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Appendix A-Temporary Regulations


[EDITORIAL NOTE: The following is a list of temporary regulations, except delegations of authority, which relate to Federal information resources management]

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a. This regulation establishes the Federal Information Resources Management (IRM) Review Program. It describes policies and procedures that Federal agencies and the General Services Administration (GSA) will follow in carrying out the review responsibilities of the Paperwork Reduction Act. This directive also establishes GSA as the focal agency for collecting, assessing, and reporting on IRM review results to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The intent of this regulation is to provide agencies the flexibility to implement a review program that is commensurate with the

53 FR 47199, Nov. 22, 1988.

55 FR 30, Jan. 2, 1990.

scope and complexity of the agency program objectives and missions.

b. A notice of proposed rulemaking was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on August 27, 1984 (49 FR 33906) and the comments received have been considered in the promulgation of this rule. Any additional comments are welcome and must be submitted by June 24, 1985. It is intended to codify the policies and procedures added by this regulation in a new Part 201-19 to the FIRMR.

2. Effective date. March 26, 1985.

3. Expiration date. This regulation expires on December 31, 1986.

4. Background. The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that Federal agencies and GSA establish IRM review capabilities. Specifically, agencies are required by the Act to carry out their information management activities in an efficient, effective, and eco

nomical manner. The Act also requires each agency to designate a senior official to carry out the responsibilities of the agency under the Act. These responsibilities include systematically conducting inventories of major information systems; periodically reviewing major information management activities; ensuring that information systems do not overlap; developing procedures for assessing the paperwork and reporting burden of proposed legislation; and assigning the senior official responsibility and accountability for IRM acquisitions. In addition, the act requires GSA to advise and assist the OMB to "selectively review, at least once every three years, the information management activities of each agency to ascertain their adequacy and efficiency." It also requires "particular attention to whether the agency has complied with section 3506." GSA has additional review and oversight responsibilities under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act and the Federal Records Act. In a letter dated June 13, 1983, the OMB assigned GSA responsibility for IRM reviews.

5. Applicability. This regulation applies to organizations covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act. It includes any executive department, military department, Government corporation, Government controlled corporation, or other establishment in the executive branch of the Government (including the Executive Office of the President), or any independent regulatory agency. It does not apply to the General Accounting Office, Federal Election Commission, the governments of the District of Columbia and of the territories and possessions of the United States, and their various subdivisions, or Government-owned, contractor-operated facilities including laboratories engaged in national defense research and production activities.

6. Review Objectives.

a. The primary purpose of IRM reviews is to improve the Government-wide management of information resources so that all Federal agencies can accomplish their missions more efficiently and effectively. The IRM activities of each agency shall be selectively reviewed at least once during a triennial review cycle. This requirement will be satisfied predominantly by agency-conducted reviews.

b. IRM reviews have four principal objectives:

(1) To determine if each agency is carrying out its information management activities in an efficient, effective, and economical manner in support of program missions and objectives;

(2) To determine how well each agency is complying with established IRM policies, procedures, principles, standards, and guidelines; and

(3) To determine whether each agency is complying with Federal agency responsibilities of 44 U.S.C. 3506;

(4) To establish through GSA-conducted reviews, the proper level of acquisition authority for ADP resources to be delegated to each agency by GSA.

7. Scope of IRM Reviews.

a. IRM reviews may encompass any or all activities of planning, budgeting, organizing, directing, training, and control associated with the creation, collection, processing, transmission, dissemination, use, storage, and disposition of information by agencies. IRM encompasses both information itself and the resources, such as personnel, equipment, funds, and technology used to create, collect, process, transmit, disseminate, use, store, and dispose of information. This includes ADP, telecommunications, office automation, records management, and their associated activities.

b. As stated in the Paperwork Reduction Act and for the purposes of this regulation, the terms "automatic data processing,” "automatic data processing equipment," and "telecommunications" do not include any data processing or telecommunications system or equipment, the function, operation, or use of which:

(1) Involves intelligence activities;

(2) Involves cryptologic activities related to national security;

(3) Involves the direct command and control of military forces;

(4) Involves equipment which is an integral part of a weapon or weapons system; or (5) Is critical to the direct fulfillment of military or intelligence missions, provided that this exclusion shall not include automatic data processing or telecommunications equipment used for routine administrative and business applications such as payroll, finance, logistics, and personnel management.

8. Relationship to Other Review Requirements. In meeting the requirements of this regulation, agencies are encouraged to take advantage of all ongoing review activity in the IRM area. Examples include reviews preparing for or resulting from the OMB spring planning and management reviews and/or fall budget reviews; vulnerability assessments and internal control reviews (OMB Circular A-123); financial management systems reviews (OMB Circular A127); performance of commercial activity reviews (OMB Circular A-76); information collection reviews; records management assessments; internal audits; etc.

9. Government-Wide Application. (See Attachment F to this bulletin which illustrates the Federal IRM Review Structure.)

a. Agency responsibilities. The agency head, in coordination with the senior official designated by the requirements of the

Paperwork Reduction Act, shall delegate IRM review authorities and responsibilities within the agency consistent with the Paperwork Reduction Act and this regulation. Specificially the agency head shall ensure that the agency's review organization:

(1) Has authority to review programs, functions, and activities within the objectives and scope of IRM cited in par. 6 and par. 7 above;

(2) Is responsive to established Government-wide and agency priorities; and

(3) Is responsible for meeting the reporting requirements established in par. 10 below.

b. GSA responsibilities. GSA has responsibility to conduct IRM reviews at agencies and to consolidate the results of GSA- and agency-conducted reviews in an annual report to OMB. To meet these responsibilities, GSA is hereby establishing a triennial review and reporting process. To assist agencies in meeting the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act and this regulation, GSA will issue and maintain an advisory IRM review handbook and advise and assist agencies with the IRM review process.

c. OMB responsibilities. OMB is required to report major activities being accomplished under Paperwork Reduction Act guidelines, including review activity, to Congress and will conduct such independent reviews as it deems appropriate.

10. Triennial Process. Agency review programs will operate on a three-year cycle. This paragraph describes the process for each year.

a. Year One.

(1) GSA will issue a "call for plans" by September 1 preceding the first year of the cycle. The call will establish Governmentwide review priorities for that three-year cycle.

(2) Agencies shall develop a three-year review plan which:

(i) Includes Government-wide priorities for review;

(ii) Establishes and includes agency priorities for review;

(iii) Provides specific objectives for the three-year review cycle; and

(iv) Details planned reviews for the upcoming and subsequent two years.

(3) The plan shall, at a minimum, include the items listed in Attachment A, and describe how execution of the plan will determine whether the agency is complying with Federal agency responsibilities of 44 U.S.C. 3506.

(4) The agency shall submit the agency plan to GSA by November 1 of the first year of the cycle.

(5) GSA will assess the plan for comprehensiveness, clarity, and responsiveness to Government-wide priorities. Agencies will be contacted for clarification and additional information if necessary.

(6) Agencies shall conduct reviews in accordance with the plan. As each review is completed, a review synopsis will be developed. These synopses shall include, as a minimum, the items listed in Attachment D. b. Year Two.

(1) GSA will issue a call for the second year's plan by September 1.

(2) Agencies shall update the plan submitted in the previous year. The plan shall, at a minimum, include the items listed in Attachment B.

(3) Agencies shall attach to the plan synopses of the first year's reviews. (See par. 10a(6) above.) If reviews were conducted which were not on the plan, they should be summarized. Reviews which were on the plan but not conducted, should be noted as rescheduled or cancelled and include a short explanation.

(4) The agency shall submit the updated plan and synopses of the first year's reviews to GSA by November 1.

(5) Agencies shall complete the scheduled second year's reviews and develop synopses. (See par. 10a(6) above.)

c. Year Three.

(1) GSA will issue the call by September 1: and agencies will submit the final updated plan for the third year (see Attachment C) and review synopses for the second year.

(2) Agencies shall complete the scheduled third year's reviews and develop synopses.

(3) Agencies shall develop a report which consolidates the three-year effort, evaluates how well the reviews met overall objectives, evaluates the benefits of the three-year review effort to the agency, demonstrates how the agency is complying with Federal agency responsibilities of 44 U.S.C. 3506 (the Paperwork Reduction Act), and identifies potential review opportunities for the next three-year cycle.

(4) GSA will review progress with the agency in preparation for report consolidation and submission to OMB. Such reviews may be limited to an assessment of the review program or may be a broader review effort.

(5) The agency shall submit the consolidated report and third-year review synopses to GSA by November 1, together with the plan for the new cycle. (See par. 10a. above.) d. Triennial Reporting.

(1) In the two years preceding the first triennial report, GSA will report to OMB on the status of implementation of the Federal IRM Review Program.

(2) For all agencies completing the threeyear cycle, GSA will prepare an executive summary of trends and significant actions, highlight successes, identify problem areas, and provide profiles of review activity by agency and Government-wide. The consolidated report will be provided to OMB by March 1, following completion of the three

year cycle. OMB will report the results of the reviews to appropriate agency heads and Committees of the Congress.

(3) Agencies are required by 44 U.S.C. 3513(c) (the Paperwork Reduction Act) to prepare and submit to OMB and appropriate Congressional Committees, within sixty days, a written statement which responds to the results of the reviews and includes actions taken to alleviate cited problems or deficiencies.

11. GSA Review Process.

a. GSA will periodically conduct separate reviews of agencies' IRM activities to complement and supplement agency efforts. Prior to initiation of a GSA-conducted IRM review, the designated senior official will be informed of its scope and the manner in which it will be conducted. These reviews will initially take place during the fiscal year following agency start-up.

b. The reviews will be conducted in an atmosphere which will allow for a free and open exchange of information. Potential problems and recommended solutions will be discussed during the course of the review so that agencies may initiate corrective action prior to formal reporting.

c. Results of these reviews will be provided by GSA to the agency in draft form. Agencies shall have thirty days to respond to the report before it is finalized.

d. Comments will be reviewed and discussed with the agency with appropriate revisions being made prior to issuance of a final report.

e. Final reports will be provided to the agency and will also be included in the consolidated report to OMB.

12. IRM Review Program Initiation.

a. The IRM review program will be initiated for FY 1986. Agency plans shall be subImitted within 60 days after the call goes out. The first submission of review synopses will be on or before November 1, 1986.

b. Agencies will be phased into the review process. (See Attachment E.) The first triennial review cycle ends with reports due November 1, 1988. Therefore, the first triennial report will be submitted in FY 1989. Until the cycle is in full operation in FY 1988, GSA will submit annual consolidated reports to OMB.

c. The reports called for in this temporary regulation have been cleared in accordance with FPMR 101-11.111 and are assigned Interagency Report Control Number 0326GSA-XX.

13. Agency actions. Pending the issuance of an amendment of the Federal Information Resources Management Regulation,

1 EDITORIAL NOTE: 41 CFR Part 101-11 was recodified and reissued in Parts 201-22 and 201-45 at 50 FR 26908, June 28, 1985.

agencies shall follow the policies and procedures in this temporary regulation.

14. Information and assistance.

a. This review program is administered by the Procurement Management and Review Branch (KMAP) in GSA's Office of Information Resources Management. Advice and assistance are available as resources permit. The branch can be contacted by writing or calling: General Services Administration, KMAP, Washington, DC 20405, Telephone-(202) 566-1332 or FTS 566-1332.

b. Inquiries concerning this regulation should be directed to Phillip R. Patton, Policy Branch (KMPP), Office of Information Resources Management, Telephone (202) 566-0194 or FTS, 566-0194.

15. Submission of comments. The views of agencies and other interested parties are invited regarding the effect or impact of this regulation and the policy and procedures that should be adopted in the future. All comments received by June 24, 1985, will be considered. Comments should be addressed to GSA (KMPP), Washington, DC 20405. RAY KLINE, Acting Administrator of General Services.


Agency IRM Review Plan Format Three Year Cycle: FY 8x-8x Year 1


Priority review areas: (as identified in GSA call or by agencies)

Triennial objectives:

Year 1 reviews: (For each review, submit the data stipulated below.)

Title of Review:

Agency Review Number:

Scope of Review:

Brief Description:

Review Milestones and Schedules:

Agency Contact and Telephone Number: Year 2 and 3 reviews:

Title of Review:

Agency Review Number: Scope of Review:

Brief Description:

NOTE: Agencies may add additional data elements to these formats (Attachments A thru D) as deemed necessary.

[This format shall only be used as a guide and will not be printed, reproduced or stocked.]

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