Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Akamba ambayo amendment Angwenyi asked the Minister Assistant Minister audit Bank of Kenya beg to support Bifwoli Board of Kenya Bungoma Bungoma District chama cha ushirika Co-operative Act Co-operative Bank Co-operative Development co-operative movement co-operative societies Co-operative Societies Act Co-operative Union Coffee Board committee contractors Development and Marketing drugs economy Eldoret ensure Entry permits issued farmers hivyo House investment Kajembe KANU Kariuki katika Kenya Co-operative Creameries Khamasi Kibwezi Kimeto Kirinyaga Kisii Kitinda kwamba Lakini liberalisation loans looted Machage maize Marsabit District milk million Minister for Co-operative Ministry of Co-operative miti Mombasa Muiruri Murang'a Mwiraria Naibu Spika Nairobi NARC Government Ndile Ndwiga Onyancha Osundwa paid pending bills point of order produce pyrethrum revive the co-operative road rural SACCOs Sasura sector sell Serikali Sotik Spika wa Muda Temporary Deputy Speaker Temporary Deputy Speaker(Mr Tsavo vyama vya ushirika wakati Waziri