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Benign spinocellular subepidermal nodule of face. White male, aged 30; nodule many years. Excision. No recurrence 8 years.

This represents the earliest stage of a spinocellular subepidermal nodule.

and in many cases an X-ray picture of the skull.

It is quite true that the strictly surgical lesions of, or in the region of, the jaws are by far the least frequent diseases, but most of these patients seek first the advice of the dentist, and only the dentist who familiarizes himself with these possibilities and subjects his patients to the proper examination with consultation, will recognize them in this earlier and most favorable period for

Tongue, Precancerous Lesion. Leucoplacia.

treatment belongs to the dentist or surgeon who specially qualifies himself for this department of surgery.

I am convinced that our results in the treatment of certain diseases of the jaws which I will discuss presently, depend more on the earlier recognition than upon the education of the specialist as to the proper treatment. At the present time these diseases come to the specialist surgeon as a rule too late for the best results, and these people in the majority of instances seek first the advice of the dentist. The recognition, therefore, is a dental responsibility; the field of vision of the dentist should be enlarged, and if this is done, he will become a most important factor in the propaganda for the

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This is an example of diffuse hypertrophy of the mucous membrane of the tongue with the formation of subepidermal white nodules. It is due to smoking and is one of the most common precancerous lesions.

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Hypertrophy of the gum in acute Leukemia. Gross appearance. (Microscopic picture.)

brane side. There was no induration. The Wassermann reaction was negative. The ulceration slowly healed after the patient discontinued tobacco.

Fig. 2 is a typical smoker's burn on the mucous membrane of the lower lip. As it did not heal after the cessation of smoking it was excised.

Fig. 3 shows the V-shaped area excised. Microscopic examination disclosed no evidence of carcinoma.

Fig. 4 illustrates a small nodule on the left side of the face which had been present about two years. First the patient

mors of this kind, when they grow and ulcerate, give rise to the lesion called rodent ulcer. In about thirty-three per cent of the cases, however, they are composed of squamous or spinal cells. In this type the late tumor is the most malignant form of cancer.

Fig 6 is the microscopic picture of a small subepidermal nodule of the face which is composed of spinal or squamous cells. In this case there has been no recurrence eight years since the excision of the nodule.

The second most common lesion of the face is a little wart, or localized area of keratosis. They are more often of the spinal-cell type and when irritated

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