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left with the patient to be taken in his absence. Only such drugs are personally administered by a physician to a patient when away from his office are exempt from record."

Your chairman took this matter up with the Internal Revenue Collector of Columbus, who seemed to appreciate the fact that best possible record a dentist could keep would not be anything like accurate. After this conference your chairman first thought of writing to the department but owing to the short length of time before the meeting of the House of Delegates, it was thought best to call attention to the matter in the report of the Legislative Committee. Therefore, the question is before you for such action or recommendation as you desire to take.

Respectfully submitted,

HOMER C. BROWN, Chairman.
C. B. GIFFORD, Secretary.


VICTOR H. JACKSON, New York, Chairman, presented the report of the Committee on Transportation and Place of Session, which was referred to the Reference Committee on Miscellaneous Business.


To the House of Delegates.

Business at San Francisco, Cal., September 1st, 1915. "The Committee on Transportation and Place of Session," calls attention to the unanimous action of the National Dental Association at the Washington meeting of nineteen hundred and twelve, in accepting the invitation of the Committee of Organization of the Panama Pacific Dental Congress to meet in conjunction with them at this time in San Francisco, nineteen hundred and fifteen.

Again at the meeting of the National Dental Association at Kansas City, Mo., July, Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen, the plan of the National Dental Association, meeting with the Panama Pacific Dental Congress at San Francisco in Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen, was fully discussed and approved.

The Committee on Transportation and place of Session of the National Dental Association altho located at distant points, began early to organize as required by the Constitution and ByLaws, and have done everything possible to encourage a large attendance at the Congress.

The Committee respectfully reports that they have carried on and accomplished satisfactory the works of the committee as defined, in securing special railway transportation rates to the meeting of the Congress.

Owing to the large membership of our Association, in October last an attempt was made by the Chairman of the committee to secure better railway rates for transportation to San Francisco than were granted the general public, but it was found after careful consultation with railway representatives, that all railways had agreed upon a general railway transportation rate which they necessarily had to maintain.

The committee prepared three railway itineraries from the East to San Francisco. They were reported and accepted at the meeting of the AdInterim Committees of the Association, later approved by the Officers of the Association; and incidentally were acted upon by the Ofcers and Board of the First District Dental Society of New York.

The three railway itineraries as prepared and approved were forwarded in January to the editors of all dental journals with the request that they publish them in their dental journals as soon as convenient. Several journals did not respond, but the itineraries were published promptly, in the following dental journals:

The Dental Review, Chicago.
Items of Interest, New York.
Dental Digest, New York.

Journal of the Allied Dental Societies, New York.
The Dental Register, Ann Arbor, Mich.

The Journal of the National Dental Association with which the Secretary distributed to the members of the Association the railway itineraries in booklet form.

The Place of meeting of the National Dental Association in 1916:

The committee reports as follows:

Recognizing that the best interests of the Association should at all times be the first consideration, and that at present the upbuilding of the Association, by increasing its membership, is all important, the committee is of the opinion, and suggest that the final selection of the place of meeting should largely be determined by the House of Delegates, which is composed of the delegates from the several states.

The Chairman of the committee has received several invitations to the National Dental Associa tion to hold its session of 1916 in the following cities:

An invitation to hold the meeting in New York City from The New York Merchants' Association (dated July 2, 1915), supported by a direct invitation from Mayor Mitchell of New York City.

An invitation from the New York State Dental Association.

An invitation from The First District Dental Society of New York, and also an invitation from. the Third and from the Fifth District Dental Societies of New York.

The Merchants' Association of New York City have proposed to provide, without charge, ample space for all of the National Association meetings, committee meetings, clinics, sufficient exhibition

spaces, etc., at the Hotel Astor, there being ample space for all, including the exhibits.

The Merchants' Association and the hotel interests have personally assured us that they will provide all space needed and that this hotel has the largest convention space of any hotel in the nation. Elaborate descriptive booklets and diagrams of the hotel facilities are here presented.

An invitation of August 4th, 1915, to the National Dental Association, to hold the 1916 meeting in Louisville, Ky., was received from the "Louisville Convention and Publicity League," and the "Kentucky State Dental Association."

The invitation is followed by an invitation from the Governor of Kentucky, and another from the Mayor of Louisville.

The Louisville Convention and Publicity League offers, free of charge, the First Regiment Armory for clinic and exhibition purposes, and a building immediately across the street for all meetings, they providing whatever facilities that are required. They guarantee that hotel rates will not be increased.

Incidentally among the amusements they propose a boat trip up the Ohio River for all visitors. An invitation of July 8th, 1915, to the National Dental Association, was received.

From the BUSINESS MEN'S CLUB of Memphis, Tennessee, to hold the annual meeting of the National Dental Association of 1916 at Memphis, Tenn. They advise us that every facility for the proper conduct of the meeting will be arranged for. Extensive descriptive booklets of their Hotels and their facilities are here presented.

An invitation, August 1st, 1915, to the National Dental Association, was received from the "Columbus Convention and Publicity Association," of Columbus, Ohio, to hold the annual meeting of the National Dental Association of 1916, at Columbus, Ohio.

The Columbus Convention Association assures us that all things needful are at hand for the successful conduct of the meeting.

Probably other cities have extended invitations that our committee have not yet received.

The committee are pleased to receive the above invitations.

The committee are convinced that each location has its advantages, but are of the opinion that the choice of the place of meeting in 1916 should be confined to the selection of one of the following: New York City, N. Y.; Louisville, Kentucky, or Memphis, Tennessee.

Respectfully submitted by


Dr. D. C. Bacon, Chicago, Ill.

Dr. Henry W. Weirick, San Francisco, Cal.
Dr. Henry F. Hoffman, Denver, Colo.

Dr. Joseph D. Eby, Atlanta, Geo.
Dr. J. P. Marshall, St. Louis, Mo.

Dr. V. H. Jackson, New York, N. Y., Chm.

WESTON A. PRICE, Chairman, Cleveland, Ohio, presented the report of the Committee on Scientific Foundation and Research Commission.

IT WAS MOVED and seconded that this report be received and approved. Carried.

See report on page 315.

In the absence of Dr. Mark F. Finlay, Chairman, Washington, D. C., the Secretary read a communication from Dr. Finlay relative to the report of the Committee on Public Health.

THE PRESIDENT stated that Dr. Finlay was chairman also of the Pharmacoepial Committee, and the report read applied to both, and as there were no recommendations made, it was unnecessary to take any further action.

EDWARD S. GAYLORD, Chairman, New Haven, Conn., presented the report of the Committee on National Relief Fund.

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closing one hundred seals with request to purchase or return, as was done November and December, 1913, incurring considerable expense, also loss of many seals, either in transit or neglect to return, it was deemed unwise to repeat. Second-Your committee at our meeting last year in Rochester, outlined a plan before the House of Delegates, and later discussed with our General Secretary (viz.) to appoint a committee in the several states, who should solicit annual subscriptions from their members, making return of all money collected or pledged, to the General Secretary, mailing facilities of the Secretary's office being such as to greatly minimize both work and expense, while all would be under the supervision of your committee. A plan is being very successfully pursued in Tennessee, of collecting one dollar per capita of the membership of the State Society. Dr. Noel reports this is working well, and gives general satisfaction, which greatly simplifies the work, and strengthens the belief that work of collection and supervising the beneficiary thru the several State Society Committees, will best centralize the interest in the fund, and soon establish it on the desired working basis.

At a meeting of your Ad-Interim Committee held at Ann Arbor January, 1915, the Relief Fund Committee was represented, with the view of completing in detail the suggested method of making the office of the General Secretary a clearing house for the relief fund, and at once institute a campaign of systematic subscription and collection thruout the states. After considerable discussion, a motion prevailed, directing the Relief Fund Committee to cease all activities in further increase of the fund, until the subject should be freely discussed at this meeting, which in the opinion of your committee has resulted in an actual loss to the fund of several thousand dollars for the year. In other words, had the plan, as outlined by your committee at the Rochester meeting been set in motion, we would have had not less than twenty thousand dollars in the fund at this time. With this sum at our immediate disposal, our members have the assurance of relief, in the event of such disastrous visitation as the San Francisco earthquake and fire, when less than twelve thousand dollars was found ample to mitigate the loss of the members of our profession there, or a flood such as occurred at Dayton, Ohio, or a possible disease epidemic, to all of which immediate response could be made, under the preamble and resolution presented by the San Francisco Relief Committee (and formally accepted by this body) at Minneapolis August, 1907, when the San Fran. cisco Relief Committee presented to the National Dental Association, the balance of $3969.75 received by subscription thruout the country, and required by them, thus establishing a nucleus for a substantial relief fund, (as recommended) of not less than fifty thousand dollars. The contact of your committee with a large number of our members the past three years, prompts us to the

full belief this ideal can be realized in less than five years. But allowing no further solicitation is made, the present sum, $10,809.08, now on deposit at 4% interest, will more than double itself in seventeen years, thus we would have a fund of $21,591.33 to meet emergencies such as we have mentioned.

In further discussion of this subject, your committee would go back to the original resolution, which calls for a fund, the interest of which may be employed for the relief of superanuated dentists. Here we would offer an amendment, which would make the object more nearly conform to this age of progression by including such members, who by accident or sickness, are unable to support themselves or those dependent on them. We are deeply impressed by the importance of such provision, by the appeal for aid in many worthy and suffering families during the past two years. The fact that a relief fund is being raised, contributors to the fund are applying for assistance, which is justly their due, but the amount of interest, $426.32, on present sum would be subdivided to such extent, none would receive substantial aid, and the fund would thereby be deprived of its regular increase in compound interest. Your committee have to each application made such reply, and also stated no authority has been given by the National Dental Association to so dispense the fund.

The importance and advisability of acquiring a large amount in this fund, is in the minds of your committee augmented by approval, by word or letter, of a very considerable number who were members prior to reorganization; with our present membership of nearly fifteen thousand, the interest in this fund is correspondingly increased, and a system can be evolved thru committees in the different state organizations for collection and disbursement, which would not embarrass the office of the General Secretary, as apprehended in discussion at the Ann Arbor meeting, when it is possible your committee presented too vivid picture of a large business transaction.

The representative National Association of the world should, at least, stand shoulder to shoulder with Great Britain, where with less than three thousand contributing members. they have a relief fund of about thirty thousand dollars, with which they not only assist those. who by infirmity of age, sickness or accident are disabled, but aid worthy young men to obtain their dental education, return being made at low rate of interest, which by their earnings they are able to do.

It is recommended the national body abandon the collection of a relief fund, and apportion the amount now in hand among the states having contributed most toward it. To this proposition, your committee most earnestiy protest, for the following reasons. First, by such act you abrogate the 'ntent expressed by preamble and resolution of the California Relief Fund Committee in presenting he sum of $3969.75 as therein stated, to become


a nucleus for a National Dental Relief Fund, which was accepted by this body, and under which your committee have poised in soliciting and collecting the sum of $6688.33 during the past two years. just sub-division among the different states would be most confusing to determine, as no book account has been kept of the source of the many contributors, and which course would be manifestly unfair, as contributions have been made with the one end in view, to establish a substantial fund in the name and under governance of the national body. Again, the moment you divorce this idea of the National Relief Fund, that moment you vitiate the work of your committee and create dissension and lack of interest among our members. Keep the amount together, create machine for reaching our large membership, and you will find the interest of our members in the fund will increase proportionately, as the increases. With the sum of twenty thousand dollars at our immediate disposal, we are reasonably sure of very substantial relief in event of wide spread disaster which may overtake us. forty thousand, or perhaps thirty thousand, we can direct the interest, to care for the most urgent calls for relief, and at that period the regular annual contributions will soon accumulate to the desired amount of fifty thousand dollars.




This assurance of your committee is based upon the unsolicited endorsement from our members, by contributions and letters the past three years. Signed:




E. S. GAYLORD, Chairman,

IT WAS MOVED by Dr. Fowler that the report be accepted and adopted. Seconded and carried.

With reference to the Committees on Public Health and Pharmacoepial, Dr. Burkhart said it was the intention of the Board of Trustees to make a recommendation with reference to some of these committees, and they would probably be taken up immediately after the adjournment of the House of Delegates. suggested that this matter lie over until tomorrow. It was so ordered.


In the absence of the chairman of the Committee on Law, the Report of this committee was read by the Secretary.


To the Officers and Members of the National Dental Association:

The history of the dental profession and of den

tal societies, will show that we have devoted the greater share of our efforts in the promotion of education, and the fostering of skill in dental art, and this was the right thing to do. While the profession was yet in its infancy, it was necessary that we acquire those qualities which would enable us to rank as a profession. Now, that we have entered into young manhood, we find our capacity for mutual effort very much increased. Without letting down the bars in so far as educational equipment is concerned, we yet find ample scope for some of the material advantages as well. In this connection we find that the dental societies are continuing in the same path of evolution as did the trade unions before them. After the learning how, then followed social and economic advantages.

The trend of the dental society is enlargement in every direction. It is only necessary to observe the list of committees of the live dental society, to note the many activities which are in progress. Dental research, public dental education, dental legislation, dental colleges and a host of subjects are included. Not the least important is the matter which has been under consideration by the Law Committee of this association, which has for its object the protection of its members against illegal malpractice suits. Now, many dentists are protected in this manner by private insurance companies at a cost ranging from $10 to $15 per year. The same lawyers who undertake the defense of dentists for these insurance companies inform us that, if this association would conduct the defense of all of its members, it could be accomplished for twenty-five cents per year for each member. Quite a reduction you must admit, but it is not so unreasonable as might appear on first sight. It is a well known fact that all insurance companies figure a high percentage for the cost of securing business, then the matter of rents, salaries, and profits must be considered. The greatest cost, however, is in the fact, that all this equipment for dental protection is maintained and not one dentist in twenty takes out the insurance, and they who do, foot the bill.

The average local lawyer has not the experience, or the ability to successfully defend a malpractice suit. If, however, he can have the assistance of an expert, he is able to win easily, for the average lawyer opposing him rarely is able to formulate a proper indictment that will stand muster.

Now, because you have never been sued for a case of alleged malpractice, is no sign that you never will. Indeed, you may find such a proceeding filed against you on your arrival home. If such should be the case, it would be a great disaster to you. Not only a loss of time and money, but what is worse, a blow to the good reputation you now have, which has taken you years to acquire. dentist This is no fairy tale. Many a fully as good as you are, has been thus caught unprepared, and suffered unjustly thru lack of foresight. We used to sneer at fire insurance, in

the firm belief that it would be the other fellow's house that would burn instead of ours; we have advanced now to the place where hardly axy property which can burn is held without adequate fire insurance.

There is hardly a work that this association can do for so small a cost, that will do the good and prove as popular with the rank and file of our membership, as will the work thus outlined. When this association arrives at a stage whereby it will devote twenty-five cents of the dues of each member for this work, and instruct its Law Committee to proceed with the defense, then will the day be past when a disgruntled patient shall prey upon the dentist who has done his best, but has met with some misfortune in doing it. Accidents hap

pen in the best regulated families, and even dentists are not always immune. Until such time shall come when a committee can undertake this work, let us work to that end. Already, we have the experience of certain dental and medical societies which have successfully done this work, so it is no new untried plan that we shall follow.

We recommend that this committee be continued, and that its object and plans be laid before the various State Societies, and crystalize the sentiment regarding it.



Law Committee.

San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 30, 1915. DR. FOWLER moved that the report be received and placed on record.

Seconded and carried.

J. V. CONZETT, Chairman, Dubuque, Iowa, read the report of the Representatives on Educational Council of America, and on motion of Dr. Buckley the report was received.


August 24th, 1915. To the President and House of Delegates of the National Dental Association:

Gentlemen :-Your committee representing the National Dental Association in the Educational Council has the honor to present the following report:

The Council has held two meetings in the past year, one at Rochester in July and one in Ann Arbor in January.

At the meeting in Rochester the following offcers and committees were elected: President, George E. Mitchell, Vice President, John V. Conzett; Secretary and Treasurer, Henry L. Banzhaf.

Committees Colleges: Thomas J. Barrett, Chair

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Legislation: J. V. Conzett, chairman; L. L. Barber, F. L. Platt, George E. Mitchell, Henry L. Banzhaf.

The Committee on Colleges was instructed to make an examination of the colleges of the United States and credit the colleges according to the conditions found to obtain therein. This work has been going on as rapidly as the time at the disposal of the committee and the funds available will permit. The Council is not yet prepared to submit a detailed report of such examinations and classifications for the reason that the work is far from complete and we respectfully as for further time and that a fund at least as large as that given us last year be set aside for the use of the Council.

We have the honor to state that in our opinion the work of the Council is of the greatest importance in unifying the entrance requirements. the Curriculi, and the hope is that ultimately we will be able to report progress in the attempt to unify the laws of the various States, making possible a National reciprocity.

Respectfully submitted:

J. V. CONZETT, Chairman.


DR. VOLLAND reported for the Committee on Amendments, a change in Chapter 7 of the By-Laws, Section 1, as follows: "Nominations for office, except that for Treasurer, shall be made orally, but no nominating speech shall exceed three minutes in length. Any nominee receiving the majority of votes cast shall be declared elected." The change in the By-Laws is that "The Treasurer shall be nominated by the Board of Trustees," the remainder of the sentence to be stricken out, namely, "who shall present two names." (To lie over until tomorrow.)

DR. BURKHART offered the following resolution: Whereas, It has come to the notice of the National Dental Association that Mr. George Eastman, of Rochester, New York, has generously contributed a sufficient sum to endow and maintain a dental dispensary for the relief of

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