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To furnish the highest possible concentration, with the most rapid absorbability, and the least possible irritation is the aim of every antitoxin propagator. In these respects NATIONAL DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN approaches the ideal.

Sold in ready-to-use syringes at these moderate prices;
1000 Units

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Other doses priced proportionately.

National Vaccine and Antitoxin Institute

"Oldest in America"


NOTE. In these same carefully conducted laboratories is prepared NATIONAL (the original) GLYCERINIZED VACCINE. It is used by the United States Government, and is recognized as a standard wherever vaccination is practiced.

Fellows Syrupus

Quadraginta per annos et a medicis et ab
aegris orbis terrarum totius probatus

Compositio sui generis neque imitabilis

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The conclusive proof that United States Tires are sweeping all before them is in the actual number in use, the ever-increasing demand, and consistent re-orders.

These famous tires contain the best that the greatest engineering skill and brains can give them-the best materials that experience and money can buy.


The unsurpassed and famous policy of four tremendous factories working as unit has established in the tire world the expression for mileage,-"As Good as United States Tires."

They are today the accepted standard for tire wear-the acknowledged goal of all competition-the criterion in the tire world of the fulfillment of the ideal manufacturing policy.

When you purchase United States Tires you are sure of these vitally important facts: 1. Of the organization behind these famous tires.

2. Of vast experience in tire building.
3. Of a tremendous company that actual-
ly backs up its tires and has real service

In the history of the motor vehicle no one industrial move has meant so much
to the true lovers of the automobile. As one instance,-witness the birth
of those "aristocrats of the road"-the "Nobby Tread" and "Chain Tread"



is a curable disease of the lungs. This is the revised version, the antithesis of the old threadbare and decidedly raw pronunciation of "Incurability." The obser vations gathered during the last two decades demonstrate conclusively the specise therapeutic value of McArthur's Syrup of the Hypophosphites in all chronic pal monary disease, and particularly in pulmonary consumption. It is set down as s Twentieth Century Fact that the chief utility of this matchless Syrup lies in ita improvement of the local nutrition of the diseased lungs by yielding up phos phorus. Under its administration—as has been shown over and over again at the hands of the best of practitioners-the patients improve in their general condition, the appetite is no longer capricious, the nutrition is augmented, and the further progress of the disease is stayed permanently. When it is considered that specific medication of the lung tissue is at best doubtful, and not attended with any gratifying material success, attention must be directed to such means as will improve the general condition of the patient; and among these means the Syrup maintains its high position. It is no longer a matter of experiment and theori ing, no longer a vexed question. Thinking practitioners look for no remedy of future discovery, but—with reliance on early diagnosis. tonics, stimulants and care of the possible complications-they place the utmost confidence in this well-proved measure, which nutrifies every tissue and every fluid, controls the suppurative tendencies, and promotes a healthy cicatrization. And these indien tions cannot be as well filled by any other measure or by any other preparation of the hypophosphites. The lungs ask for healthy tissues of such a character as will resist the encroachment of the tubercular bacillus, and for repair of those tissues which have suffered by such encroachment. And this Syrup gratifies the de mand. It has been preached and proclaimed, year by year: "The bacillus tuber culosis shuns the tissues where phosphorus abounds;" and, mark well the bul warks-the Syrup is the one preferable factor in procuring this abundance. The clinical reports of the utility would fill volumes, and the deduction is to be found unmistakably, incontrovertibly, in the manifesto that illuminates the doctrine → "Consumption is a curable disease of the lung."

Will furnish you a valuable Chart on Diseases of the Throat and Lungs and Pamphlet on Tuberculosis, free, and a $1.00 bottle of the Syrup, express paid, upon receipt of 40 cents, if you wish to make a trial of it in your practice. THE MCARTHUR HYPOPHOSPHITE CO.,


Substitution will soon stop if physicians will examine medicine ordered




Imperfect corsets are a prolific Source of disease-the properly constructed corset-a true prophylactic measure


1. It prevents prolapse of abdominal viscera with its host of resulting disorders and discomforts.

2. It prevents undue pressure and constriction, thus permitting
normal breathing and normal poise.

3. It enables obese subjects to take the needed out door exercise.
4. During pregnancy and after childbirth it affords adequate sup-
port to the abdominal walls and generative organs when re-
laxed or displaced.

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All these desirable features are embodied in the Goodwin Physiological Corsets, constructed on true anatomic and physiologic lines.

A copy of "Corsets-An Analysis," which fully illustrates and describes right and wrong corsets, will be forwarded to any physician addressing the New York office

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Starch Indigestion

is freely conceded to be the most common form of defective alimentation. The inability of the organism to digest and assimilate starchy foods not only gives rise to a wide variety of symptoms referrable to the digestive process, but the general metabolism always suffers with a corresponding depreciation of vital resistance. Treatment to be effective must be able not only to aid the digestion of starches, but also to supply in readily assimilable form the carbohydrates often so urgently needed. For many years the almost specific value of malt extract in this form of indigestion has been generally recognized, especially malt extract of the purity and quality of



Made from carefully selected barley malt, this pioneer product is exceptionally rich in natural diastase, maltose and other nutrient extractives.

Given in suitable dosage to the patient whose organism is unable to digest and appropriate starchy foods, Trommer Malt Extract serves a double purpose-First, it augments the diastasic power of the digestive process, thus aiding the conversion and assimilation of the starch in the regular diet, and Second, through its maltose it supplies the body with a readily assimilable carbohydrate thus aiding the nutrition and increasing bodily vitality.

Trommer Malt Extract fills an important place, therefore, in the management of nutritional disorders, and the more it is used the more its tonic reconstructive properties are appreciated.

To countless physicians Trommer Malt Extract is the standard.

Fremont, Ohio

Substitution will soon stop if physicians will examine medicine ordered

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