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placement of the school facilities destroyed or damaged as a result of the disaster. For the purpose of the preceding sentence, the phrase "cost of construction incident to the restoration or replacement of the school facilities" includes such additional amounts as the Secretary may approve in order to assure that the facilities, as restored or replaced, will afford appropriate protection against personal injuries resulting from a disaster.

(b) Authorization of appropriations; expenditure of sums pending appropriation

There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. Pending such appropriation, the Secretary may expend (without regard to sections 1341(a) and 1515(b) of title 31) from any funds heretofore or hereafter appropriated for expenditure in accordance with other sections of this chapter such sums as may be necessary for immediately providing assistance under this section, such appropriations to be reimbursed from the appropriations authorized by this subsection when made.

(c) Applications; priority of approvals; conditions precedent; consultation with agencies; prompt consideration for applications

No payment may be made to any local educational agency under subsection (a) of this section except upon application therefor which is submitted through the appropriate State educational agency and is filed with the Secretary in accordance with regulations prescribed by him, and which meets the requirements of section 636(b)(1) of this title. In determining the order in which such applications shall be approved, the Secretary shall consider the relative educational and financial needs of the local educational agencies which have submitted approvable applications. No payment may be made under subsection (a) of this section unless the Secretary finds, after consultation with the State and local educational agencies, that the project or projects with respect to which it is made are not inconsistent with overall State plans for the construction of school facilities. All determinations made by the Secretary under this section shall be made only after consultation with the appropriate State educational agency and the local educational agency. The Secretary shall complete action of approval or disapproval of an application within 90 days of the filing of an application.

(d) Payments to local agencies; repayment of unexpended funds

Amounts paid by the Secretary to local educational agencies under subsection (a) of this section may be paid in advance or by way of reimbursement and in such installments as the Secretary may determine. Any funds paid to a local educational agency and not expended or otherwise used for the purposes for which paid shall be repaid to the Treasury of the United States.

(e) Applicability of sections 631 to 640 of this title

None of the provisions of 631 to 640 of this title, both inclusive, other than section

636(b)(1) of this title, shall apply with respect to this section.

(Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 995, § 16, as added Nov. 1, 1965, Pub. L. 89-313, § 1, 79 Stat. 1158, and amended Jan. 2, 1968, Pub. L. 90-247, title II, § 217, 81 Stat. 810; Oct. 21, 1968, Pub. L. 90-608, ch. IV, § 402, 82 Stat. 1194; Apr. 13, 1970, Pub. L. 91-230, title II, § 201(c), 84 Stat. 154; Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91-606, title III, § 301(f), 84 Stat. 1759; 1973 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §§ 1, 3(a)(1), eff. July 1, 1973, 38 F.R. 9579, 87 Stat. 1089; Dec. 10, 1973, Ex. Ord. No. 11749, § 2(2), 38 F.R. 34177; May 22, 1974, Pub. L. 93-288, title VI, § 602(f), 88 Stat. 164; Aug. 21, 1974, Pub. L. 93-380, title III, §§ 301(b), 302(b), 88 Stat. 521, 522; Apr. 21, 1976, Pub. L. 94-273, § 3(6), 90 Stat. 376; Nov. 1, 1978, Pub. L. 95-561, title X, §§ 1010(b), 1021(a), 1024, 92 Stat. 2310-2312; July 20, 1979, Ex. Ord. No. 12148, § 4-106, 44 F.R. 43239; Oct. 19, 1984, Pub. L. 98-511, title III, § 301(b)(2), 98 Stat. 2388; Apr. 28, 1988, Pub. L. 100-297, title II, §§ 2031(a)(2), 2032(a)(1), (b), 2033, 102 Stat. 301; Nov. 23, 1988, Pub. L. 100-707, title I, § 109(j), 102 Stat. 4709.)


In subsec. (b), "sections 1341(a) and 1515(b) of title 31" was substituted for "subsections (a) and (e) of section 3679 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 665)" on authority of Pub. L. 97-258, § 4(b), Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1067, the first section of which enacted Title 31, Money and Finance.


1988-Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 100-297, § 2032(a)(1), substituted "Secretary" for "Commissioner" wherever appearing.

Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 100-707, which directed the substitution of "5170" for "5141" in subsec. (a)(1)(A) of this section was executed by making the substitution in par. (1) to reflect the probable intent of Congress and the intervening amendment by Pub. L. 100-297, § 2033(a), below, which struck out the subpar. "(A)" designation in par. (1).

Pub. L. 100-297, § 2033(a), struck out "(A)" after "(1)", substituted "Governemnt; and" for "Government; or", and struck out subpar. (B) which authorized additional assistance in any case in which the Secretary determines with respect to any such agency that public elementary or secondary school facilities (or, in the case of a public agency other than a local educational agency, school facilities providing technical, vocational, or other special education to children of elementary or secondary school age) of such agency have been destroyed or seriously damaged as a result of flood, hurricane, earthquake, storm, fire, or other catastrophe, except any such catastrophe caused by negligence or malicious action.

Subsec. (a)(1)(A). Pub. L. 100-297, § 2031(a)(2), substituted "1993" for "1988”.

Subsec. (a)(5). Pub. L. 100-297, § 2033(b), substituted "$10,000 or 5 per centum" for "$1,000 or one-half of one per centum".

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 100-297, § 2032(a)(1), substituted "Secretary" for "Commissioner".

Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 100-297, § 2032(a)(1), (b), substituted "Secretary" for "Commissioner" in four places and amended fifth sentence generally. Prior to amendment, fifth sentence read as follows: "In any case in which the Secretary does not complete, within sixty days, all action leading to approval or disapproval of an application filed under this section, the Secretary shall assume responsibility for such approval or disapproval of such application and shall complete such

action within ninety days of the filing of such application."

Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 100-297, § 2032(a)(1), substituted "Secretary" for "Commissioner" in two places. 1984-Subsec. (a)(1)(A). Pub. L. 98-511 substituted "1988" for "1983".

1978-Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 95-561, §§ 1021(a), 1024, substituted "1983" for "1978" in par. (1)(A) and struck out, in provisions following par. (6), requirement that in all cases determined pursuant to clause (1)(B) of this subsection and in any other case deemed appropriate by the Commissioner, assistance be in the form of repayable advances subject to such terms and conditions as the Commissioner determined to be in the public interest.

Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 95-561, § 1010(b), inserted provisions for prompt consideration of applications.

1976-Subsec. (a)(1)(A). Pub. L. 94-273 substituted "October" for "July".

1974-Subsec. (a)(1)(A). Pub. L. 93-380, § 301(b), substituted "1978" for "1973".

Pub. L. 93-288 substituted "sections 5122(2) and 5141 of title 42" for "section 4402(1) of title 42".

Subsec. (a), foll. (6). Pub. L. 93-380, § 302(b), inserted penultimate sentence defining "cost of construction incident to the restoration or replacement of the school facilities".

1970-Subsec. (a)(1)(A). Pub. L. 91-606 substituted "section 4402(1) of title 42" for "section 1855a(a) of title 42".

Subsec. (a)(1)(A). Pub. L. 91-230 substituted "1973" for "1970".

1968-Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 90-247 revised subsec. (a) generally and, among other changes, inserted alternative requirements of cl. (1)(B) in order to authorize assistance to schools which have been damaged or destroyed as a result of flood, hurricane, earthquake, storm, fire, or other catastrophe, except any such catastrophe caused by negligence or malicious action, even if the area in which the school is located has not been designated as a major disaster area by the President as provided in cl. (1)(A).


For effective date and applicability of amendment by Pub. L. 100-297, see section 6303 of Pub. L. 100-297, set out as an Effective Date note under section 2701 of this title.

EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1984 Amendment Amendment by Pub. L. 98-511 effective Oct. 19, 1984, see section 711(a) of Pub. L. 98-511, set out as a note under section 237 of this title.

EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1978 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 95-561 effective with respect to the 1979 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years, see section 1032 of Pub. L. 95-561, set out as a note under section 237 of this title.

EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1974 AMENDMENTS Amendment of subsec. (a)(1)(A) of this section by section 301(b) of Pub. L. 93-380 effective on and after July 1, 1973, see section 301(c) of Pub. L. 93-380, set out as a note under section 633 of this title.

Amendment of subsec. (a) of this section by section 302(b) of Pub. L. 93-380 effective on and after sixtieth day after Aug. 21, 1974, except as otherwise specified hereunder, see section 2(c) of Pub. L. 93-380, set out as a note under section 244 of this title.

Amendment by Pub. L. 93-288 effective Apr. 1, 1974, see section 605 of Pub. L. 93-288, set out as an Effective Date note under section 5121 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare.

EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1970 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 91-606 effective Dec. 31, 1970, see section 304 of Pub. L. 91-606, set out as a note under section 165 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code.


"President" was substituted for "Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness" in subsec. (a), pursuant to section 1 of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1973, eff. July 1, 1973, 38 F.R. 9579, 87 Stat. 1089, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Previously, functions of the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness under this section, transferred to the President by Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1973, had been transferred to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by Ex. Ord. No. 11749, Dec. 10, 1973, 38 F.R. 34177, which superseded Ex. Ord. No. 11725, June 27, 1973, 38 F.R. 17175, which had provided for a similar transfer to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Both of these Executive Orders were subsequently revoked, see Delegation of Functions note below.

The Office of Emergency Preparedness [formerly Office of Emergency Planning], including the offices of Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Directors, and Regional Directors, was abolished and all functions vested by law in the Office of Emergency Preparedness or the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness were transferred to the President of the United States by sections 1 and 3(a)(1) of Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1973, eff. July 1, 1973, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.


Functions of the President under this section were delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency by section 4-106 of Ex. Ord. No. 12148, July 20, 1979, 44 F.R. 43239, set out as a note under section 2251 of the Appendix to Title 50, War and National Defense. Sections 5-112 and 5-113 of Ex. Ord. No. 12148, revoked Ex. Ord. Nos. 11725 and 11749, respectively, which had previously transferred the President's functions under this section to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. See Transfer of Functions note above.

SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section is referred to in section 241-1 of this title.

§ 647. Determination of payment not affected by announcement of decrease in or cessation of Federal activities in certain areas

In determining the payment to be made to a local educational agency under this chapter the Secretary shall disregard the announcement, made November 19, 1964, of a decrease in or cessation of Federal activities in certain areas, and shall carry out such chapter as if such announcement had not been made.

(Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 995, § 17, as added Nov. 1, 1965, Pub. L. 89-313, § 3, 79 Stat. 1161, and amended Apr. 28, 1988, Pub. L. 100-297, title II, § 2032(a)(1), 102 Stat. 301.)


1988-Pub. L. 100-297 substituted "Secretary" for "Commissioner".

EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1988 Amendment

For effective date and applicability of amendment by Pub. L. 100-297, see section 6303 of Pub. L. 100-297, set out as an Effective Date note under section 2701 of this title.


§§ 671 to 676. Omitted

Chapter consisted of Pub. L. 87-276, Sept. 22, 1961, 75 Stat. 575, in its entirety. Under the terms of section 6(b) thereof, as amended, the provisions of Pub. L. 87-276 terminated on June 30, 1964. See section 1401 et seq. of this title and section 2495 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare.

Section 671, Pub. L. 87-276, § 1, Sept. 22, 1961, 75 Stat. 575, authorized Commissioner of Education to conduct a program of grants-in-aid to help provide courses of training and study for teachers of the deaf and to improve existing courses.

Section 672, Pub. L. 87-276, § 2, Sept. 22, 1961, 75 Stat. 575, provided for making of payments by Commissioner under such a program.

Section 673, Pub. L. 87-276, § 3, Sept. 22, 1961, 75 Stat. 575, defined "nonprofit", "accredited", and "approved".

Section 674, Pub. L. 87-276, § 4, Sept. 22, 1961, 75 Stat. 576, authorized Commissioner to delegate his functions under this chapter except the making of regulations.

Section 675, Pub. L. 87-276, § 5, Sept. 22, 1961, 75 Stat. 576, established Advisory Committee on the Training of Teachers of the Deaf to review and otherwise make recommendations in connection with grants-in-aid program.

Section 676, Pub. L. 87-276, § 6, Sept. 22, 1961, 75 Stat. 576; Pub. L. 88-164, title III, § 301(c), Oct. 31, 1963, 77 Stat. 295, authorized appropriations up through fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, and provided for termination of this chapter on June 30, 1964. Pub. L. 91-230, title VI, § 662(4), Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 188, repealed title III of Pub. L. 88-164, cited above.


§§ 681 to 685. Repealed. Pub. L. 99-371, title IV, § 410(d), Aug. 4, 1986, 100 Stat. 794

Section 681, Pub. L. 89-36, § 2, June 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 125, stated purpose of and authorized appropriations for National Technical Institute for the Deaf. See sections 4331 and 4360(b) of this title.

Section 682, Pub. L. 89-36, § 3, June 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 125; Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301(a)(1), (2)(M), title V, § 507, Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 677, 678, 692, defined "Secretary", "institution of higher education", and "construction". See section 4351 of this title.

Section 683, Pub. L. 89-36, § 4, June 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 125, related to proposals for establishing and operating a National Technical Institute for the Deaf.

Section 684, Pub. L. 89-36, § 5, June 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 126, related to entering into an agreement for establishment and operation of a National Technical Institute for the Deaf. See section 4332 of this title.

Section 685, Pub. L. 89-36, § 6, June 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 127, related to a National Advisory Board for the establishment of a national technical institute for the deaf.


Pub. L. 89-36, § 1, June 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 125, which provided that this chapter be cited as the "National Technical Institute for the Deaf Act", was repealed by Pub. L. 99-371, title IV, § 410(d), Aug. 4, 1986, 100 Stat. 794.

§ 686. Transferred

Section, Pub. L. 95-355, title I, § 100, Sept. 8, 1978, 92 Stat. 531, which authorized the National Technical Institute for the Deaf to make purchases through the General Services Administration, was transferred to section 4362 of this title.




§§ 691 to 691g. Repealed. Pub. L. 99-371, title IV, § 410(a), Aug. 4, 1986, 100 Stat. 794

Section 691, act June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 1, 68 Stat. 265, directed that Gallaudet College be successor to Columbia Institution for the Deaf. See section 4301(a) of this title.

Section 691a, act June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 2, 68 Stat. 265, stated purposes of Gallaudet College. See section 4301(b) of this title.

Section 691b, acts June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 3, 68 Stat. 265; Sept. 13, 1960, Pub. L. 86-776, § 4, 74 Stat. 917; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301(a)(2)(M), title V, § 507, 93 Stat. 677, 692, related to property rights of Gallaudet College, assumption of outstanding liabilities and obligations against corporation under any former name, and conveyance or mortgage of property. See section 4302 of this title.

Section 691c, act June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 4, 68 Stat. 265, related to gifts of property to Gallaudet College. See section 4352(a) of this title.

Section 691d, acts June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 5, 68 Stat. 265; July 23, 1968, Pub. L. 90-415, §§ 1, 2, 82 Stat. 397, related to composition and appointment, etc., of Board of Directors of Gallaudet College. See section 4303(a) of this title.

Section 691e, act June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 6, 68 Stat. 266, related to powers of Board of Directors of Gallaudet College. See section 4303(b) of this title.

Section 691f, acts June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 7, 68 Stat. 266; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301(a)(2)(M), title V, § 507, 93 Stat. 677, 692, related to financial transactions and accounts of Gallaudet College and an annual report to Secretary of Education. See sections 4353 and 4354(a) of this title.

Section 691g, act June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 8, 68 Stat. 266, authorized appropriations for Gallaudet College. See section 4360(a) of this title.

§§ 691h, 691i. Transferred

Section 691h, R.S. § 441; Mar. 4, 1911, ch. 285, 36 Stat. 1422; 1940 Reorg. Plan No. IV, § 11, eff. June 30, 1940, 5 F.R. 2421, 54 Stat. 1234; 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 1, eff. Apr. 11, 1953, 18 F.R. 2053, 67 Stat. 631; June 18, 1954, ch. 324, § 1, 68 Stat. 265; Oct. 17, 1979, Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301(a)(2)(M), title V, § 507, 93 Stat. 677, 692, which charged Secretary of Education with supervision of public business of Gallaudet College, was transferred to section 4361 of this title.

Section 691i, Pub. L. 95-355, title I, § 100, Sept. 8, 1978, 92 Stat. 531, which authorized Gallaudet College to make purchases through General Services Administration, was transferred to section 4362 of this title.


§§ 693 to 693b. Repealed. Pub. L. 99-371, title IV, § 410(c), Aug. 4, 1986, 100 Stat. 794

Section 693, Pub. L. 89-694, § 2, Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 1027, authorized appropriations for a model secondary school for the deaf. See section 4360(a)(C) of this title.

Section 693a, Pub. L. 89-694, § 3, Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 1027; Pub. L. 96-88, title III, § 301(a)(2)(N), title V, § 507, Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 677, 695, defined "Secretary", "construction", and "secondary school". See section 4351 of this title.

Section 693b, Pub. L. 89-694, § 4, Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 1027, related to an agreement with Gallaudet College to establish a model secondary school. See section 4322 of this title.


Pub. L. 89-694, § 1, Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 1027, which provided that this subchapter be cited as the "Model Secondary School for the Deaf Act", was repealed by Pub. L. 99-371, title IV, § 410(c), Aug. 4, 1986, 100 Stat. 794.


§§ 695 to 695c. Repealed. Pub. L. 99-371, title IV, § 410(b), Aug. 4, 1986, 100 Stat. 794

Section 695, Pub. L. 91-587, § 1, Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1579, authorized Gallaudet College to operate Kendall School as a demonstration elementary school for the deaf. See section 4311 of this title.

Section 695a, Pub. L. 91-587, § 2, Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1579, defined "elementary school" and "construction". See section 4351 of this title.

Section 695b, Pub. L. 91-587, § 3, Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1579, authorized appropriations for establishment and operation, including construction and equipment, of demonstration elementary school. See section 4360(a)(B) of this title.

Section 695c, Pub. L. 91-587, § 4, Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1579, related to design and construction of facilities of demonstration elementary school.

[blocks in formation]

88 711 to 721. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-318, title I, § 161(b)(2), June 23, 1972, 86 Stat. 303

Section 711, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 101, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 364; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, § 701(b), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1267; Pub. L. 89-752, § 2(a), (b), Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1240; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, §401(a)(1), (2), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, authorized appropriations for grants for construction of undergraduate academic facilities.

Section 712, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 102, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 364; Pub. L. 89-752, § 2(c), Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1241 provided for allotment of funds.

Section 713, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 103, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 365; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, § 702(a)(1), (2), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1267; Pub. L. 89-752, § 2(d), Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1241; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, §§ 401(a)(4), 406(a), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, 1061, provided for allotments for public community colleges and technical institutes, providing in former subsec. (a) for basis of computation and minimum amount; subsec. (b) availability of funds; subsec. (c) reallotment of unreserved funds at close of fiscal year and factors

considered; subsec. (d) allotment ratio, specification and promulgation thereof, and definition of high school graduate.

Section 714, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 104, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 366; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, § 702(b)(1), (2), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1267; Pub. L. 89-752, § 2(d), Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1241; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, §§ 401(a)(4), 406(a), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, 1061, provided for allotments for institutions of higher education other than public community colleges and technical institutes, providing in former subsec. (a) for considerations and determinations affecting allotments and minimum; subsec. (b) availability of funds; and subsec. (c) reallotment of unreserved funds at close of fiscal year and factors considered.

Section 715, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 105, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 367; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, § 702(a)(3), (4), (b)(3), (c)(1), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1267, 1268; Pub. L. 89-752, § 3(a), Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1241; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, § 401(a)(3), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, provided for State commissions and plans and authorized expenditures.

Section 716, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 106, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 368; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, § 701(a), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1266; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, § 402(a)(1), (b)(1), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, 1060, related to eligibility of institutions for grants and expansion of student enrollment capacity.

Section 717, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 107, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 368; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, § 702(c)(2), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1268; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, §§ 402(a)(2), 405(a), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, 1061, provided basic criteria for determining priorities and Federal share.

Section 718, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 108, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 369; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, § 402(a)(3), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, related to applications for grants, providing in former subsec. (a) for submission of applications by institutions; subsec. (b) conditions for approval; and subsec. (c) amendments of applications.

Section 719, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 109, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 370, provided for reservation and payment of grant.

Section 720, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 110, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 370, provided for disapproval of State plans, notice and hearing, findings of Commissioner, and notification of non-eligibility.

Section 721, Pub. L. 88-204, title I, § 111, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 370, related to judicial review, providing in former subsec. (a) for appeal by State of Commissioner's final action to court of appeals; subsec. (b) findings of Commissioner conclusive if substantially supported, remand for taking further evidence, and new or modified findings conclusive if supported; subsec. (c) jurisdiction of court of appeals and review by Supreme Court.

For general subject matter of former sections 711 to 721 of this title, see section 1132a et seq. of this title.

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§§ 731, 732. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-318, title I, § 161(b)(2), June 23, 1972, 86 Stat. 303

Section 731, Pub. L. 88-204, title II, § 201, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 371; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, §§ 701(c), 702(d), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1267, 1268; Pub. L. 89-752, § 4, Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1242; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, § 401(b), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, authorized appropriations for grants for construction of graduate academic facilities. See section 1132b of this title.

Section 732, Pub. L. 88-204, title II, § 202, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 371; Pub. L. 90-575, title II, § 291(b)(2), title IV, § 405(b), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1050, 1061, related to grants, providing in subsec. (a) for eligible institutions and requirement of an application; subsec. (b) maximum allowable percentile of development cost; subsec. (c) action by panel of specialists required for application approval and considerations affecting approval; and subsec. (d) maximum amount of payments in any fiscal year. See section 1132b-1 of this title.


Section 161(b)(2) of Pub. L. 92-318 provided in part that sections 731 and 732 of this title are repealed effective July 1, 1972.

§ 733. Repealed. Pub. L. 90-575, title II, § 291(b)(1), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1050

Section, Pub. L. 88-204, title II, § 203, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 371, established an Advisory Committee on Graduate Education. See section 1145 of this title.



Section 741, Pub. L. 88-204, title III, § 301, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 372, authorized the Commissioner to make loans for construction of academic facilities. See section 1132c(a)(2) of this title.

Section 742, Pub. L. 88-204, title III, § 302, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 372, prescribed the maximum amount of loans allowable within any State.

Section 743, Pub. L. 88-204, title III, § 303, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 372; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, §§ 702(e), 703(a), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1268; Pub. L. 89-429, § 4(a), May 24, 1966, 80 Stat. 166; Pub. L. 89-752, § 5, Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1242; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, §§ 401(c), 402(a)(4), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1059, 1060, related to eligibility conditions, amounts and terms of loans, and authorization of appropriations. See sections 1132c(b) and 1132c-1 of this title.

Section 744, Pub. L. 88-204, title III, § 304, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 373; Pub. L. 89-752, § 7, Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1243, related to finality and conclusiveness of Commissioner's transactions and additional powers and duties of Commissioner. See section 1132c-2 of this title.

Section 745, Pub. L. 88-204, title III, § 305, as added Pub. L. 89-429, § 4(b), May 24, 1966, 80 Stat. 166, related to Revolving Loan Fund. See section 1132c-3 of this title.

§ 746. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-318, title I, § 161(b)(3), June 23, 1972, 86 Stat. 303

Section, Pub. L. 88-204, title III, § 306, as added Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, § 403, Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1060, related to annual interest grants, providing in: subsec. (a) for power of Commissioner; subsec. (b) for maximum period and amount and approval by Secretary; subsec. (c) for authorization of appropriations and limitation on aggregate amount of contracts; subsec. (d) for maximum amount of funds usable in one State; and subsec. (e) certain prerequisites and nature of financing. See section 1132c-4 of this title.


Section 161(b)(3) of Pub. L. 92-318 provided in part that repeal of this section is effective July 1, 1972.


§ 751. Omitted


Section, Pub. L. 88-204, title IV, § 401, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 374; Pub. L. 89-329, title VII, § 702(c)(3), (f), Nov. 8, 1965, 79 Stat. 1268; Pub. L. 89-752, §§ 6, 8, Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1243; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, §§ 402(a)(5), 405(a), Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1060, 1061, defined "academic facilities", "construction", "equipment", "development cost", "Federal share", "higher education building agency", "institution of higher education", "public community college and public technical institute", "cooperative graduate center", "cooperative graduate center board", "high school", "nonprofit educational institution", "public educational institution", and "State". See section 1132e-1 of this title.

§ 752. Repealed. Pub. L. 91-230, title IV, § 401(c)(6), (h)(2), Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 173, 174

Section, Pub. L. 88-204, title IV, § 402, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 377, related to Federal administration as to higher education facilities, providing in subsecs. (a) and (b) for delegation of functions by Commissioner and for utilization of services and facilities of other agencies and payment for services in advance or by way of reimbursement, now superseded by section 1231 of this title, and in subsec. (c) for appointment of advisory committees and for compensation ($75 per day limitation) and travel expenses of members of such advisory committees, and was superseded by sections 1233a(a) and 1233c of this title.

§§ 753 to 756. Omitted


Section 753, Pub. L. 88-204, title IV, § 403, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 378, related to labor standards on projects assisted by grant or loan. See section 1232b of this title.

Section 754, Pub. L. 88-204, title IV, § 404, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 378, related to period of Federal interest in project and recovery of payments. See section 1132e of this title.

Section 755, Pub. L. 88-204, title IV, § 405, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 378, related to method of payment. See section 1142 of this title.

Section 756, Pub. L. 88-204, title IV, § 406, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 379, related to authorization of appropriations for administration.

§ 757. Repealed. Pub. L. 91-230, title IV, § 401(f)(4), Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 173

Section, Pub. L. 88-204, title IV, § 407, Dec. 16, 1963, 77 Stat. 379, prohibited Federal control of education (personnel, curriculum, methods of instruction, or administration), and was superseded by section 1232a of this title.

§ 758. Omitted


Section, Pub. L. 88-204, title IV, § 408, as added Pub. L. 89-769, § 7(a), Nov. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 1318, and amended Pub. L. 90-21, title I, § 101, May 29, 1967, 81 Stat. 36; Pub. L. 90-575, title IV, § 404, Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. 1061; Pub. L. 91-606, title III, § 301(g), Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1759; Pub. L. 93-288, title VI, § 602(g), May 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 164, related to assistance for higher education construction in major disaster areas. See section 1132d et seq. of this title.

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