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crease, the more difficult it will be to get it done. As a member of the Senate Select Committee on National Water Resources, I have become acutely aware that our needs in this field will inevitably increase as our population increases. The many hearings held by the select committee in every section of the country have demonstrated clearly that the American people do not wish to put off the job any longer. I believe that it is up to this Congress to take bold measures to see that progress adequate to fill our needs and those of our progeny is undertaken.

Secondly, we are at present faced with the fact that the level of unemployment is higher than it has been at any time since the great depression. We calculate that there are few expenditures of comparable size which could be used to employ as many people as our proposed $50 million supplemental appropriation for the National Forest Service in fiscal year 1961. The Senate Sepcial Committee on Unemployment Problems, of which I was a member, has recently pointed out that on a nationwide basis, we have approximately 70 distressed areas where recent increases in unemployment have added so many to the ranks of the chronically unemployed, that the economic welfare of entire communities is dangerously threatened.

Our proposals would enable us to put thousands of these people to work. For the foregoing reasons, then, we propose that these expenditures be given very careful consideration by our committee.

We further propose that when the appropriate time comes and if thorough study reveals them to be in the public interest, as we believe they are, they be acted upon favorably. We ask the benefit of your wise guidance and thoughtful leadership in this endeavor.


GALE W. MCGEE, U. S. Senator.


Senator MCGEE. Then I want to put in the record three tables which I earlier asked the Forest Service to prepare. They deal with the budget of the outgoing administration in regard to our Forest Service needs, the revised Kennedy budget which has followed up, and attempted to correct to some extent at least the margin or the gap that had been permitted to arise.

(The information referred to follows:)

The program for the national forests-Budget estimate for 1962 by Eisenhower administration, showing the relationship of the maximum annual costs for each program category to the amounts provided to date and proposed in the 1962 Budget estimates

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The program for the national forests-Budget estimate for 1962 by Eisenhower administration, showing the relationship of the maximum annual costs for each program category to the amounts provided to date and proposed in the 1962 Budget estimates-Con.

Acquisition of lands for Cache National Forest..

Acquisition of lands for national forests, special acts.


Reconcilitation to the 1962 budget estimates:

1 Adjusted by transfer of amounts previously shown for ranger district management
and land utilization projects to other projects within "National forest protection and

2 Includes $700,000 transferred from "Cooperative range improvement."
Excludes $1,881,800 as explained in "Reconciliation" at bottom of table.
Amounts shown exclude the portion of forest research related to non-national-forest
land which is not a part of the national forest program. For all research projects listed
this amount totals $7,032,200, as shown in "Reconciliation" at bottom of table.



Program for the national forests, showing the relationship of the maximum annual costs for each program category to the amounts provided to date and proposed in the 1962 budget amendment by President Kennedy

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