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2. The psychiatric unit of a recruit training center is charged with the responsibility of selecting neuropsychiatric cases and unsuitable recruits for consideration by the board or board of

3. The aptitude board's function is concerned with the actual of cases referred to it. 4. A board of medical survey, whenever practicable, shall consist of medical officers of the Navy. 5. The Bureau of Naval Personnel maintains a listing of limited duty officer personnel, and issues orders for at appropriate times, where necessary.

6. Reports of medical survey shall be made on NavMed

7. When final action is taken locally on reports of medical survey, only the original and (copy) (copies)

shall be submitted to BuMed.

8. In cases where the board of medical survey considers the condition reported upon to have existed prior to entry into the service, reports shall state whether, in the opinion of the board, the condition was

by service.

9. In any case where final disposition is accomplished locally, the action endorsement on a report of medical survey shall cite the specific


10. The clinical boards have been established to report upon the present state of health of members of the service who are to be considered for

by reason of physical disability.



In the following statements or questions place the number preceding the correct answer in the blank space provided.

11. Reports from clinical boards shall be submitted.

1. in letter form to BuMed

2. on NavMed-M to BuMed

3. in letter form to the convening authority
4. on NavMed-M to the convening authority

[blocks in formation]

12. No member of the Navy serving on the active list shall be referred to a board of medical survey

1. without his consent

2. without prior approval of BuMed

3. until he has been a patient in a naval hospital for 3 months

4. until he has been admitted to the sick list

13. An officer must be reported upon by a board of medical survey when he has been continuously on the sick list for a period of

1. 1 month

2. 3 months

3. 6 months

4. 12 months

14. An enlisted man who has been continuously on the sick list for a period of 20 months should have had submitted on him at least

1. 2 reports of medical survey
2. 3 reports of medical survey
3. 4 reports of medical survey

4. 6 reports of medical survey

15. No person shall be recommended by the aptitude board for discharge from service until he has been informed of the proposed action and has

1. appeared in person before the board

2. been observed in a duty status

3. been before a board of medical survey
4. been represented by counsel


Write the word "True" or "False" in the blank space provided after each statement.

16. At the present time the minimum profile serial for induction is "3" in any column of the PULHES chart.

17. The statement of the aptitude board's impressions is to be entered in the health record.

18. The aptitude board's report may refer to or quote information derived from social service studies.

19. The meetings and proceedings of boards of medical survey may be conducted informally.

20. It is essential that all available information concerning the origin, nature, conduct status, and aggravation by service of any condition reported upon by a board of medical survey be included in the report.

21. Whenever a naval aviator (Class I aviation personnel) has been found fit for duty by a board of medical survey, he shall be examined by a flight surgeon and a report of the flight physical examination must be made to BuMed.

22. The disciplinary action pending on an individual must be completed before he can be brought before a board of medical survey.

23. When a patient who is mentally competent refuses to submit to recommended medical, surgical, dental, or diagnostic measures, other than routine treatment for minor or temporary disabilities, he shall be brought before a board of medical survey.

24. Members of the service who are in a limited duty status must be brought before a board of medical survey before they may be reclassified for full duty.

25. Limited duty personnel who are to be reclassified to full duty must in all cases be transferred to a naval hospital to appear before a board of medical survey.

Assignment No. 11

Read this reference: Manual of the Medical Department, Chapters 20 and 21.


Complete the following statements by supplying the proper word or words.

1. Personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps on active duty are eligible for emergency medical or dental treatment at Government expense by any

activity, other than naval, having a medical service, under specified conditions.

2. Emergency dental treatment for Navy and Marine Corps personnel by other than a naval dental officer shall not include the furnishing of pliances or the use of

metals for fillings.


or other precious

3. The accounts of officer personnel receiving treatment in Federal hospitals other than Navy, or in civilian hospitals at the expense of the Navy Department, will be checked for

4. Personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps on detached duty where a superior officer is not present and where Federal medical or dental facilities are not available may apply to a physician, dentist, or


hospital for necessary 5. All claims for expenses incurred for medicines, medical or dental attendance, or hospitalization not obtained from the Medical Department of the Navy should be forwarded to the Bureau for

If ap

proved by the Bureau, such claims will be forwarded
to the Navy
Office, Wash-

ington, D. C. for payment. 6. All patients other than members of the Navy and Marine Corps on active duty or members of the Reserve components on extended active duty shall be considered

7. Persons placed on the emergency officers retired list. who are receiving pay are eligible for the same hos

pitalization privileges as officers of the Regular Navy who have been retired for

8. Any member of the civilian population may be admitted to naval hospitals for reasons at the

discretion of the commanding officer.

9. Dependents of Navy personnel eligible for in-patient care are entitled to available


including blood transfusions. The services of civilian specialists is not authorized at


10. Dependents and widows of members of the naval service are eligible for hospitalization only for medical or surgical conditions.


In the following statements or questions place the number preceding the correct answer in the blank space provided. 11. Personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps on authorized leave or liberty who require emergency medical or dental treatment may be admitted to a civilian institution when Federal medical facilities are not available. However, expenses for the employment of specialists may be allowed only on approval of the 1. commanding officer

2. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

3. commandant of the naval district

4. district medical officer

12. Civilian employees of the Naval Establishment shall be furnished medical treatment for nonoccupational injuries and illnesses occurring while at work, including minor ailments which can be relieved

1. by moderate treatment and advice

2. by hospitalization of less than three days duration 3. without the use of drugs

4. by hospitalization not to exceed ten days

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