Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
advocates allocated Anyang'-Nyong'o appeal areas Attorney-General aware beg to support bridges budget building Bungoma District cent Complaints Commission contractors corruption cost Disciplinary Committee District Roads Committee District Roads Engineer drainage systems dual carriageway ensure Fuel Levy Fund give going Government houses housing policy important improve infrastructure international road issue Kaindi Kamolleh KANU Kapsabet Kathangu Kenya Roads Board Kikuyu kilometre Kisumu Kshs5 million Lands and Settlement lawyers maintain Mariakani Maseno Mbela Meru Central District Minister for Roads Ministry of Roads Ministry's Mombasa Motion murram Nairobi Nandi District Ndicho Ochuodho officers particular point of order potholes Prof projects public servants Question deferred Rift Valley Province road network Roads 2000 Programme Roads and Public Roads Board Act Roads Committees Roads Maintenance Levy rural access roads Sunkuli Tanzania tarmac road tarmacked Taveta Temporary Deputy Speaker thank the Minister utilised vehicles Wako wananchi World Bank