Page images

Capehart, Senator Homer E., of Indiana, letter to Congressman Mills,
dated April 8, 1959__

Carey, Fred O., vice president, Fred O. Carey & Sons Construction Co.,

Inc., letter to Senator Homer E. Capehart, of Indiana, dated March 31,


Carey, James B., secretary-treasurer, industrial union department, AFL-


Excerpt from General Electric News dated March 13, 1959, entitled

"The Decision Makers"

Recommendations for congressional action for improving our Federal-

State unemployment insurance system signed by 21 college profes-

sors in the economics or related fields__.

Chapman, James A., president, the American Cotton Manufacturers
Institute, Inc., letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 17, 1959, with
resolution enclosed..

Chappellet, Felix, vice president and general manager, Western Oil & Gas
Association, letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 15, 1959_-
Clauson, Hon. Clinton A., Governor of Maine, telegram to Senator John
F. Kennedy, of Massachusetts, dated March 23, 1959---.
Coddington, A. E., Jr., Coddington Packing Co., Inc., letter to Congress-
man Mills, dated April 6, 1959.

Cohen, Wilbur J., professor of public welfare administration, School of

Social Work, University of Michigan, letter to Leo H. Irwin, chief

counsel, Committee on Ways and Means, dated April 13, 1959, with

study entitled "Significant Findings on the Impact of the 1957-58

Recession in Relation to Unemployment Insurance" enclosed.-

Colborn, Fern M., secretary, social education and action, National Federa-

tion of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers, letter to Leo H. Irwin,

chief counsel, Committee on Ways and Means, dated April 13, 1959___

Collins, Hon. LeRoy, Governor of Florida, letter to Congressman Mills,

dated April 10, 1959.

Compton, R. T., National Association of Manufacturers, article entitled

"Some Early Activities of NAM in Industrial Safety and Workmen's


Cook, Wesley, vice president, Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-


Letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 22, 1959.

Questionnaire and covering letter dated March 21, 1959..

Cooper, Frank E., counsel, Michigan Manufacturers' Association and

Michigan Employers' Unemployment Compensation Bureau, letter to

Leo H. Irwin, chief counsel, Committee on Ways and Means, dated

April 22, 1959, with article by Russell L. Hibbard entitled "Unemploy-

ment Compensation: Controlling Its Costs" enclosed...








Del Sesto, Hon. Christopher, Governor of Rhode Island, letter to Congress-
man Forand, dated April 22, 1959.


Detroit Hotel Association, Jim Hamilton, general manager, The Whittier,
letter to Congressman Machrowicz, dated April 14, 1959--
Diagraph-Bradley Industries, Inc., James W. Brigham, president, letter to
Congressman Mills, dated April 2, 1959..



Docking, Hon. George, Governor of Kansas, telegram to Senator John F.
Kennedy, of Massachusetts, dated March 23, 1959--

Dunbar, Sam H., manager, Louisiana Manufacturers Association, and
chairman of coordinating committee, petition addressed to Congressman
Mills and the Committee on Ways and Means, dated April 11, 1959---
Edstrom, Bud, Lafayette Dental Laboratory, letter to Congressman Mills,
dated April 22, 1959-

Edwards Co., Inc., T. A. Kirkwood, letter to Representative Donald J.

Irwin, of Connecticut, dated April 6, 1959---




Ezelle, Sam, executive secretary, Kentucky AFL-CIO:

Bulletin from Associated Industries of Kentucky dated April 18,


Letter from V. E. Barnes, commissioner, Department of Economic

Security, Division of Employment Service, Kentucky, dated

December 17, 1958--

Means, L. H., manager, relations and utilities, appliance and tele-
vision receiver division, General Electric Co., letter to Morris
Weintraub, dated January 3, 1958, with three enclosures_
Press clippings from various newspapers, all dated April 17, 1957-

Farmer, William H., chairman, Legislative Committee, Interstate Con-

ference of Employment Security Agencies:

Changes in unemployment compensation benefit amount and duration

which were completed in 1958 and 1959 or are pending in 1959___.

Legislative activity of States, 1959 (with reference to unemployment


Fauri, Fedele F., dean, School of Social Work, University of Michigan, co-

signer, with 20 other professors, of statement entitled "Improving Our

Federal-State Unemployment Insurance System-Recommendations for

Congressional Action".

Fernós-Isern, Dr. Antonio, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, letter

to Leo H. Irwin, chief counsel, Committee on Ways and Means, dated

April 20, 1959_

First National Bank, Dallas, Tex.: The unemployment situation.
Fishback, H. O., Jr., president, Washington Conference on Unemployment
Compensation, letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 2, 1959__
Florida, State of, Hon. LeRoy Collins, Governor, letter to Congressman
Mills, dated April 10, 1959.

Freeman, Hon. Orville L., Governor of Minnesota, telegram to Senator
Hubert H. Humphrey, of Minnesota, dated March 24, 1959.
Furculo, Foster, Governor of Massachusetts..

Gelormino, Hon. Anthony C., mayor, Torrington, Conn., letter to Congress-
man Mills, dated April 15, 1959.

General Electric Co., Robert T. Borth, Washington representative, letter

to Congressman Mills, dated April 17, 1959, with group of exhibits


George D. Emerson Co., E. P. Brady, letter to Congressman Mills, dated

April 24, 1959...

Georgia, State of, Hon. S. Ernest Vandiver, Governor, letter to Congress-

man Mills, dated April 15, 1959__.

Glenn, Wayne E., president, Arkansas State AFL-CIO, letter to Leo H.

Irwin, chief counsel, Committee on Ways and Means, dated May 15,


Gray, L. W., legal counsel and director of insurance, Texas Manufacturers


Exhibit A: Statistical summary of Texas unemployment compensa-

tion program.




[blocks in formation]

Hamilton, Jim, general manager, The Whittier, Detroit Hotel Association,
letter to Congressman Machrowicz, dated April 14, 1959-


Hanover, Harold C., president, New York State AFL-CIO, telegram to
Congressman Mills, dated April 14, 1959.


Herrly, R. A., letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 14, 1959..
Hickey, Hon. J. J. Joe, Governor of Wyoming, telegram to Senator
John F. Kennedy, of Massachusetts, dated March 24, 1959
Higgins, Richard R., president, the Kendall Co., letter to Congressman
Mills, dated April 14, 1959_..



Hodges, Hon. Luther H., Governor of North Carolina, letter to Congress-
man Mills, dated April 10, 1959_.


Hollander, Edward D., national director, Americans for Democratic Action:
Letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 17, 1959, with two newspaper
clippings enclosed...

Letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 20, 1959, with considerable
data enclosed.

Holleman, Jerry R., president, Texas State AFL-CIO, letter to Congress-
man Ikard, dated April 9, 1959.

Illinois Manufactuerers' Association, E. Russell Bartley, director of in-

dustrial relations, Illinois Senate Resolution No. 19..

International Minerals & Chemical Corp., A. C. Thornton, director, per-
sonnel and industrial relations, letter to Congressman Mills, dated April
7, 1959

Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies:

Farmer, William H., chairman, legislative committee:

Changes in unemployment compensation benefit amount and

duration which were completed in 1958 and 1959 or are pending

in 1959.

Legislative activity of States, 1959 (with reference to unemploy-

ment insurance).

Morrison, John, president, and committee, Interstate Conference of
Employment Security Agencies, letter to Congressman Mills, dated
April 16, 1959, with excerpt enclosed...

Teets, Bernard E., member, executive committee, table, entitled

"How maximum unemployment compensation benefit entitlement

in each State has been increased from mid-1939 to 1959 (including

legislation pending in 1959)".

Interstate Finance Corp., Owen M. Hamilton, personnel director, letter to
Congressman Mills, dated April 4, 1959..








Telegram to Senator John F. Kennedy, of Massachusetts, dated March
24, 1959


Exhibit A: The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. summary of

unemployment insurance reserve account and contribution rates for

unemployment insurance for State of California_

Irwin, Representative Donald J., of Connecticut, letter to Congressman
Mills, dated April 14, 1959..

Johnson, Eugene R., Jr., the Johnson Press, Inc., letter to Representative
Leslie C. Arends, of Illinois, dated February 17, 1959.



Joint resolution, S. R. No. 200, General Assembly of North Carolina...

Karth, Representative Joseph E., of Minnesota:

The "Root bill" S.F. No. 244_.


Resolution from St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, E. D. McKin-
non, secretary..


Kentucky AFL-CIO; Sam Ezelle, executive secretary:

Bulletin from Associated Industries of Kentucky dated April 18,


Letter from V. E. Barnes, commissioner, Department of Economic
Security, Division of Employment Service, Kentucky, dated De-
cember 17, 1958.


Means, L. H., manager, relations and utilities, appliance and television
receiver division, General Electric Co., letter to Morris Weintraub,
dated January 3, 1958, with three enclosures


Press clippings from various newspapers, all dated April 17, 1957–
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, and executive secretary, Kentucky
Coal Association, Fred B. Bullard:


Table I: Rate of insured employment.-.


Table II: Average weekly wage in industries covered by Kentucky
unemployment insurance law, 1939-58...


Kentucky Coal Association, Fred B. Bullard, executive secretary, and
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce:


Table I: Rate of insured employment..


Table II: Average weekly wage in industries covered by Kentucky un-
employment insurance law, 1939-58-



Labor, Secretary of, Hon. James P. Mitchell:

Letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 10, 1959---
Statement of position favoring Federal action to improve unemploy-
ment benefits, Federal Advisory Council, December 2-3, 1958---

Labor, Hon. James T. O'Connell, Under Secretary of:

Discussion of nonprofit coverage..

Estimated yearend balances of the Federal unemployment account__

Extent of unemployment among workers of small firms..







May, Guthrie, Guthrie May & Co., Inc., letter to Congressman Mills,
dated April 6, 1959....


Meany, George, president, AFL-CIO, memorandum entitled "The Case
for the Federal Unemployment Compensation Standards Bill”.


Estimated present and potential coverage of New Jersey unemploy-
ment insurance, January 1959..




Schmidt, Mark, general manager, Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, letter to
Congressman Machrowicz, dated April 11, 1959.



Steck, Ernest G., general manager, Statler Hilton, letter to Congress-
man Machrowicz, dated April 13, 1959

Michigan Manufacturers' Association and Michigan Employers' Unemploy-
ment Compensation Bureau, Frank E. Cooper, counsel, letter to Leo H.
Irwin, chief counsel, Committee on Ways and Means, dated April 22,
1959, with article by Russell L. Hibbard entitled "Unemployment
Compensation: Controlling Its Costs" enclosed..

Milwaukee, Wis., Hon. Frank P. Zeidler, mayor, letter to Congressman

Mills, dated May 12, 1959..

Minnesota Hospital Association, Inc., Glen Taylor, letter to Kenneth
Williamson, American Hospital Association, dated March 31, 1959----
Mitchell, Hon. James P., Secretary of Labor:

Letter to Congressman Mills, dated April 10, 1959-

Statement of position favoring Federal action to improve unemploy-
ment benefits, Federal Advisory Council, December 2-3, 1958___





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