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Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Slack. Very well. You submit whatever you want us to insert in the record and we will have a look at it. Mr. Alexander. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Dr. White and Mr. Pollack. [The information referred to follows:]


Since the 1973 Arab oil boycott focusing attention of the dependence of the United States on foreign petroleum products the "national energy crisis" has preoccupied the policymakers in government, business, and labor. Numerous studies on U.S. energy demand and supply consistently show continued U.S. dependence on fossil fuels, mainly oil and gas. The following projection, illustrated in figure 1A below, shows that the U.S. energy demand will continue to grow after recovery from the 1975 economic recession. Figure IB clearly demonstrates that oil and gas will be the preferred and dominant fuels consumed during the foreseeable future, up to 1990. The data in figure 1C shows that most domestic oil production must come from undiscovered reserves.

The Library of Congress has provided a most reliable source of information on energy resources. A recent study of energy supplies by the Library of Congress, "Towards Project Interdependence, Energy in the Coming Decade," by Herman T. Transeen, Congressional Research Service, Report 61-173, provides corroboration of the data contained in figure 1. Based on all available Information, the conclusion is unavoidable that U.S. dependence on oil and gas as preferred fuels will exist through the 1980's.

Leading geologists assert that the best hope for supplying U.S. oil and gas needs through 1990 lies in the exploration and development of the offshore regions of the Outer Continental Shelf.

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Fig. 1 — These curves are from a study by Exxon. They are based on a GNP growth rate of 3.6 percent per year. (Growth rate in 1960s averaged 4 percent.) Also, they are based on several assumptions: 1. Economy trending toward full employment. 2. Energy industries will be permitted sufficient profits to attract needed investment capital. 3. Environmental goals will be achieved at a rate compatible with economic growth.

A. Scale at left is expressed In quadrillion Btu's per year Scale at right shows millions of barrels per day of oil equivalent. Nonenergy reflects use of oil, gas and metallurgical coal as feedstock.

B. Scales are same aa first curve. Solar power and breeder reactors are lumped under "Other" because neither is likely to be commercially

C. As with gas most domestic production of oil In 1990 will have to come from undiscovered reserves. The discovery rate Implied here is

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United States World

Within 12 nautical miles of shore 10-25 5-20

Shoreward of 200 meters water depth 55-70 55-70

Shoreward of 200 nautical miles 75-94 80-95

Seaward of 200 nautical miles to the base of the continental slope 5-11 3-10

Shoreward of base of the continental (or insular) slope 86-99 90-98

Between the base of the continental slope and the seaward edge of the rise 1-12 2-8

Shoreward of the seaward edge of the rise 98-100 98-100

Seaward of the rise 0-2 0-2

A recent study by the U.S. Geological Survey, "Geological Estimates of Undiscovered Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources in the United States," Circular 725, prepared for the Federal Energy Administration in 1975 illustrates the importance of the offshore regions as a source of oil and gas for fuel. The study shows that offshore oil reserves will play an increasingly more important role in satisfying future needs for oil and gas.

Therefore, offshore regions are becoming of much greater importance as known reserves are consumed. It is my belief that the resources to be developed from the ocean floor will provide the most dependable and foreseeable solution to the persisting energy crisis.

Table 1, from the National Petroleum Council's March 1975 report, Ocean Petroleum Resources, shows the estimated range of percentage of the potential, ultimately recoverable petroleum within various offshore boundaries. The offshore areas around the U.S. coastal areas, which would be within 200 meters, are shown in figures 2A and 2B. Note that the 500-meter depth contour would be quite close to that for 200 meters, due to the very rapid depth increase to the noted 2,500-meter contour.

Thus it is seen that with an Ocean lab available to permit scientific and technical effort down to depths of 500 meters, that the areas of most interest for offshore oil and gas development would be within reach.

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Oceanlab would provide assistance to U.S. industry through undersea research tests and evaluation of new techniques and equipment associated with exploration and development of mineral and food fish resources, as well as assisting with evaluation of the environmental impact of research and development activities in offshore areas.

Some examples of Oceanlab missions and tasks in these areas are listed below:


Support research to improve the operational effectiveness and safety of commercial divers in their key role in recovery of offshore oil and gas:

Biomedical research pertaining to diver decompression problems and long-term health;

Verification of new tables using various gas mixtures;
Developing techniques to safely reduce diver decompression time;
Extend vertical excursion saturation diving capabilities;
Testing and certification of new diving equipment and apparel;
Testing and certification of new diver tools; and
Research with new materials and instruments.

Support research, testing and evaluation of new techniques and requirements related to location of and safe and economical recovery of petroleum and mineral stocks:

Undersea testing and evaluation of improved seismic techniques and equipment used in defining the sub-bottom geological features for use in location of oil and mineral deposits; and

Testing of equipment and techniques such as in-situ neutron activation and X-ray fluorescent equipment for possible use in locating and assessing oil and mineral deposits.

Assist the offshore industry in undersea research, testing, and evaluation of critical items associated with materials, equipment, and techniques used in furthering the development and utilization of subsea completion systems.


Support undersea research, testing, and evaluation of new techniques and equipment associated with locating, assessing, developing, and harvesting food fish resources:

In-situ investigations of spawning and life cycles of food fish—e.g. herring— to better understand the factors affecting their quality and abundance;

Quantitative assessment of available fish and shellfish stocks. Correlation with surface borne techniques;

In-situ testing and evaluation and comparison of new harvesting equipment and techniques;

Studies to identify and assess underutilized or new, deep sea species of fish stocks; and

Assist in testing and evaluation of new techniques for economical argiculture.


Determine the ecological consequences of man's activities in pursuit of economical development and recovery of offshore energy, minerals, and food stocks; and support undersea environmental research projects to ensure a balanced outlook in protecting the environment.


The international status of technology development pertaining to systems developed along the lines proposed for the Oceanlab concept, i.e. a self-propelled underwater laboratory with capability for diver lockout and operations to the maximum depths of the continental shelf 200 meters [650 feet] or greater, is illustrated by country in figure 3. This figure is intended to present a worldwide overview estimate of the progress made.

There have been many proposal and concept studies for Oceanlab type systems, however no one has completed development of such a system, as is noted in figure 3. France has progressed the furthest with partial construction of their Argyronete: followed by the Federal Republic of Germany's Tours system advanced through the preliminary design phase, folowed by work in the Soviet Union believed to be in preliminary design stages; and then the United States having completed several related studies and considerable development of tech

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