Chap. 2. 3. 4. 5. Elective Franchise [Transferred). Alien Ownership of Land [Transferred or Omitted]. 6. Immigration [Transferred, Omitted, or Repealed]. 7. Exclusion of Chinese [Omitted or Repealed). 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The Cooly Trade [Repealed). Miscellaneous Provisions [Repealed or Transferred). Alien Registration [Repealed.] Nationality [Repealed or Transferred]. Immigration and Naturalization Service. 1. 2. TITLE 9-ARBITRATION General Provisions. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. TITLE 7-AGRICULTURE-Continued 48. 49. Chap. 47. Interchange of Department of Agricul- 50. Agricultural Credit. 51. Food Stamp Program. 52. Farm Labor Contractor Registration [Repealed). 53. Cotton Research and Promotion. 54. Transportation, Sale, and Handling of 55. Department of Agriculture. 55A. Department of Agriculture Advisory Committees. 56. Unfair Trade Practice Affecting Producers of Agricultural Products. 57. Plant Variety Protection. 58. Potato Research and Promotion. 59. 60. 61. Rural Fire Protection, Development, and 62. 63. 64. 65. Wheat and Wheat Foods Research and 66. Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclo Beef Research and Information. sure. 67. Implementation of International Sugar Agreement, 1977. 68. Agricultural Subterminal Facilities. 69. Swine Health Protection. 70. Animal Cancer Research. 71. Agricultural Trade Suspension Adjust ment. 72. National Agricultural Cost of Production Standards Review Board. 73. Farmland Protection Policy. 11. 74. Floral Research and Consumer Informa 13. tion. 15. Reserve Components. The Militia. Insurrection. 75. International Carriage of Perishable 17. Arming of American Vessels. Foodstuffs. 18. 76. Dairy Research and Promotion. Military Support for Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies. 77. Honey Research, Promotion, and Con 20. sumer Information. 21. 78. Agricultural Productivity Research. Humanitarian and Other Assistance. Department of Defense Intelligence Matters. 79. Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer PART II-PERSONNEL Information. 31. 80. Watermelon Research and Promotion. 32. 81. National Commission on Agriculture and 82. State Agricultural Loan Mediation Pro- 33. 34. 35. 83. Agricultural Competitiveness and Trade. Temporary Grades. 36. TITLE 8-ALIENS AND NATIONALITY 1. General Provisions [Repealed or Omit 37. ted]. Enlistments. Officer Strength and Distribution in Appointments in Regular Components. Appointments as Reserve Officers. Promotion, Separation, and Involuntary General Service Requirements. 38. Joint Officer Management. Appointments in Officer 547. [Repealed). 549. Reserve Promotions. 551. Officers in Command. 553. Special Assignments and Details. 555. Administration. 557. Rations. 559. Miscellaneous Prohibitions and Penalties. 561. Miscellaneous Rights and Benefits. 563. Hospitalization and Medical Care. 565. Bands. 567. Decorations and Awards. 569. Discharge of Enlisted Members. 571. Voluntary Retirement. 573. Involuntary Retirement, Separation, and Furlough. 575. Recall to Active Duty. 577. Death Benefits; Care of the Dead. PART III-EDUCATION AND TRAINING 601. Officer Procurement Programs. 603. United States Naval Academy. 605. United States Naval Postgraduate School. 607. Retirement of Civilian Members of the Teaching Staffs of the United States Naval Academy and United States Naval Postgraduate School. PART IV-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 631. Secretary of the Navy: Miscellaneous Powers and Duties. 443. Disposal of Obsolete or Surplus Material. 445. Inquests; Disposition of Effects of Deceased Persons; Captured Flags. 447. Transportation. 449. Real Property. 451. Military Claims. 453. Accountability and Responsibility. SUBTITLE C-NAVY AND MARINE CORPS PART I-ORGANIZATION 501. Definitions. 503. Department of the Navy. 505. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 506. Headquarters, Marine Corps. 507. Composition of the Department of the Navy. 509. [Repealed). 511. [Repealed). 513. Bureaus; Office of the Judge Advocate General. 515. [Repealed). 516. [Repealed). 517. [Repealed). 519. Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve. PART II-PERSONNEL 531. Strength of Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve. 533. Distribution in Grade. 535. Grade and Rank of Officers. 537. Enlistments. 539. Original Appointments. 541. Running Mates for Reserve Officers. 543. [Repealed]. 865. [Repealed). 867. Retirement for Length of Service. 869. Retired Grade. 871. Computation of Retired Pay. 873. Civilian Employees. PART III-TRAINING 901. Training Generally. National Agricultural Credit Corporations [Repealed or Omitted]. Local Agricultural-Credit 903. United States Air Force Academy. 905. [Repealed). 907. Schools and Camps. 909. Civil Air Patrol. PART IV-SERVICE, SUPPLY, AND PROCUREMENT 931. Industrial Mobilization, Research, and Development. 933. Procurement. 935. Issue of Serviceable Material to Armed Forces. 10. 11. Corporations, Livestock-Loan Companies and Like Organizations; Loans to Individuals To Aid in Formation or To Increase Capital Stock. Federal Home Loan Banks. 11A. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corpora tion. 12. Federal Savings and Loan Associations. 13. National Housing. 14. Federal Credit Unions. 15. Federal Loan Agency [Omitted]. 16. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 17. Bank Holding Companies. 18. Bank Service Corporations. 19. Security Measures for Banks and Savings and Loan Associations. 20. Credit Control. 21. Financial Recordkeeping. 22. Tying Arrangements. 23. Farm Credit System. 24. Federal Financing Bank. 25. National Commission on Electronic Fund 26. Disposition of Abandoned Money Orders and Traveler's Checks. 27. Real Estate Settlement Procedures. 28. Emergency Mortgage Relief. 29. Home Mortgage Disclosure. 30. Community Reinvestment. 31. National Consumer Cooperative Bank. 32. Foreign Bank Participation in Domestic Markets. 33. Depository Institution Management Interlocks. 34. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. 35. Right to Financial Privacy. 36. 11. Reorganization. 37. 12. Adjustment of Debts of a Family Farmer With Regular Annual Income. 38. Depository Institutions Deregulation and Multifamily Mortgage Foreclosure. 13. Adjustment of Debts of an Individual 39. Alternative Mortgage Transactions. With Regular Income. 40. International Lending Supervision. 15. [Repealed]. 41. Expedited Funds Availability. 3. Composition and Organization. 5. Functions and Powers. 7. Cooperation With Other Agencies. 9. Coast Guard Academy. 11. Personnel. 13. Pay, Allowances, Awards, and Other TITLE 13-CENSUS Chap. 1. Administration. 3. Collection and Publication of Statistics. 5. Censuses. Chap. 14A. Aid to Small Business. 14B. Small Business Investment Program. 15A. Interstate Transportation of Petroleum 15B. Natural Gas. 15C. Alaska Natural Gas Transportation. Emergency Relief. 16A. Emergency Petroleum Allocation [Omitted]. 16B. Federal Energy Administration. 16C. Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination. Production, Marketing, and Use of Bitu- Transportation of Firearms [Repealed). Regulation of Insurance. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. National Policy on Employment and Productivity. 22. 23. Trade-Marks. Dissemination of Technical, Scientific, and Engineering Information. 24. Transportation of Gambling Devices. 25. Flammable Fabrics. 26. Household Refrigerators. 27. Automobile Dealer Suits Against Manufacturers. 28. Disclosure of Automobile Information. 29. Manufacture, Transportation, or Distribution of Switchblade Knives. 30. 31. 32. Hazardous Substances. Destruction of Property Moving in Com merce. Telecasting of Professional Sports Contests. Brake Fluid Regulation [Repealed]. 33. 34. Antitrust Civil Process. 35. Seat Belt Regulation [Repealed]. 36. Cigarette Labeling and Advertising. 37. State Technical Services. 38. Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety. 39. Fair Packaging and Labeling Program. 40. 41. 39A. Special Packaging of Household Substances for Protection of Children. Department of Commerce. Consumer Credit Protection. 42. Interstate Land Sales. 43. Newspaper Preservation. 44. Protection of Horses. 45. 9A. Weather Modification Activities or At Emergency Loan Guarantees to Business 45A. Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee tempts; Reporting Requirement. [Omitted]. 10. War Finance Corporation. 46. 10A. Collection of State Cigarette Taxes. Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings. 10B. State Taxation of Income From Interstate 47. Consumer Product Safety. 48. Hobby Protection. Commerce. 11. Caustic Poisons. 49. Fire Prevention and Control. 12. Discrimination Against Farmers' Coopera 50. Consumer Product Warranties. tive Associations by Boards of Trade. 51. 13. Textile Foundation. National Productivity and Quality of 13A. Fishing Industry. 52. 14. Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration. |