Pain-Its Significance and Value as a Diagnostic Symptom-Its Advantages and Superstitions of Dental Medicine. By Dr. Garrett Newkeils... ...Ann Arbor, Mich. . Pasadena, Calif. Therapeutic and Surgical Treatment of Roots and Their Adjacent Tissues. The Therapeutic of Radicular and Fallicular Dental Cysts. By Prof. Dr. Rudolph Weish.... .Pittsburg, Pa. Vienna, Austria A Few Thoughts on the Comparative Anatomy of the Maxillary Sinus, Its Relation to the Teeth Mandilcular Enticulation and Alimentary System. ... Cleveland, Ohio Some Practical Uses in Dental Practice for Tungsten and Molybdenum. By Dr. W. A. Price...... A Method of Surveying and Mapping the Dental Apparatus. By Dr. F. L. Stanton. The Plantation of Teeth. By M. J. Congdon, D. D. S.... Cavity Preparation for Gold Inlays. By Dr. John Conzett. . . . . . Berkeley, Cal. .Dubuque, Ia. Oakland, Cal. The Recessional Lines of Pulps in Their Relation to Operative Dentistry, By Dr. H. G. Chappel. . . . . . Operative Procedures in Relation to Dental Caries and Diseases of the Investing Tissues. By Arthur D. Black, M. D., D. D. S...... By R. H. Reithmuller..... ....Chicago, Ill. Anoci-Association in Dental Operations. Technics in the Treatment of Pulps, Root Canal and Pericytical Area. Philadelphia, Pa. Pyorrhea Alveolaris Showing the Pathological Changes Occurring in the Alveolus Based on Microscopic Observation. By Dr. Fred Hecker.. .Kansas City, Mo. San Francisco, Cal. .Palo Alto, Cal. The Entameba Buccalis as Seen Thru the Microscope Illustrated by Moving Picture Film and Lantern. By Dr. Geo. H. Neilson.. Crown & Bridge...... Some Fundamental Things in Dental Prosthesis. By Dr. J. Leon Williams.... Cleveland, Ohio .H. J. Goslee, Chicago Some Grave Errors in the Practice of Crown and Bridge Work. By Dr. Vincenzo Guerini..... New York, N. Y. Naples, Italy Indications and Construction of a Rubber Obturatoa that is Retained Only by the Dr. Geo. H. Wilson.... Dr. Andrew J. McDonagh.. Dr. J. A. Gardner... Dr. J. P. Buckley.. Dr. Fred W. Dethro.. Dr. H. J. Goslee.. Dr. L. P. Haskell.. Dr. Arthur E. Peck.. Dr. Edwin R. Kibler.. Dr. J. M. Bischoff. Dr. R. A. Day... Dr. C. J. R. Engstrom... Dr. Richard H. Reithmuller. Dr. C. F. Fiset.. Dr. A. H. Ketchan. Dr. James D. McCoy. Dr. Robt. Dunn. Dr. Everett M. Heard. Dr. A. F. Merriman. Cleveland, Ohio. Toronto, Canada . Memphis, Tenn. . Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. New York City Philadelphia, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio. .London, England Dubuque, Iowa Chicago, Ill. .Atlanta, Ga. Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. . Indianapolis, Ind. .Stevens Pt., Wis. San Francisco, Cal. .Los Angeles, Cal. Philadelphia, Pa. Seattle, Wash. .Denver, Colo. Los Angeles, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Portland, Ore. ....Oakland, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. . San Francisco, Cal. TRANSACTIONS OF THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NATIONAL DENTAL ASSOCIATION. Held at Rochester, N. Y., July 7-10, 1914. THIRD GENERAL SESSION-JULY 8, 8:30 P. M.* Session called to order at 8:30 P. M. by President Brown. THE PRESIDENT: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Third General Session of the National Dental Association will now come to order. In behalf of the Association I wish to express the deep appreciation of the dental profession for the privilege that is ours on this occasion. We have had with us at this meeting Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, the President of the American Medical Association. We are signally honored on this occasion by having with us our honored guest, Dr. Joseph Colt Bloodgood, of Johns Hopkins University. I take great pleasure at this time in presenting to you Dr. Bloodgood (Applause). DR. BLOODGOOD: Mr. President, Members of the National Dental Association, Ladies and Gentlemen: I assure you that I appreciate this honor and this opportunity to bring before you some conditions that are on the border line between medicine and dentistry. I think you will all agree with me, and the medical world will also, that the dental pro fession guards, or at least if given an opportunity will guard, one of the most important portals or entrances or gateways thru which disease may enter the human body. I shall discuss tonight chiefly malignant diseases, but perhaps the larger group is the infections which find their way thru the mouth cavity. I shall not speak of your opportunities of preventing those infections, but shall confine myself to tumors or malignant disease. In the same sense, perhaps, you can prevent these diseases. (Dr. Bloodgood's paper was published in the March issue of The Journal, page 1.) PRESIDENT: We also are honored tonight to have with us Dr. Grover W. Wende, of Buffalo, N. Y., President of the New York State Medical Society, who will give us a paper on "Oral Manifestations in Syphillis." (Applause.) (Paper will appear in later issue.) Session adjourned. *The First and Second General Sessions were published in the October Official Bulletin, Pages 124-134. FOURTH GENERAL SESSION THURSDAY, 8:00 P. M. The Fourth General Session was called to order Thursday, July 9th, at 8 P. M. by Dr. Henry A. Kelley, Portland, Me., chairman of Section I. THE CHAIRMAN: The first paper this evening will be on "A Study of Root Canal Filling Materials," by Dr. J. R. Callahan, Cincinnati, Ohio. (This paper will appear in a later issue of the Journal.) THE CHAIRMAN: The next paper will be, "Technic for Making Impressions and Models for the Construction of Arti ficial Dentures." Demonstrated with motion pictures, by Dr. William A. Giffin, Detroit, Mich. (Dr. Giffin's paper will appear in a later issue of The Journal.) Dr. Frank L. Platt, of San Francisco, chairman of the Panama-Pacific Dental Congress Committee on Organization, was introduced and gave an illustrated talk on the Panama-Pacific Exposition Grounds, place where the Dental Congress will be held in 1915. The fourth general session then adjourned. FIFTH GENERAL SESSION THURSDAY, 4:00 P. M. The general session was called to order Thursday, July 9th at 4 P. M., by the president, Dr. Brown. The first order of business as announced by the president was the installation of the newly elected officers. The following officers were then duly installed: President, Donald Mackay Gallie, Suite 1012, Reliance Bldg., Chicago, Ill.; First Vice-President, Edward G. Link, 226 Cutler Bldg., Rochester, N. Y.; Second Vice-President, L. P. Dotterer, 102 Broad St., Charleston, S. C.; Third Vice-President, *T. E. Turner, St. Louis, Motion was then made and carried that the National Dental Association adjourn to meet in conjunction with the PanamaPacific Dental Congress in San Francisco, Aug. 30, to Sept. 9, 1915. *Deceased. The Board of Trustees met in Chicago on February 27th, 1915, and elected Dr. Arthur R. Melendy Treasurer, Knoxville, Tennessee, to fill the unexpired term of Dr. H. B. McFadden. Dr. Clarence V. Watts, Des Moines, Iowa, was elected Third Vice-President, to fill the unexpired term of Dr. T. E. Turner. SECTION PROCEEDINGS. SECTION I. Operative Dentistry, Nomenclature, Literature, Dental Education and Allied Subjects. Chairman-Henry A. Kelley, Portland, Me. TUESDAY- First Session. The first session of Section I was called to order Tuesday, July 7th, at 2 P. M., by the chairman, Dr. Henry A. Kelley, Portland, Me. THE CHAIRMAN: Because of diffi culty in arranging for the stereopticon slides in this room, the Essay of Dr. E. J. Eisen will be postponed until Thursday morning, and we will now take up the paper of Dr. Herbert L. Wheeler, of (This symposium published in this issue of The Journal, pages 193-208.) THE CHAIRMAN: This section will new proceed to the election of its officers. The result of the election was as follows: Chairman, H. E. Friesell, 1206 Highland Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa.; ViceChairman, E. G. Coolidge, 59 E. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.; Secretary, DeLos L. Hill, Suite 610-12 Grant Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. THE CHAIRMAN: By special arrangement, we will now adjourn to Assembly Hall No. 1, and take up the paper of Dr. Eisen on "Dental Radiography," which paper was postponed from the Tuesday afternoon session of this Section. Adjourned. THURSDAY-Second Session Continued. The third session of Section I was called to order by the chairman, Dr. Henry A. Kelley, at 12 o'clock, Thursday, July 9th. The first order of business as announced by the chairman was the reading of a paper by Dr. E. J. Eisen, Milwaukee, Wis., entitled "Interpretation of Dental Radiography." (Dr. Eisen's paper was published in May issue of The Journal, page 83.) THE CHAIRMAN: We should elect at this time a delegate from this Section to the House of Delegates. Dr. John F. Biddle, Pittsburg, Pa., was nominated and elected to serve as the delegate from Section I in the House of Delegates. THE CHAIRMAN: now stand adjourned. This section will |