which shall be used for the purpose of providing the minimum allotment provided for in this section. (Feb. 23, 1917, ch. 114, § 4, 39 Stat. 931; June 25, 1959, Pub. L. 86-70, § 18(b)(1), 73 Stat. 144; July 12, 1960, Pub. L. 86-624, § 14(b)(2), 74 Stat. 414.) AMENDMENTS 1960-Pub. L. 86-624 substituted "$105,200" for "$98,500". 1959-Pub. L. 86-70 substituted "$98,500" "$90,000". EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1960 AmendmenT for For effective date of amendment by Pub. L. 86-624, see section 47(c) of Pub. L. 86-624, set out as a note under section 12 of this title. EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1959 Amendment Section 47(f) of Pub. L. 86-70 provided that: "The amendments made by paragraph (1) of subsection (b) and paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (d) of section 18 [amending sections 14 and 238(d) of this title] shall be applicable for fiscal years beginning July 1, 1959." CROSS REFERENCES Population census, see section 141 et seq. of Title 13, Census. SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section is referred to in sections 11, 16 of this title. § 15. Studies, investigations, and reports; salaries and expenses There is authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Education the sum of $200,000 annually, for the purpose of making or cooperating in making the studies, investigations, and reports provided for in section 17 of this title, and for the purpose of paying the salaries of the officers, the assistants, and such office and other expenses as the Department may deem necessary to the execution and administration of this chapter; this appropriation is also made available for printing and binding, law books, books of reference and periodicals, and postage on foreign mail. (Feb. 23, 1917, ch. 114, § 7, 39 Stat. 933; Oct. 6, 1917, ch. 79, § 1, 40 Stat. 345; Ex. Ord. No. 6166, § 15, June 10, 1933; June 26, 1934, ch. 756, § 2, 48 Stat. 1225; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. I, §§ 201, 204, eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2728, 53 Stat. 1424; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§ 5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301, title V, § 507, 93 Stat. 677, 692.) REFERENCES IN TEXT This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning act Feb. 23, 1917, which was classified to sections 11 to 15 and 16 to 28 of this title. Other sections formerly contained in this chapter were based on other acts, and have been omitted or repealed. Section 17 of this title, referred to in text, was repealed by Pub. L. 89-554, § 8(b), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 643. CODIFICATION Section is comprised of act Feb. 23, 1917, constituting this section with the exception of the last clause and act Oct. 6, 1917, constituting the last clause. TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS "Department of Education" was substituted for "Department of Health, Education, and Welfare" in text pursuant to sections 301 and 507 of Pub. L. 96-88, which are classified to sections 3441 and 3507 of this title and which transferred functions and offices (relating to education) of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Department of Education. All functions of the Federal Security Administrator were transferred to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of the Federal Security Agency were transferred to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. The Federal Security Agency and the office of Administrator were abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. The Federal Board for Vocational Education and its functions were abolished by Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1946, § 8, eff. July 16, 1946, 11 F.R. 7875, 60 Stat. 1096, set out in the Appendix to Title 5. The Office of Education, in the Department of the Interior, including the Federal Board for Vocational Education, was transferred to the Federal Security Agency by Reorg. Plan No. I of 1939, set out in the Appendix to Title 5. The functions of the Federal Board for Vocational Education were transferred to the Department of the Interior and the Board required to act in an advisory capacity without compensation, by Ex. Ord. No. 6166, set out as a note under section 901 of Title 5. APPROPRIATIONS Section 2 of act June 26, 1934, ch. 756, 48 Stat. 1225, which was classified to section 725a of former Title 31, Money and Finance, repealed the permanent appropriation under the title "Salaries and expenses, Federal Board for Vocational Education (fiscal year) (0-801)" effective July 1, 1935, and provided that such portions of any Acts as make permanent appropriations to be expended under such account are amended so as to authorize, in lieu thereof, annual appropriations from the general fund of the Treasury in identical terms and in such amounts as now provided by the laws providing such permanent appropriations. CROSS REFERENCES Samoa, provisions applicable, see section 1666 of Title 48, Territories and Insular Possessions. SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section is referred to in section 11 of this title. §§ 15a to 15h. Omitted CODIFICATION Sections 15a to 15c, act Feb. 5, 1929, ch. 153, §§ 1-3, 45 Stat. 1151, appropriated money to be used for further development of vocational education in the States and Territories but appropriations were authorized for only four years after the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930. Sections 15d to 15g, act May 21, 1934, ch. 324, §§ 1-4, 48 Stat. 792, provided for the further development of vocational education in the several States and Territories by authorizing additional appropriations for the fiscal years 1935-37. Section 7 of act June 8, 1936, ch. 541, 49 Stat. 1490, incorporated in section 150 of this title, provided that the appropriations authorized by act June 8, 1936, incorporated in sections 15h to 15p of this title, "shall be in lieu thereof and not in addition to the appropriations authorized in" sections 1 and 2 of act May 21, 1934. Section 15h, acts June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 1, 49 Stat. 1488; Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, § 1, 60 Stat. 775, provided for a popular name. See Short Title note set out under section 11 of this title. Subject matter of section prior to its amendment related to the development of vocational education in States and Territories, appropriations and their allotment, and matching of funds by States and Territories, and was replaced by sections 15j and 15k of this title. §§ 151 to 15m. Repealed. Pub. L. 90-576, title I, § 103, Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1091 Section 151, acts June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 2, 49 Stat. 1488; Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title I, § 101, 60 Stat. 775; Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925; June 25, 1959, Pub. L. 86-70, § 18(b)(2), 73 Stat. 144; July 12, 1960, Pub. L. 86-624, § 14(b)(3), 74 Stat. 414, defined "States and Territories", "State plan", "State board", and "Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act". Section 15j, acts June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 3, 49 Stat. 1489; Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title I, § 101, 60 Stat. 775; Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925; Aug. 8, 1956, ch. 1039, § 2, 70 Stat. 1126, authorized appropriations for programs in vocational education in agriculture, home economics, trades and industry, distributive occupations, and fishery trades. Section 15k, acts June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 4, 49 Stat. 1489; Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title I, § 101, 60 Stat. 776; Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925, required that Federal funds be matched by State and local funds in order to receive benefits of section 151 et seq. of this title. Section 154, acts June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 5, 49 Stat. 1489; 1940 Reorg. Plan No. III, § 1(a)(1), eff. June 30, 1940, 5 F.R. 2107, 54 Stat. 1231; Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title I, § 101, 60 Stat. 776; Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925, provided for the method of payment of funds to which the State or Territory was entitled under section 15i et seq. of this title. Section 15m, acts June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 6, 49 Stat. 1489; Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title I, § 101, 60 Stat. 777; Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title, III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925, made funds available for salary and expenses of State directors. For general subject matter of sections 15i to 15m, see section 1241 et seq. of this title. EFFECTIVE DATE OF REPEAL Section 103 of Pub. L. 90-576 provided in part that the repeal of sections 15i to 15m of this title by Pub. L. 90-576 is effective July 1, 1969. § 15n. Omitted Section, act June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 6a, 49 Stat. 1490, limited expenditures on industrial plant training and was omitted in the amendment of act June 8, 1936 by act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, 60 Stat. 775. §§ 150 to 15q. Repealed. Pub. L. 90-576, title I, § 103, Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1091 Section 150, acts June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 7, 49 Stat. 1490; Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title I, § 101, 60 Stat. 777; Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925, made the Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act applicable to the development of vocational education. Section 15p, acts June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 8, 49 Stat. 1490; Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title I, § 101, 60 Stat. 777; Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925, required that industrial-plant training be bona-fide vocational training and that no more than 10 percent be used for the purchase or acquisition of equipment. Section 15q, act June 8, 1936, ch. 541, § 9, as added Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title I, § 101, 60 Stat. 777, and amended Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, §§ 5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925, authorized appropriations for Office of Education. For general subject matter of sections 150 to 15q, see section 1241 et seq. of this title. EFFECTIVE DATE OF REPEAL Section 103 of Pub. L. 90-576 provided in part that the repeal of sections 150 to 15q of this title by Pub. L. 90-576 is effective July 1, 1969. §§ 15aa to 15jj. Repealed. Pub. L. 90–576, title I, § 103, Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1091 Section 15aa, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 201, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 925, and amended Apr. 24, 1961, Pub. L. 87-22, § 2, 75 Stat. 44; Dec. 18, 1963, Pub. L. 88-210, § 11(a)(1), 77 Stat. 411, authorized an appropriation for grants to States with State plans for practical nurse training. Section 15bb, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 202, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 926, and amended Apr. 24, 1961, Pub. L. 87-22, § 3, 75 Stat. 44; Dec. 18, 1963, Pub. L. 88-210, § 11(a)(2), 77 Stat. 411, provided for grants to States for practical nurse training. Section 15cc, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 203, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 926, and amended Apr. 24, 1961, Pub. L. 87-22, § 4, 75 Stat. 44, set out requirements for State plans under sections 15aa to 15jj of this title. Section 15dd, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 204, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 927, set out method of making and computing payments to States. Section 15ee, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 205, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 927, set out duties and authority of Commissioner in carrying out sections 15aa to 15jj of this title. Section 15ff, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 206, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 928, authorized appointment of advisory committees by Commissioner. Section 15gg, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 207, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 928, provided that amounts paid under sections 15aa to 15jj of this title should in no way affect the availability of funds for practical nurse training under sections 11 to 15, 16, and 18 to 28 and sections 15i to 15m and 150 to 15q of this title. Section 15hh, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 208, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 928, required Commissioner to submit an annual report on administration of sections 15aa to 15jj of this title. Section 15ii, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 209, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 928, authorized appropriation of funds necessary to administer sections 15aa to 15jj of this title. Section 15jj, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title II, § 210, as added Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 871, title III, § 301, 70 Stat. 928, and amended June 25, 1959, Pub. L. 86-70, § 18(b)(3), 73 Stat. 144; July 12, 1960, Pub. L. 86-624, § 14(b)(4), 74 Stat. 414; Apr. 24, 1961, Pub. L. 87-22, § 5, 75 Stat. 44, defined terms as used in sections 15aa to 15jj of this title. For general subject matter of sections 15aa to 15jj, see section 1241 et seq. of this title. EFFECTIVE Date of REPEAL Section 103 of Pub. L. 90-576 provided in part that the repeal of sections 15aa to 15jj by Pub. L. 90-576 is effective July 1, 1969. §§ 15aaa to 15ggg. Repealed. Pub. L. 90-576, title I, § 103, Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1091 Section 15aaa, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 301, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, § 802, 72 Stat. 1597, and amended Oct. 3, 1961, Pub. L. 87-344, title II, § 207, 75 Stat. 760; Dec. 18, 1963, Pub. L. 88-210, § 11(b), 77 Stat. 411, authorized an appro priation of $15,000,000 annually for area vocational education programs. Section 15bbb, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 302, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, § 802, 72 Stat. 1598, covered allotment of funds appropriated under section 15aaa of this title. Section 15ccc, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 303, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, § 802, 72 Stat. 1598, set out conditions which States had to fulfill to qualify for payments. Section 15ddd, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 304, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, § 802, 72 Stat. 1599, set out requirements of programs under sections 15aaa to 15ggg of this title. Section 15eee, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 305, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, § 802, 72 Stat. 1599, covered additional State plan requirements for eligibility under sections 15aaa to 15ggg of this title. Section 15fff, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 306, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, § 802, 72 Stat. 1600, authorized appropriations to administer sections 15aaa to 15ggg of this title. Section 15ggg, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 307, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, § 802, 72 Stat. 1600, and amended June 25, 1959, Pub. L. 86-70, § 18(b)(3), 73 Stat. 144; July 12, 1960, Pub. L. 86-624, § 14(b)(4), 74 Stat. 414, defined terms as used in sections 15aaa to 15ggg of this title. For general subject matter of sections 15aaa to 15ggg, see section 1241 et seq. of this title. EFFECTIVE DATE OF REPEAL Section 103 of Pub. L. 90-576 provided in part that the repeal of sections 15aaa to 15ggg by Pub. L. 90-576 is effective July 1, 1969. § 16. Acceptance of benefits of appropriations by States; creation of State boards In order to secure the benefits of the appropriations provided for in sections 12 to 14 of this title, any State shall, through the legislative authority thereof, accept the provisions of this chapter and designate or create a State board, consisting of not less than three members, and having all necessary power to cooperate, as herein provided, with the Department of Education, in the administration of the provisions of this chapter. The State board of education, or other board having charge of the administration of public education in the State, or any State board having charge of the administration of any kind of vocational education in the State may, if the State so elect, be designated as the State board, for the purposes of this chapter. Any State may accept the benefits of any one or more of the respective funds herein appropriated, and it may defer the acceptance of the benefits of any one or more of such funds, and shall be required to meet only the conditions relative to the fund or funds the benefits of which it has accepted, except that no State shall receive any appropriations for salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, until it shall have taken advantage of at least the minimum amount appropriated for the training of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, as provided for in this chapter, and no State shall receive any appropriation for the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects until it shall have taken advantage of at least the minimum amount appropriated for the training of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects, as provided for in this chapter. (Feb. 23, 1917, ch. 114, § 5, 39 Stat. 931; Ex. Ord. No. 6166, § 15, June 10, 1933; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. I, §§ 201, 204, eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2728, 53 Stat. 1424; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§ 5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301, title V, § 507, 93 Stat. 677, 692.) REFERENCES IN TEXT This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning act Feb. 23, 1917, which was classified to sections 11 to 15 and 16 to 28 of this title. Other sections formerly contained in this chapter were based on other acts, and have been omitted or repealed. TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS "Department of Education" was substituted for "Department of Health, Education, and Welfare" in text pursuant to sections 301 and 507 of Pub. L. 96-88, which are classified to sections 3441 and 3507 of this title and which transferred functions and offices (relating to education) of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Department of Education. All functions of the Federal Security Administrator were transferred to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of the Federal Security Agency were transferred to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. The Federal Security Agency and the office of Administrator were abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Transfer of functions of Federal Board for Vocational Education to Interior Department under Ex. Ord. No. 6166, set out as a note under section 901 of Title 5, and from there to the Federal Security Agency by Reorg. Plan No. I of 1939, and in 1946 the abolishment of the Board and its functions by Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1946, see notes set out under section 11 of this title. § 17. Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, § 8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 643 Section, act Feb. 23, 1917, ch. 114, § 6, 39 Stat. 932, created a Federal Board for Vocational Education, and provided for appointments, salary, powers and duties. § 18. Plans and reports by State boards to be submitted to Department of Education In order to secure the benefits of the appropriation for any purpose specified in this chapter, the State board shall prepare plans, showing the kinds of vocational education for which it is proposed that the appropriation shall be used; the kinds of schools and equipment; courses of study; methods of instruction; qualifications of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural subjects, the qualifications of supervisors or directors; plans for the training of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural subjects, plans for the supervision of agricultural education, as provided for in section 20 of this title. Such plans shall be submitted by the State board to the Department of Education, and if such Department finds the same to be in conformity with the provisions and purposes of this chapter, the same shall be approved. The State board shall make an annual report to the De partment of Education, on or before September 1st of each year, on the work done in the State and the receipts and expenditures of money under the provisions of this chapter. (Feb. 23, 1917, ch. 114, § 8, 39 Stat. 933; Ex. Ord. No. 6166, § 15, June 10, 1933; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. I, §§ 201, 204, eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2728, 53 Stat. 1424; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§ 5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301, title V, § 507, 93 Stat. 677, 692.) REFERENCES IN TEXT This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning act Feb. 23, 1917, which was classified to sections 11 to 15 and 16 to 28 of this title. Other sections formerly contained in this chapter were based on other acts, and have been omitted or repealed. TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS "Department of Education" was substituted for "Department of Health, Education, and Welfare" in text pursuant to sections 301 and 507 of Pub. L. 96-88, which are classified to sections 3441 and 3507 of this title and which transferred functions and offices (relating to education) of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Department of Education. All functions of the Federal Security Administrator were transferred to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of the Federal Security Agency were transferred to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. The Federal Security Agency and the office of Administrator were abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Transfer of functions of Federal Board for Vocational Education to Interior Department under Ex. Ord. No. 6166, set out as a note under section 901 of title 5, and from there to the Federal Security Agency by Reorg. Plan No. I of 1939, and in 1946 the abolishment of the Board and its functions by Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1946, see notes set out under section 11 of this title. § 19. Expenditure of appropriations; expenses to be borne by States The appropriation for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects and of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects shall be devoted exclusively to the payment of salaries of such teachers, supervisors, or directors having the minimum qualifications set up for the State by the State board, with the approval of the Department of Education. The cost of instruction supplementary to the instruction in agricultural 1 and in trade, home economics, and industrial subjects provided for in this chapter, necessary to build a well-rounded course of training, shall be borne by the State and local communities, and no part of the cost thereof shall be borne out of the appropriations made in said sections. The moneys expended under the provisions of said sections, in cooperation with the States, for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, or for the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects, shall be conditioned that 1 So in original. Probably should be "agriculture". for each dollar of Federal money expended for such salaries the State or local community or both, shall expend an equal amount for such salaries; and that appropriations for the training of teachers of vocational subjects, as provided in this chapter, shall be conditioned that such money be expended for maintenance of such training and that for each dollar of Federal money so expended for maintenance, the State or local community, or both, shall expend an equal amount for the maintenance of such training. (Feb. 23, 1917, ch. 114, § 9, 39 Stat. 933; Ex. Ord. No. 6166, § 15, June 10, 1933; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. I, §§ 201, 204, eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2728, 53 Stat. 1424; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§ 5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301, title V, § 507, 93 Stat. 677, 692.) REFERENCES IN TEXT This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning act Feb. 23, 1917, which was classified to sections 11 to 15 and 16 to 28 of this title. Other sections formerly contained in this chapter were based on other acts, and have been omitted or repealed. TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS "Department of Education" was substituted for "Department of Health, Education, and Welfare" in text pursuant to sections 301 and 507 of Pub. L. 96-88, which are classified to sections 3441 and 3507 of this title and which transferred functions and offices (relating to education) of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Department of Education. All functions of the Federal Security Administrator were transferred to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of the Federal Security Agency were transferred to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. The Federal Security Agency and the office of Administrator were abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Transfer of functions of Federal Board for Vocational Education to Interior Department under Ex. Ord. No. 6166, set out as a note under section 901 of Title 5, and from there to the Federal Security Agency by Reorg. Plan No. I of 1939, and in 1946 the abolishment of the Board and its functions by Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1946, see notes set out under section 11 of this title. § 20. Plans by State boards; use of appropriations; agricultural subjects Any State may use the appropriations for agricultural purposes, or any part thereof allotted to it, under the provisions of this chapter, for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, either for the salaries of teachers of such subjects in schools or classes or for the salaries of supervisors or directors of such subjects under a plan of supervision for the State to be set up by the State board, with the approval of the Department of Education. In order to receive the benefits of such appropriation for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects the State board of any State shall provide in its plan for agricultural education that such education shall be that which is under public su priation of $15,000,000 annually for area vocational education programs. Section 15bbb, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 302, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, § 802, 72 Stat. 1598, covered allotment of funds appropriated under section 15aaa of this title. Section 15ccc, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 303, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, $802, 72 Stat. 1598, set out conditions which States had to fulfill to qualify for payments. Section 15ddd, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, § 304, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, §802, 72 Stat. 1599, set out requirements of programs under sections 15aaa to 15ggg of this title. Section 15eee, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, §305, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, $802, 72 Stat. 1599, covered additional State plan requirements for eligibility under sections 15aaa to 15ggg of this title. Section 15fff, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, §306, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, §802, 72 Stat. 1600, authorized appropriations to administer sections 15aaa to 15ggg of this title. Section 15ggg, act Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 725, title III, §307, as added Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85-864, title VIII, $802, 72 Stat. 1600, and amended June 25, 1959, Pub. L. 86-70, § 18(b)(3), 73 Stat. 144; July 12, 1960, Pub. L. 86-624, § 14(b)(4), 74 Stat. 414, defined terms as used in sections 15aaa to 15ggg of this title. For general subject matter of sections 15aaa to 15ggg, see section 1241 et seq. of this title. EFFECTIVE DATE OF REPEAL Section 103 of Pub. L. 90-576 provided in part that the repeal of sections 15aaa to 15ggg by Pub. L. 90-576 is effective July 1, 1969. § 16. Acceptance of benefits of appropriations by States; creation of State boards In order to secure the benefits of the appropriations provided for in sections 12 to 14 of this title, any State shall, through the legislative authority thereof, accept the provisions of this chapter and designate or create a State board, consisting of not less than three members, and having all necessary power to cooperate, as herein provided, with the Department of Education, in the administration of the provisions of this chapter. The State board of education, or other board having charge of the administration of public education in the State, or any State board having charge of the administration of any kind of vocational education in the State may, if the State so elect, be designated as the State board, for the purposes of this chapter. Any State may accept the benefits of any one or more of the respective funds herein appropriated, and it may defer the acceptance of the benefits of any one or more of such funds, and shall be required to meet only the conditions relative to the fund or funds the benefits of which it has accepted, except that no State shall receive any appropriations for salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, until it shall have taken advantage of at least the minimum amount appropriated for the training of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, as provided for in this chapter, and no State shall receive any appropriation for the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects until it shall have taken advantage of at least the minimum amount appropriated for the training of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects, as provided for in this chapter. (Feb. 23, 1917, ch. 114, § 5, 39 Stat. 931; Ex. Ord. No. 6166, § 15, June 10, 1933; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. I, §§ 201, 204, eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2728, 53 Stat. 1424; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§ 5, 8, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301, title V, § 507, 93 Stat. 677, 692.) REFERENCES IN TEXT This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning act Feb. 23, 1917, which was classified to sections 11 to 15 and 16 to 28 of this title. Other sections formerly contained in this chapter were based on other acts, and have been omitted or repealed. TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS "Department of Education" was substituted for "Department of Health, Education, and Welfare" in text pursuant to sections 301 and 507 of Pub. L. 96-88, which are classified to sections 3441 and 3507 of this title and which transferred functions and offices (relating to education) of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Department of Education. All functions of the Federal Security Administrator were transferred to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all agencies of the Federal Security Agency were transferred to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by section 5 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. The Federal Security Agency and the office of Administrator were abolished by section 8 of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1953. Transfer of functions of Federal Board for Vocational Education to Interior Department under Ex. Ord. No. 6166, set out as a note under section 901 of Title 5, and from there to the Federal Security Agency by Reorg. Plan No. I of 1939, and in 1946 the abolishment of the Board and its functions by Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1946, see notes set out under section 11 of this title. § 17. Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, § 8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 643 Section, act Feb. 23, 1917, ch. 114, §6, 39 Stat. 932, created a Federal Board for Vocational Education, and provided for appointments, salary, powers and duties. § 18. Plans and reports by State boards to be submitted to Department of Education In order to secure the benefits of the appropriation for any purpose specified in this chapter, the State board shall prepare plans, showing the kinds of vocational education for which it is proposed that the appropriation shall be used; the kinds of schools and equipment; courses of study; methods of instruction; qualifications of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural subjects, the qualifications of supervisors or directors; plans for the training of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural subjects, plans for the supervision of agricultural education, as provided for in section 20 of this title. Such plans shall be submitted by the State board to the Department of Education, and if such Department finds the same to be in conformity with the provisions and purposes of this chapter, the same shall be approved. The State board shall make an annual report to the De |