COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman FRANK THOMPSON, JR., New Jersey EDWARD P. BEARD, Rhode Island MICHAEL O. MYERS, Pennsylvania AUSTIN J. MURPHY, Pennsylvania JOSEPH A. LE FANTE, New Jersey TED WEISS, New York CEC HEFTEL, Hawali BALTASAR CORRADA, Puerto Rico DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan ALBERT H. QUIE, Minnesota BUD SHUSTER, Pennsylvania 3 Hearing held in Washington, D.C., September 12, 1977__ Kornfeld, Leo, Deputy Commissioner of Education for Student Finan- "Family Contribution Schedules," part III, Federal Register, Prepared Statement... Coalition of Independent College and University Students, statement of.. Ford, Hon. William D., a Representative in Congress from the State of Letter from John Ellis, Acting U.S. Commissioner of Education, dated Califano, Joseph A., Jr., Secretary, Health, Education, and Welfare, 91 BASIC EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM 1978-79 Family Contributions Schedule MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1977 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBCOMMITTEE ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR, The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 2 p.m. in room 2175, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. William D. Ford (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Members present: Representatives Ford, Biaggi, and Cornell. Staff present: Thomas R. Jolly, counsel; Patricia R. Morse, clerk; Roberta E. Stanley, legislative assistant; Mary R. Paul, secretary; and Robert Andringa, minority staff director. Mr. FORD. I would like to apologize for the fact that I was detained in Michigan this morning and could not be back here for the hearing, and I express my appreciation as chairman of the subcommittee for the consideration of the members of the subcommittee and for the witnesses who made changes in their schedules so we could reschedule the hearing for this time this afternoon. The Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education is exercising its responsibilities to review the Office of Education's annual revision of the family contributions schedule which will be used to determine eligibility for basic educational opportunity grants for the 1978–79 academic year. The proposed schedule was published in the Federal Register on July 12, and unless either House of the Congress disapproves it by October 1, it will become effective. The schedule establishes a formula which measures the ability of a student and his or her family to contribute to the student's education and thereby determines the amount of the Federal grant for which he or she is eligible. [The material referred to follows:] (1) |