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Oral Surgery, Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, Pathology, Etiology,
Prophylaxis, Oral Hygiene, Materia Medica and Allied Subjects.

Chairman-Carl D. Lucas, Indianapolis, Ind.
Vice-Chairman-W. A. Dean, Tampa, Fla.
Secretary M. E. Vance, Lincoln, Neb.

WEDNESDAY-First Session.

Dr. Carl D. Lucas, of Indianapolis, Indiana, acted as chairman of the section and Dr. M. E. Vance, of Lincoln, Neb., secretary.

The session was called to order at 2 P. M. by the chairman.

THE CHAIRMAN: The officers of the Second Section of the National Dental Association, have gladly performed their duties according to their best abilities, and feel sure that the Members of the Association, here assembled, fully appreciate the high standard they have set in the securing of the Essayist and Respondants for this section of the program.

Therefore, it affords me great pleasure to introduce our first speaker, Dr. John Deans Patterson, of Kansas City, Mo., who will present the subject, "Pyorrhea

Alveolaris, and Comments upon the Vaccine Treatment."

(Dr. Patterson's paper published in this issue of The Journal, page 234.)

THE CHAIRMAN: We have listened to a very timely and valuable paper upon an all-important subject, and in order to follow in sequence, another phase of Oral Prophylaxis will now be presented.

It is my pleasure to introduce to this Assembly, Dr. Charles H. Oakman, of Detroit, Mich., member of The Detroit Board of Health, who will present the subject, "Oral Hygiene."

(Dr. Oakman's paper, with discussion was published in March issue, page 20.)

THE CHAIRMAN: This completes the program for this session, and we will now adjourn.

THURSDAY Second Session.

The second session of Section II was called to order at 2 P. M. Thursday July 9, by the chairman, Dr. Carl D. Lucas.

THE CHAIRMAN announced that according to the constitution and by-laws the next order of business was the election of a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary for Section II.

The result of the election was as follows: Chairman, Charles J. Lyons, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Vice-Chairman, F. P. Moorehead, People's Gas Bldg., Chicago, Ill.; Secretary, Mark E. Vance, Fraternity Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.

THE CHAIRMAN then introduced Dr. Chalmers J. Lyons, Ann Arbor, Mich., who read his paper entitled "The Pathological Significance of Impacted Teeth."

(Dr. Lyons' paper will be published in a later issue of The Journal.)

The next order of business was the reading of a paper by Dr. M. T. Barrett, Philadelphia, Pa., entitled "The Relation of Protozoa of the Mouth to Alveolar Pyorrhea."

(Dr. Barrett's paper will appear in a later issue of The Journal.)

Section II then adjourned.


Prosthodontia, Orthodontia, Metallurgy, Chemistry and
Allied Subjects.

Chairman-Charles R. Turner, Philadelphia, Pa.
Vice-Chairman-L. E. Custer, Dayton, Ohio.
Secretary-W. Ernest Walker, New Orleans, La.
TUESDAY-First Session.

Assembly Hall No. 2.

The first session of Section III was called to order by Vice Chairman, Dr. L. E. Custer, of Dayton, Ohio, Tuesday, July 7th, at 2 P. M. Dr. W. Ernest Walker, of New Orleans, La., acted as secretary.

The first order of business as announced by the chairman was the reading of a paper by Dr. Dayton Dunbar Campbell, Kansas City, Mo., the title of his paper being "Some Basic Principles and Methods in the Reproduction of Mandibular Movements."

DR. CAMPBELL: Mr. Chairman and Members of the National Dental Association: Only about one per cent of the dental profession care about prosthetic work, and I am gratified to see so many here this afternoon, because I take it you want to know something about how to make better plates.

The first slide bears the likeness of Dr. Gysi, one of the greatest of instrument makers. He seems to have been born

with a certain mechanical instinct that was well adapted to the work he was to follow thru life, the making of instruments to secure the proper reproduction of mandibular movements. He is a mechanical genius, but he is keenly æsthetic also, and a humorist when you are able to discover that side of him. The next slide is the picture of Dr. George Henry Wilson, a man to whom I am indebted and grateful for many of the things I shall say in this paper.

(This paper will be published in a future issue of The Journal of the National Dental Association.)

THE SECRETARY: We will next have a paper by Dr. Alden J. Bush, of Columbus, Ohio, on "Proposed Classification of Fixed Bridgework, with Law Governing its Application."

(See paper on page 221 of The Journal.)

Section III then adjourned until Thursday at 9:30 A. M.

THURSDAY- Second Session.

The second session of Section III was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Dr. L. E. Custer, Dayton, O., at 9:30 A. M., Thursday, July 9th.

The first order of business as announced by the chairman was the reading of a paper by Dr. Carl B. Case, Milwaukee, Wis., entitled "Evolution of Bodily Movement of Teeth."

(This paper will appear in a later issue of The Journal.)

THE CHAIRMAN: The next paper on the program is one by Dr. Jules J. Sarrazin, of New Orleans, on the subject: "Properly Constructed Bridges and their Hygienic Care." Dr. Sarrazin. (Applause).

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The first session of the State Society Officers' Section was called to order on Wednesday, July 8th, at 2 P. M., by the vice-chairman, Dr. Benjamin Sandy, of Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Sandy, in calling the meeting to order, said:

I believe it unnecessary at this time to dwell upon the importance of dental organizations, local, state and national, All great movements in the past have been fostered by these organizations and thru them the profession has been cemented together. We must never-theless admit that there are many evils and weaknesses in the present form of dental organizations. This is shown by the fact that in some of our state organizations, where, with one exception, I believe, the percentage of members to those eligible ranges from 15 to 60 per cent, when it should be 95 or 98 per cent. We should not have men with no executive training occupying for the first time positions of importance in the organizations, learning by experience rather than

by training. These conditions are the excuse for the existence of this section. We have with us today men who have given a great deal of time and thought to these conditions, men who are past as well as present masters on the subject of organization work, and I take great pleasure in calling upon our president, Dr. Homer C. Brown, Columbus, Ohio., who will now read his paper entitled, "The Responsibilities of the State Society Officers." (Applause.)

(Dr. Brown's paper was published in May number of The Journal, page 101.)

THE CHAIRMAN then introduced Dr. Arthur D. Black, of Chicago, Ill., who read his paper entitled "The Conduct of State Societies and Their Components, in the Planning of Programs and Administration."

(Dr. Black's paper was published in May number of The Journal, page 110.) The session then adjourned until Thursday, July 9th, at 2 P. M.

THURSDAY Second Session.

The second session of the State Society Officers' Section was called to order on Thursday, July 9th, at 2 P. M. by the vice-chairman, Dr. Benjamin Sandy. THE CHAIRMAN: The first thing on our program for this afternoon is a paper on "A State Society's Aim; Making Effi

cient Dentists," by Dr. Otto U. King, of Huntington, Indiana, General Secretary of the National Dental Association. (Applause.)

(Dr. King's paper will be published in a later issue of the Journal.)

THE CHAIRMAN: I regret to say that Dr. Price has been called home by the serious illness of his son, and his paper will not be read. This closes the program of this section at this time.

THE CHAIRMAN: The next order of business is the election of officers for the Section.

The election of officers resulted as follows: Chairman, Benjamin Sandy, Syndicate Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn; ViceChairman, C. R. Lawrence, Enid, Oklahoma; A. P. Burkhart, Secretary, 53 Genessee St., Auburn, N. Y.

There being no further business this State Society Officers' section adjourned.


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Two Afternoon Sessions, September 1-2.

Opening Session 2 P. M., Municipal Auditorium, San Francisco, Cal.

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