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Endameba buccalis. Showing relative size to a red blood cell, also a superimposition with foreign material giving the false appearance of a pseudopod. Half second intervals.

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Endameba Kartulisi. Showing organism starting on a journey and its progress in six seconds. Half second intervals.

because of the migratory nature and habit of the organism. Pictures 4 and 5 illustrate how the least advanced end of the organism has scarcely started to move or change its contour until the mass

and has practically doubled in length. It should be noted that the organism covers nearly twice the square surface in the last of this series as in the first. This may be due, in a large part, to a

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Endameba Kartulisi. Showing nuclei and surrounding nourishing vacuoles A and B. See text. Half second intervals.

how endameba reproduce, but it is generally supposed that it is by transverse division and by some it is contended that they do so by means of division between the double nuclei. (9) It is significant to note from these illustrations, as shown particularly in figure 6, the clearly defined double nuclei, which clearly differentiates this species from the histolytica found in the colon, which multiplies by fragmentation of the chromatin, the remnant of the nuclei itself being expelled from the cyst. Figure 6 also shows very beautifully, and which often cannot be seen in stained specimens, that the double nuclei are not

maximum distance apart and the 5th, one-half second later, they are close together. This motion is very spectacular when seen in the motion pictures, for in each of these series the intervening steps, covered by seven pictures, have been left out. Figure 6 also illustrates the cumbersomeness of the organism, as shown by the difficulty it has in changing its course. In the last picture of the upper row it has decided to change its direction and it moves the mass of its body much as a company of soldiers would be marched around a corner, seldom cutting the corners. The halo surrounding these nuclei, shown with par

ticular clearness in letters A and B, are supposed, by some, to be nourishing vacuoles for the nuclei. We have never seen any contractile vacuoles in any species. It is very significant that, in the fixed slides that have come to us from various parts of the country, to be spoken of later, we have seen very few, if any, illustrations of these progressive phenomena, as there seems to be a relaxing of the organism to quite a universal state with death. It is a very fre

body. In other words, with a combination of lenses giving about 600 magnifications, the organism will cross the field in about three minutes. This figure also shows the migratory movement of the nuclei, spoken of in connection with the previous figure. Figure 8 shows an exceptionally rapid motility, in which in six seconds the organism has moved, virtually, half its own length. This is an unusual motility for this organism. We are all familiar with the fact that the

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Endameba Kartulisi. Showing rate of migration. Total time six seconds. Half second intervals.


quent experience that when this type of organism is first observed on the slide that it is club shape in form, especially so if seen very quickly after mounting, which suggests that this is a normal poise and one it takes in its natural nourishing process in its habitat. warmed on the artificial stage it frequently occurs that the organism becomes quite rapidly motile and will quite rapidly migrate across the field. This is particularly well illustrated in figure 7, in the first of which it has that characteristic club shape appearance and in six seconds has gotten under way and has migrated a considerable distance, as measured by the dimension of its own

root of a tree, as of a willow, can pass thru an exceedingly fine and torturous opening in a clay tile and expand on the other side to ultimately block the sewer, forming a veritable net work. This property of making its cross section exceedingly narrow and of projecting and dragging itself thru exceedingly fine and torturous openings within the mass of a material, is particularly characteristic of this species, for we have seen it come to an apparently impenetrable blockade and force a hairlike figure into the mass slowly, but forcibly projecting the finger until it has extended a long distance into it, and finally by enlarging the end of the finger and

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Endameba Kartulisi. Showing unusually rapid migration. Total time six seconds.

ally found it within the human tissue. It is exceedingly interesting that this species seems to dislike greatly to have death overtake it in the open and seems invariably to make for the debris, which may account for many people not finding it in their stained slides. It is also exceedingly interesting to note the great power of this little organism, for we have observed it as it would push itself into a mass of debris and crowd larger bulks of material out of its way. This is also particularly interesting as seen in the motion pictures. It has been quite significant to us that the presence of leptothrix in the patient's mouth is very often an index of the probability of find

becoming superimposed and in the third, fourth and fifth they are superimposed, and had we only the latter we could easily be misled. This figure also shows clearly the apparent ability of the organism to take in fluid and enlarge its mass, for its extending ectosarc, before the beginning of movement of the endosarc or diminution of its size, has presented an increase in volume that it is difficult to account for in any other way. This figure always shows clearly the rate of projection of the pseudopod, the total change here representing three seconds. It should be noted that the nuclei were generally much larger in the encysted or spore forms than in the motile varieties.

The rate of motility of this species, the endameba Kartulisi, corresponds very closely to that of the common garden snail in proportion to its size.

There are motile bacteria and protozoa of the mouth, mostly of the small varieties, that have a speed of locomotion, which, in proportion to their size, would compare with that of the humming bird or the honey bee. We have found an organism in some mouths, the morphology and pathogenicity, of which we have not found in any of the litera

conception of its motility, in proportion to its size, can be obtained by comparing it to the speed of a dog, or equivalent to that of a man running at the rate of 12 to 15 miles an hour. This organism has cillia and a contractile vacuole and is probably a paramaecium. It is spoken of later in this paper in connection with a practical case. We have only found this organism in mouths with a prolific growth of motile mouth flora. It must be seen either in the microscopic field or in motion pictures to be appreciated.

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Endameba Kartulisi. Showing two nuclei becoming superimposed and plowing into pseudopod. Also apparent extension of ectosarc.



Are endamebae directly related as a causative factor in so called pyorrhea alveolaris, and will emetine treatment cure the disease? There are many evidences to indicate that the answer should be affirmative, among them the following:

ture, which has a size between that of SOME
the erythrocytes or red blood corpuscles
and the endamebae and has a motility
so great that it can only be kept on the
microscopic field by using low powers,
by the constant adjustment of the
mechanical stage, and it is so transpar-
ent as to be scarcely visible with the
higher powers. It has a speed of motion
probably one hundred times as great as
that of the most motile endamebae.
Figure 10 shows motion pictures of it,
taken at the rate of one per twentieth of
a second, there being no pictures cut out
as in the former illustrations. In the
picture in the upper left hand corner the
organism is marked as A and its position
is indicated at each succeeding twentieth
of a second, and in six-twentieths it has
passed entirely off this part of the field.
This is shown here under a low power,
approximately 400 diameters. A relative

Favorable Evidence.

1. The statements made by skilled bacteriologists (11) of known exceptional ability and world reputation.

2. The history of certain varieties of endameba and their known relation to other lesions, (12) as for example, endamebic dysentery (13) of warm climates and its cure with emetine treatment.

3. Their frequent presence in pyor

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