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H. R. 2122. A bill to promote the settlement and development of the public
domain in the Territory of Alaska by facilitating the construction of
necessary housing therein, and for other purposes__
H. R. 3615. A bill to promote the settlement and development of the Terri-
tory of Alaska by facilitating the construction of necessary housing
therein, and for other purposes----
Statement of-
Bartlett, Hon. E. L., a Delegate in Congress from the Territory of
Foley, Raymond M., Housing and Home Finance Administrator_
Greene, Walter L., Assistant Federal Housing Commissioner_.
Kadow, Kenneth, Director of the Alaska Staff for the Department of
the Interior
O'Connor, Rev. Paul C., S. J., chairman, board of commissioners, Alaska
Housing Authority.
Price, R. C., special assistant to the Assistant Secretary, Department
of the Interior___
Wilder, E. Glen, executive director, Alaska Housing Authority----
Additional information submitted for the record by—
Alaska Steamship Co., letter from, to Hon. Brent Spence_.
Interior Department:
Federal agencies operating in Alaska and number of civilian em-
ployees as of December 31, 1948_.
Federal expenditures in Alaska---
Patman, Hon. Wright:
Letter from John W. Taylor to Robert L. Clark, dated March 8, 1949
Letter from Robert L. Clark to Mr. Patman___