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Notes and Comments

A New Bichloride Tablet.

The wave of accidental poisoning from bichloride tablets that seems to be sweeping the country ought to receive a setback from the coffin-shaped POISON


tablets with "Poison" in raised letters on one side and skull and cross-bones on the other in a coffin-shaped bottle, with diamond-shaped projections, the Norwich Pharmacal Company, of Norwich, N. Y., are just introducing.

This unusual and gruesome shape, both of tablet and bottle, certainly ought to halt any one by its suggestive character, while the sharp projections on the bottle, in daylight or darkness, are bound to call instant attention to the unusual and poisonous character of its contents.

The Norwich people have always been alert in anticipating the demands of the professional public, and this latest product from their laboratories indicates that they still have their ears to the ground.

If you mention Medical Council a free sample will be sent you.

Flattering the Constitution.-it is all very well to tell a patient that he owes his wonderful recovery chiefly to his strong constitution. But it is well to go slow with flattery until the bill has been settled.-Medical Review.


(Continued one leaf over.)




is one of the most potent and effective remedies in anemia, incipient tuberculosis,
and conditions characterized by malnutrition or impaired vitality in general, at the
command of the profession

One Injection often Produces Marked Benefit!

Following its use the appetite is increased, the digestion improves, the food is assimilated, the weight shows an increase, and there follows a change in the blood which points to a profound stimulation of the reconstructive processes of the body. Physicians who are not using Bannerman's Solution are urged to investigate the remarkable blood making and tonic properties of this scientific product.

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Salts and Applicators
Radium Drinking Water
Radium Bath Water
Radium Compresses

Radio-Active Earth

¶ We guarantee the amount of Radium Element
contained in our preparations.

Radium Chemical Company
Pittsburgh, Pa.



20 R. W.


for B. typhosus

Showing germicidal action of


The Standardized Surgical and Medical Bactericide and Antiseptic

N.B. The standard organism employed in the Rideal-Walker test is B. typhosus. Any other organism may of course be used, as will be seen by referring to the following table. To avoid confusion, the name of the organism should be given when stating the co-efficient.

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*It he been found necessary to substitute the term Rideal-Walker Co-efficient for that originally introduced by the authors, viz., Carbolic-Acid Co-efficient, owing to the abuse of the latter on the part of unscrupulous manufacturers and vendors.-Vide British Medical Journal, 6th April, 1907.

Particulars of a non-poisonous solution of pyxol with guaranteed bactericidal efficiency equal to standard hospital strength of pure carbolic acid, at a cost of less than one-third of a cent per gallon, will be sent on applying to


Pyxol Department 17 Battery Place, New York

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Mixed salines are proving their worth, just as have mixtures of other laxatives. Making mixed saline laxatives in effervescent form adds to their comfort in administration. Sal Hepatica is such a product, and it is daily proving its worth. Write to Bristol-Meyers Co., 277-281 Greene avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mention Medical Council and a free sample will be sent to you.

The Medical Golden Rule.

A patient made the remark the other day, "Dr. Blank must have a good practice. He speaks so well of all the other doctors." Putting aside our ethical obligations, it is very clear that "good business" demands that we speak well of the other physicians in our community.

It is not enough that we refrain from actual knocking, as often our silence has the same re(Continued one leaf over.)

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Samples and literature to physicians upon request. STRONG COBB & COMPANY Cleveland, Ohio



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Unsurpassed for happy effect in Urethritis, Cystitis, Prostatic Troubles, difficult micturition, etc.



In Acne Cases Apply and Prescribe

Rainier Natural Soap

It possesses healing, soothing and cooling properties that make it efficient as an application in acne cases. Its medicinal virtues are the result of the combination of natural ingredients in Saxonite, a mineral powder which forms about 85 per cent. of each cake. Inflamed, irritated and swollen conditions of the skin readily yield to treatment with this Saxonite is what Ra- soap. Itcleanses and prevents inier Natural Soap is the spread of eruptions. made of, about 85 per

cent. being used. Its Every physician should carry analysis is : a cake in his case and use 17.60 and prescribe it in Acne 3.69 Cases.


Iron Oxide

Calcium Carbo


. .


4.40 FREE TO PHYSICIANS-Full size cake of Soap and Sample of 1.53 Saxonite, sent on request. .69

Carbonate of Magnesia Sodium Carbonate (free) Alkaliesin combination in the clay 2.62 Organic matter 1.06 Water


Both Sold by Druggists Rainier Natural Soap, 25 cents per cake. Saxonite in 2-ounce cartons, 25 cents.


Chlorides, none. Sulphates, none.

58B Pearl St., Buffalo, New York



To meet the constant and increasing demand for a smaller and more convenient package, Platt's Chlorides will now be put up in both small and large size Bottles, retailing for 25 and 50 cents.

Platt's Chlorides has been universally used by hospitals, nurses and the medical profession for over 34 years and has always given entire satisfaction.

It is absolutely odorless and does not cover one odor with another.

Safe, strong, efficient, and economical.

Recommended by Physicians generally.


The Odorless

HENRY B. PLATT, 42 Cliff Street, N. Y.

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Don't be cruel to the drug addict; treat him as a brother. Homelike surroundings and sympathetic care aids wonderfully in his restoration. This is the keynote in treatment at Dr. Broughton's Sanitarium, Rockford, Ill.

Giving the Full Formula.

We commend to consideration the advertisement of Budwell's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil; it gives formula in full. Read this advertisement and you will know for yourself what to expect of the preparation. Then send to Budwell Pharmacal Company, Dept. 25, Lynchburg, Va., for samples, mentioning The Medical Council.

Segregation a Failure.

The municipal clinic, an attempt_at_thorough and rigid inspection and quarantine of San Francisco prostitutes, has been abolished. The San Francisco Call says: "Established as the clinic was in a mistaken idea that it would result in an (Continued one leaf over.)

Nature Makes the Quality-We Insure the Purity
of Welch's

The general practitioner's watchful precaution, the surgeon's
unequaled sanitary safeguards, make it necessary that we should
give the men of your profession reasons why


Grape Juice

is not only the best in flavor, the most palatable-but the
purest article of its kind on the market.

You constantly meet cases, Doctor, where your judgment
suggests grape juice.

We can assure you that there is not a missing link in our chain of en-
deavor to make Welch's the best and purest, from the time we pay a bonus
for the best grapes in the best vineyards, until they pass through a factory
process which in every stage would meet the most exacting demands.
We want to send you some literature which will be of interest to you.
If you have never tried Welch's, say so in your request for
literature. Give the name of your druggist, and we will
have him deliver a sample pint bottle to your office.

The Welch Grape Juice Company, Westfield, N. Y.


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