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(x) Construction activity including clearing, grading and excavation activities except: operations that result in the disturbance of less than five acres of total land area which are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale;

(xi) Facilities under Standard Industrial Classifications 20, 21, 22, 23, 2434, 25, 265, 267, 27, 283, 285, 30, 31 (except 311), 323, 34 (except 3441), 35, 36, 37 (except 373), 38, 39, 4221-25, (and which are not otherwise included within categories (ii)-(x));

(15) Uncontrolled sanitary landfill means a landill or open dump, whether in operation or closed, that does not meet the requirements for runon or runoff controls established pursuant to subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.

(c) Application requirements for storm water discharges associated with industrial activity—(1) Individual application. Dischargers of storm water associated with industrial activity are required to apply for an individual permit, apply for a permit through a group application, or seek coverage under a promulgated storm water general permit. Facilities that are required to obtain an individual permit, or any discharge of storm water which the Director is evaluating for designation (see 40 CFR 124.52(c)) under paragraph (a)(1)(v) of this section and is not a municipal separate storm sewer, and which is not part of a group application described under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, shall submit an NPDES application in accordance with the requirements of § 122.21 as modified and supplemented by the provisions of the remainder of this paragraph. Applicants for discharges composed entirely of storm water shall submit Form 1 and Form 2F. Applicants for discharges composed of storm water and non-storm water shall submit Form 1, Form 2C, and Form 2F. Applicants for new sources or new discharges (as defined in §122.2 of this part) composed of storm water and non-storm water shall submit Form 1, Form 2D, and Form 2F.

(i) Except as provided in §122.26(c)(1) (ii)-(iv), the operator of a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity subject to this section shall provide:

(A) A site map showing topography (or indicating the outline of drainage areas served by the outfall(s) covered in the application if a topographic map is unavailable) of the facility including: each of its drainage and discharge structures; the drainage area of each storm water outfall; paved areas and buildings within the drainage area of each storm water outfall, each past or present area used for outdoor storage or disposal of significant materials, each existing structural control measure to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff, materials loading and access areas, areas where pesticides, herbicides, soil conditioners and fertilizers are applied, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities (including each area not required to have a RCRA permit which is used for accumulating hazardous waste under 40 CFR 262.34); each well where fluids from the facility are injected underground; springs, and other surface water bodies which receive storm water discharges from the facility;

(B) An estimate of the area of impervious surfaces (including paved areas and building roofs) and the total area drained by each outfall (within a mile radius of the facility) and a narrative description of the following: Significant materials that in the three years prior to the submittal of this application have been treated, stored or disposed in a manner to allow exposure to storm water; method of treatment, storage or disposal of such materials; materials management practices employed, in the three years prior to the submittal of this application, to minimize contact by these materials with storm water runoff; materials loading and access areas; the location, manner and frequency in which pesticides, herbicides, soil conditioners and fertilizers are applied; the location and a description of existing structural and nonstructural control measures to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff; and a description of the treatment the storm water receives, including the ultimate disposal of any solid or fluid wastes other than by discharge;

(C) A certification that all outfalls that should contain storm water discharges associated with industrial activity have been tested or evaluated for

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the presence of non-storm water discharges which are not covered by a NPDES permit; tests for such nonstorm water discharges may include smoke tests, fluorometric dye tests, analysis of accurate schematics, as well as other appropriate tests. The certification shall include a description of the method used, the date of any testing, and the on-site drainage points that were directly observed during a test;

(D) Existing information regarding significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants at the facility that have taken place within the three years prior to the submittal of this application;

(E) Quantitative data based on samples collected during storm events and collected in accordance with §122.21 of this part from all outfalls containing a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity for the following parameters:

(1) Any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject;

(2) Any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit);

(3) Oil and grease, pH, BOD5, COD, TSS, total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen;

(4) Any information on the discharge required under paragraph §122.21(g)(7) (iii) and (iv) of this part;

(5) Flow measurements or estimates of the flow rate, and the total amount of discharge for the storm event(s) sampled, and the method of flow measurement or estimation; and

(6) The date and duration (in hours) of the storm event(s) sampled, rainfall measurements or estimates of the storm event (in inches) which generated the sampled runoff and the duration between the storm event sampled and the end of the previous measurable (greater than 0.1 inch rainfall) storm event (in hours);

(F) Operators of a discharge which is composed entirely of storm water are exempt from the requirements of § 122.21 (g)(2), (g)(3), (g)(4), (g)(5), (g)(7)(i), (g)(7)(ii), and (g)(7)(v); and

(G) Operators of new sources or new discharges (as defined in §122.2 of this part) which are composed in part or entirely of storm water must include estimates for the pollutants or parameters listed in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(E) of this section instead of actual sampling data, along with the source of each estimate. Operators of new sources or new discharges composed in part or entirely of storm water must provide quantitative data for the parameters listed in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(E) of this section within two years after commencement of discharge, unless such data has already been reported under the monitoring requirements of the NPDES permit for the discharge. Operators of a new source or new discharge which is composed entirely of storm water are exempt from the requirements of $122.21 (k)(3)(ii), (k)(3)(iii), and (k)(5).

(ii) The operator of an existing or new storm water discharge that is associated with industrial activity solely under paragraph (b)(14)(x) of this section, is exempt from the requirements of §122.21(g) and paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section. Such operator shall provide a narrative description of:

(A) The location (including a map) and the nature of the construction activity;

(B) The total area of the site and the area of the site that is expected to undergo excavation during the life of the permit;

(C) Proposed measures, including best management practices, to control pollutants in storm water discharges during construction, including a brief description of applicable State and local erosion and sediment control requirements;

(D) Proposed measures to control pollutants in storm water discharges that will occur after construction operations have been completed, including a brief description of applicable State or local erosion and sediment control requirements;

(E) An estimate of the runoff coefficient of the site and the increase in impervious area after the construction addressed in the permit application is completed, the nature of fill material and existing data describing the soil or the quality of the discharge; and


(F) The name of the receiving water. (iii) The operator of an existing or new discharge composed entirely of storm water from an oil or gas exploration, production, processing, treatment operation, or transmission facility is not required to submit a permit application in accordance with paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, unless the facility:

(A) Has had a discharge of storm water resulting in the discharge of a reportable quantity for which notification is or was required pursuant to 40 CFR 117.21 or 40 CFR 302.6 at anytime since November 16, 1987; or

(B) Has had a discharge of storm water resulting in the discharge of a reportable quantity for which notification is or was required pursuant to 40 CFR 110.6 at any time since November 16, 1987; or

(C) Contributes to a violation of a water quality standard.

(iv) The operator of an existing or new discharge composed entirely of storm water from a mining operation is not required to submit a permit application unless the discharge has come into contact with, any overburden, raw material, intermediate products, finished product, byproduct or waste products located on the site of such operations.

(v) Applicants shall provide such other information the Director may reasonably require under §122.21(g)(13) of this part to determine whether to issue a permit and may require any facility subject to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section to comply with paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.

(2) Group application for discharges associated with industrial activity. In lieu of individual applications or notice of intent to be covered by a general permit for storm water discharges associated with industrial activity, a group application may be filed by an entity representing a group of applicants (except facilities that have existing individual NPDES permits for for storm water) that are part of the same subcategory (see 40 CFR subchapter N, part 405 to 471) or, where such grouping is inapplicable, are sufficiently similar as to be appropriate for general permit coverage under § 122.28 of this part. The part 1 application shall be submitted to

the Office of Water Enforcement and Permits, U.S. EPA, 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC 20460 (EN-336) for approval. Once a part 1 application is approved, group applicants are to submit Part 2 of the group application to the Office of Water Enforcement and Permits. A group application shall consist of:

(1) Part 1. Part 1 of a group application shall:

(A) Identify the participants in the group application by name and location. Facilities participating in the group application shall be listed in nine subdivisions, based on the facility location relative to the nine precipitation zones indicated in appendix E to this part.

(B) Include a narrative description summarizing the industrial activities of participants of the group application and explaining why the participants, as a whole, are sufficiently similar to be a covered by a general permit;

(C) Include a list of significant materials stored exposed to precipitation by participants in the group application and materials management practices employed to diminish contact by these materials with precipitation and storm water runoff;

(D) For groups of more than 1,000 members, identify at least 100 dischargers participating in the group application from which quantitative data will be submitted. For groups of 100 or more members, identify a minimum of ten percent of the dischargers participating in the group application from which quantitative data will be submitted. For groups of between 21 and 99 members identify a minimum of ten dischargers participating in the group application from which quantitative data will be submitted. For groups of 4 to 20 members, identify a minimum of 50 percent of the dischargers participating in the group application from which quantitative data will be submitted. For groups with more than 10 members, either a minimum of two dischargers from each precipitation zone indicated in appendix E of this part in which ten or more members of the group are located, or one discharger from each precipitation zone indicated in appendix E of this part in which nine

or fewer members of the group are located, must be identified to submit quantitative data. For groups of 4 to 10 members, at least one facility in each precipitation zone indicated in appendix E of this part in which members of the group are located must be identifed to submit quantitative data. A description of why the facilities selected to perform sampling and analysis are representative of the group as a whole in terms of the information provided in paragraphs (c)(1)(i)(B) and (c)(1)(i)(C) of this section, shall accompany this section. Different factors impacting the nature of the storm water discharges, such as the processes used and material management, shall be represented, to the extent feasible, in a manner roughly equivalent to their proportion in the group.

(ii) Part 2. Part 2 of a group application shall contain quantitative data (NPDES Form 2F), as modified by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, so that when part 1 and part 2 of the group application are taken together, a complete NPDES application (Form 1, Form 2C, and Form 2F) can be evaluated for each discharger identified in paragraph (c)(2)(i)(D) of this section.

(d) Application requirements for large and medium municipal separate storm sewer discharges. The operator of a discharge from a large or medium municipal separate storm sewer or a municipal separate storm sewer that is designated by the Director under paragraph (a)(1)(v) of this section, may submit a jurisdiction-wide or system-wide permit application. Where more than one public entity owns or operates a municipal separate storm sewer within a geographic area (including adjacent or interconnected municipal separate storm sewer systems), such operators may be a coapplicant to the same application. Permit applications for discharges from large and medium municipal storm sewers or municipal storm sewers designated under paragraph (a)(1)(v) of this section shall include;

(1) Part 1. Part 1 of the application shall consist of;

(i) General information. The applicants' name, address, telephone number of contact person, ownership status and status as a State or local government entity.

(ii) Legal authority. A description of existing legal authority to control discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system. When existing legal authority is not sufficient to meet the criteria provided in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section, the description shall list additional authorities as will be necessary to meet the criteria and shall include a schedule and commitment to seek such additional authority that will be needed to meet the criteria.

(iii) Source identification. (A) A description of the historic use of ordinances, guidance or other controls which limited the discharge of nonstorm water discharges to any Publicly Owned Treatment Works serving the same area as the municipal separate storm sewer system.

(B) A USGS 7.5 minute topographic map (or equivalent topographic map with a scale between 1:10,000 and 1:24,000 if cost effective) extending one mile beyond the service boundaries of the municipal storm sewer system covered by the permit application. The following information shall be provided:

(1) The location of known municipal storm sewer system outfalls discharging to waters of the United States;

(2) A description of the land use activities (e.g. divisions indicating undeveloped, residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial uses) accompanied with estimates of population densities and projected growth for a ten year period within the drainage area served by the separate storm sewer. For each land use type, an estimate of an average runoff coefficient shall be provided;

(3) The location and a description of the activities of the facility of each currently operating or closed municipal landfill or other treatment, storage disposal facility for municipal



(4) The location and the permit number of any known discharge to the municipal storm sewer that has been issued a NPDES permit;

(5) The location of major structural controls for storm water discharge (retention basins, detention basins, major infiltration devices, etc.); and

(6) The identification of publicly owned parks, recreational areas, and other open lands.

(iv) Discharge characterization. (A) Monthly mean rain and snow fall estimates (or summary of weather bureau data) and the monthly average number of storm events.

(B) Existing quantitative data describing the volume and quality of discharges from the municipal storm sewer, including a description of the outfalls sampled, sampling procedures and analytical methods used.

(C) A list of water bodies that receive discharges from the municipal separate storm sewer system, including downstream segments, lakes and estuaries, where pollutants from the system discharges may accumulate and cause water degradation and a brief description of known water quality impacts. At a minimum, the description of impacts shall include a description of whether the water bodies receiving such discharges have been:

(1) Assessed and reported in section 305(b) reports submitted by the State, the basis for the assessment (evaluated or monitored), a summary of designated use support and attainment of Clean Water Act (CWA) goals (fishable and swimmable waters), and causes of nonsupport of designated uses;

(2) Listed under section 304(1)(1)(A)(i), section 304(1)(1)(A)(ii), or section

304(1)(1)(B) of the CWA that is not expected to meet water quality standards or water quality goals;

(3) Listed in State Nonpoint Source Assessments required by section 319(a) of the CWA that, without additional action to control nonpoint sources of pollution, cannot reasonably be expected to attain or maintain water quality standards due to storm sewers, construction, highway maintenance and runoff from municipal landfills and municipal sludge adding significant pollution (or contributing to a violation of water quality standards);

(4) Identified and classified according to eutrophic condition of publicly owned lakes listed in State reports required under section 314(a) of the CWA (include the following: A description of those publicly owned lakes for which uses are known to be impaired; a description of procedures, processes and

methods to control the discharge of pollutants from municipal separate storm sewers into such lakes; and a description of methods and procedures to restore the quality of such lakes);

(5) Areas of concern of the Great Lakes identified by the International Joint Commission;

(6) Designated estuaries under the National Estuary Program under section 320 of the CWA;

(7) Recognized by the applicant as highly valued or sensitive waters;

(8) Defined by the State or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services's National Wetlands Inventory as wetlands; and

(9) Found to have pollutants in bottom sediments, fish tissue or biosurvey data.

(D) Field screening. Results of a field screening analysis for illicit connections and illegal dumping for either selected field screening points or major outfalls covered in the permit application. At a minimum, a screening analysis shall include a narrative description, for either each field screening point or major outfall, of visual observations made during dry weather periods. If any flow is observed, two grab samples shall be collected during a 24 hour period with a minimum period of four hours between samples. For all such samples, a narrative description of the color, odor, turbidity, the presence of an oil sheen or surface scum as well as any other relevant observations regarding the potential presence of non-storm water discharges or illegal dumping shall be provided. In addition, a narrative description of the results of a field analysis using suitable methods to estimate pH, total chlorine, total copper, total phenol, and detergents (or surfactants) shall be provided along with a description of the flow rate. Where the field analysis does not involve analytical methods approved under 40 CFR part 136, the applicant shall provide a description of the method used including the name of the manufacturer of the test method along with the range and accuracy of the test. Field screening points shall be either major outfalls or other outfall points (or any other point of access such as manholes) randomly located throughout the storm sewer system by placing a grid over a drainage system

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