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PRESIDENT GALLIE said it was gratifying to get such an expression of thanks from the House of Delegates.

DR. FOWLER offered a resolution commending and thanking the profession of San Francisco, for the magnificent manner in which they have entertained the members of the National Dental Association at this meeting, which was duly seconded and unanimously carried.

At this juncture, the retiring President appointed Drs. Johnson and Burkhart to escort the newly elected President to the platform.

DR. FRIESELL moved that all section officers hold over until next year.

Seconded and carried.

DR. WOOD moved that all unfinished business and matters that have not been finished be turned over to the Board of Trustees for further action.

Seconded and carried.

PRESIDENT GALLIE read the following letter from Wm. J. Bryan, Secretary of State, in regard to the appointment of a delegate to the Panama Scientific Congress.

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To the President of the National Dental Association:

Dear Sir: By virtue of the authority conferred upon me by the Congress of the United States of America, I have the pleasure to extend to the National Dental Association a cordial invitation to participate by one delegate, with alternate, in The Second Pan-American Scientific Congress to be held under the auspices of the Government of the United States at the City of Washington from December 27, 1915, to January 8, 1916, inclusive. Assuring you that the representatives from the Association will be most heartily welcomed, I am, my dear Sir,

Very truly yours,

W. J. BRYAN, Secretary of State. Department of State, Washington, February 12,


THE PRESIDENT nominated as delegate for this Congress, Dr. Clarence Grieves, of Baltimore, and Dr. R. H. Swing, of Philadelphia, as alternate.

DR. KING, the General Secretary, submitted a detailed report of the financial affairs of the association. (Report on page 402.)

DR. BURKHART asked unanimous consent for the Board of Trustees to prepare amendments providing for a President and a President-elect, which was granted.

PRESIDENT GALLIE, in introducing his successor, said:

"DR. HINMAN, I have no gavel to turn over to you, but desire to give you my best wishes for a successful administration, and I can assure you that this is a body of men you will learn to love, if you do not know them already, and I know I can prophesy a very excellent and successful administration for you. (Applause).

PRESIDENT HINMAN thanked Dr. Gallie for the cordial greeting he had given, and he asked the hearty co-operation of every member to make the meeting a successful one next year.

DRS. GAYLORD and BROWN were appointed a committee to escort the First Vice-President, Dr. Tileston, to the plat


DR. TILESTON thanked the House of Delegates for the honor conferred upon him.

The minutes of this session of the House of Delegates were read and approved, after which, on motion, which was duly seconded, the House of Delegates adjourned to meet in Louisville, Kentucky, July 25, 26, 27, 28, 1916.

OTTO U. KING, General Secretary.

Minutes of the Nineteenth Annual Session of the National Dental Association, Held at San Francisco, Cal., September 1-2, 1915.

First Session of the Ad interim Committee.

Powers Hotel,

Rochester, N. Y., July 10, 2 P. M. DR. DON M. GALLIE of Chicago, the new President, called the meeting to order and announced that we were ready to transact business.

Members present were Drs. Don. M. Gallie, J. P. Buckley, H. J. Burkhart and Otto U. King.

VOTED thai an order be drawn on the treasury for $7.00 for bill filed by Edgar M. Carson, member of the Clinic Committee.

The bill of $30.53 for Dr. Gerald G. Burns, member of the Clinic Committee, was read and upon motion made, seconded and carried this bill was authorized to be paid.

DR. HOMER C. BROWN, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, appeared before the Committee and after due consideration, the following motion was past.

VOTED that the Legislative Committee be instructed to carry out the legis

lation approved by the House of Delegates and that the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) be appropriated to this committee.

VOTED that the Lincoln National Bank of Rochester be the depository for funds of the National Relief Fund.

VOTED that all relief funds of the National Dental Association now or hereafter deposited with the Lincoln National Bank of Rochester, Rochester, New York, be subject to the check of the Association, signed Relief Fund, National Dental Association, by its treasurer.

VOTED that the bond of the treasurer be approved by the President and Secretary.

The following were appointed on the Oral and Dental Hygiene Committee: Drs. W. H. G. Logan, Chicago, Chairman; J. D. Patterson of Kansas City, Mo., Stanley L. Rich of Nashville, Tenn.; H. F. Hoffman, Denver, Col., and W. D. Tracy of New York City.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Second Session of Ad interim Committee.

LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Ill.,

Nov. 1, 1914, 9:30 a. m.

Pursuant to the call of the president, the Ad Interim Committee met in LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, November 1st, 9:30

a. m.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Dr. Don M. Gallie, who announced that the Ad Interim Committee had met to transact important business, relative to the work of the Transportation Committee, the Publication Commit


tee, and to discuss and transact any other business that might come before this committee.

Members of the various committees present were Drs. Gallie, Buckley and King of the Ad Interim Committee; Drs. Wheeler, Logan, Grant and Thorpe of the Publication Committee; and Dr. Bacon of the Transportation Committee.

The first business to come before the meeting was the report of the Transportation Committee. Dr. D. C. Bacon, Chicago, reporting for this committee, gave in detail the various routes and the itinerary for a special train or trains from New York City to the Panama Pacific Dental Congress. Dr. Bacon asked for an expression of the individual opinion of the various members present, relative to their preference in the routing of this special train. The majority expressed themselves as favorable to the Santa Fe route thru Los Angeles.

The committee then took up and discussed, informally, matters pertaining to the Panama-Pacific Dental Congress.

VOTED that the president and secretary be instructed to advise the officers of the Panama-Pacific Dental Congress, that this body would suggest, that the congress be limited to one week instead of ten days, if it is possible to make such arrangements.

ON MOTION made, seconded and carried, the president and Secretary were instructed to secure from Dr. Platt, if possible, two sessions for the House of Delegates of the N. D. A., preferable days being Wednesday and Thursday, September 1st and 2nd.

The president and secretary were also instructed to arrange for hotel headquarters for the officers of the N. D. A.

This meeting then took a recess in order that the Publication Committee might hold a meeting.

First Meeting of Publication Committee.

LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Ill.,

Nov. 1, '14, 10 a. m.

Dr. Herbert L. Wheeler called the Publication Committee to order.

UPON MOTION made, duly seconded, and carried, Dr. Wheeler was elected chairman and Dr. King secretary, of the Publication Committee.

The first matter of business taken up was a discussion, in an informal way, of the journal proposition. The resolution passed by the Board of Trustees and Houes of Delegates at the Rochester meeting was read. After a thoro discussion of every phase of this journal proposition, the General Secretary, Dr. King, was advised to continue the editing and managing of the Bulletin, carrying out the same policies that had already been used in the publication of this magazine.

Dr. King, after a short explanation of

the enormous amount of work and responsibility connected with the publication of this Official Bulletin, requested that he might have an advisory committee of at least two members, one to represent the Ad Interim Committee, and the other one to represent the Publication Committee.

Complying with this suggestion, Dr. Burton L. Thorpe presented the following resolution which was passed: That Dr. Gallie, President of the N. D. A., and Dr. Wheeler, chairman of the Publication Committee, be appointed as an advisory committee and to act with secretary on all matters relating to the editing and publishing of the Official Bulletin, that needs immediate action.

DR. WHEELER was instructed to advise the officers of the Panama-Pacific Dental Congress that the N. D. A. would not be in a position to publish the proceedings of their congress.

Other phases of the National Dental Journal were discussed, but no definite action taken.

There being no further business before this committee, the committee adjourned to meet in Ann Arbor, Mich., January 26, 1915.

Third Session of the Ad interim Committee.

Immediately following the Publication Committee meeting, Dr. Gallie again called the Ad Interim Committee to order at 11 a. m.

The Secretary read a communication from the Treasurer, Dr. H. B. McFadden, suggesting that Drs. Chas. R. Butler of Buffalo, N. Y., be elected to life membership in the N. D. A. Dr. Butler was President of the American Dental Association in 1888.

UPON MOTION of Dr. J. P. Buckley, which was duly seconded, Dr. Butler was elected to life membership.

The cost of printing the 15,000 certificates and the making of mailing tubes for the same was thoroly discussed and the secretary authorized to let the contract to C. L. Ricketts, Chicago. The contract amount for the 15,000 certificates was $27.80 per M, making a total of $507.00, less 10 per cent discount, $446.30. The cost of the 15,000 mailing tubes at $6.00 per M, would amount to $90.00, less 10 per cent discount, $81.00. THE SECRETARY was authorized to pay all printing and stationery bills.

THE BALANCE due the Whitelock Press for publishing the Official Bulletin was allowed.

THE BILL to R. L. Polk of $5.00 for one directory was allowed.

CLINTON FISHER'S bill for $58.00 for

cover design for the Official Bulletin was allowed.



sented his itemized expense account from July 10 to November 1, a total of $829.62. This bill included all postage for mailing the Official Bulletin, mailing certificates and other postage accounts in connection with the Secretary's office. This itemized statement also included all telephone, telegraph, freight, and office labor bills, etc. This bill was allowed.

THE GENERAL SECRETARY submitted a detailed statement taken from the National Dental Association ledger-secretary's cash book-showing the total receipts and disbursements to Nov. 1, 1914.

This statement had been O. K.'d by Harry O. Dungan, assistant cashier of the Citizens' State Bank, Huntington, Indiana.

The Secretary suggested that this report when prepared for publication include all receipts and disbursements to Jan. 1, 1915.

ON MOTION of Dr. Buckley, the Secretary and Treasurer were authorized to close their books on Jan. 1, 1915, and publish these reports in the Journal.

It was decided to hold the next meeting in Ann Arbor, Mich., on January 26, 1915.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Meeting of the Ad interim Committee.

Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 26, 1915. Pursuant to the call of the president, the Ad Interim Committee met in the Allenel Hotel, Ann Arbor, Mich., January 26, 1915, at 1:30 p. m.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. Don M. Gallie, who announced that the Committee had met to transact important business relative to the work of the Publication Commit

tee, the Scientific Foundation and Research Commission, the National Relief Committee and any other business that might come under the jurisdiction of the Ad Interim Committee.

Every member of the Ad Interim Committee was present. The members of this committee consist of Gallie, King, Ward, Burkhart and Buckley.

The members of the Publication Committee, other than those included in the Ad Interim Committee present, were Drs. Wheeler, Logan and Grant.

DR. WESTON A. PRICE, chairman of the Scientific Foundation and Research Commission, appeared in behalf of this commission explaining in detail the work that the members of this commission had done in trying to perfect articles of incorporation for an organization to be known as the Research Institute. This entire proposition was discussed informally from every phase of the articles of incorporation, necessary to secure a charter for this Research Institute.

DR. BUCKLEY made the following motion which was seconded by Dr. Ward that the recommendations of the commission be approved as follows:

That the present membership for the incorporation may be increased to (40) forty and that the Board of Directors may be increased to (24) twenty-four; also, that the directors shall give bond from a security company subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The premium to be paid for by the Research Institute. This motion was carried.

MOVED by Dr. Buckley and seconded by Dr. Burkhart, that the Ad Interim Committee, representing the Board of Trustees of the National Dental Association, ratify the plan of the commission and direct them to proceed and take such steps as may be necessary for the proper and legal incorporation of the Research Institute of the National Dental Association in accordance with the laws

of the State of New York. Motion carried.

Dr. Price explained to the board that in order for the Research Institute to carry on its work to the best advantage, it would be necessary for them to make arrangements whereby their research records, researches, etc., could be published. Dr. Price suggested that the Research Institute have a special department in The Journal of the National Dental Association, and that all of their records and announcements appear in our own publication.

After this matter had been thoroly discussed, in an informal way, Dr. Burkhart moved and Dr. Buckley seconded the motion, that the Research Institute of the National Dental Association be given a department in The Journal for the publication of its proceedings and work. The space to be under the control of the Journal Committee of the N. D. A. and the directors of the Research Institute. Motion carried.

Dr. Price on behalf of the commission expressed his hearty thanks for the cooperation and support of the National Dental Association in the perfecting of the Research Institute.

DR. GAYLORD, chairman of the Relief Committee, gave a report on the work being done by his committee and suggested plans for its future work. After these plans were thoroly discussed, the board unanimously agreed that if the plans of this committee were perfected as outlined by the chairman, that it would greatly increase the responsibility of the National Dental Asociation.

UPON MOTION made, seconded and carried, the Relief Committee was requested to furnish additional information and suggestions for the proper consideration of the work of this committee to the Board of Trustees before the first session of the House of Delegates, 1915. The Secretary of the National Dental

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