of hazards and causative agents. The specialty letter identifying injuries incident to the maneuvering of, or peculiar living conditions aboard submarines at sea, is 1. S 2. U 3. R 4. V 13. Key letters are used as short expressions of the nature of violence. All war casualties regardless of agent shall be reported under key letter 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. G 14. Completed NavMed-F Cards shall be forwarded to the Bureau as nearly as possible on a 1. daily basis 2. weekly basis 3. semi-monthly basis 4. monthly basis 15. All Medical Department and standard forms shall be ordered from the 1. government printing office 2. naval medical supply depot 3. appropriate district publication and printing office 4. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery TRUE-FALSE ITEMS Write the word "True" or "False" in the blank space provided after each statement. 16. The NavMed-F Card is required by 1 February for every patient on the sick list at the end of the calendar year. 17. Accidents due to disabilities incident to actual diving conditions are identified by the specialty letter "D." 18. The diagnosis terminated by DD (Died) on NavMed-F must be identical with the underlying principal cause of death reported on NavMed-N. 19. A patient assigned to submarine duty who is injured in an automobile accident will be reported under specialty letter "S." 20. When a ship is placed in a reserve status or an activity is placed in an inactive status, property and accounting records are retained aboard. 21. A complete transcript of a member's or former member's naval medical record may be furnished to Veterans' Administration upon request. 22. When medical service is provided by the Army or Air Force to naval personnel regularly assigned to duty with those forces, the NavMed-F is required by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. 23. The Department of Defense Form DD-6 is the report of treatment furnished pay patients, hospitalization furnished. 24. Each infant born in a naval hospital shall be entered in the register of patients in the same space and above the mother's name. 25. Personnel readmitted in a naval hospital shall not be assigned a new register number in the register of patients. INSTRUCTION TEST Assignment No. 14 Read this reference: Manual of the Medical Department, Chapters 24 and 25. COMPLETION ITEMS Complete the following statements by supplying the proper word or words. 1. Article 1264, Navy Regulations, places responsibility not only on the bureaus and offices of the Navy Department, but also on all in the Naval Establishment for proper expenditure of allotments granted by the respective bureaus. 2. An appropriation is a descriptive phrase assigned for purposes of identification to an appropriation account or accounts. 3. Annual appropriations are generally made for current expenses of the Naval operating and 4. The appropriation title and as shown in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Manual, must appear on all documents employed in incurring obligations and/or making expenditures of appropriated funds. a 5. The budget estimate of the Department of the Navy is estimate of the moneys required to be appropriated for the Naval Establishment in a regular appropriation act. 6. An allotment is an authorization by the head or other authorized employee of an agency to incur within a specified amount pursuant to an appropriation or other statutory provision. 7. Authority for obligation of funds is usually granted by allotment and the form used is Allotment Authorization, Nav Exos 8. The allotment authorization forwarded to an activity indicates the program allotment appropriation, the administrative purpose, the total sum granted. the the apportionment, and the 9. When properly maintained, allotment records will reflect the differences between the funds authorized and actual 10. The Journal of Receipts and Expenditures of Medical Department Property is the book of original entry used to record data relative to each transaction involving the acquisition and disposition of property. 11. Nonstandard material received by Medical Department activities shall be assigned an appropriate section class in the accounting ledgers. |