F. M. Barnes, representing Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Wallace A. G. Brindley, representing Aspegren & Co., Brokers, of
New York Produce Exchange--
W. B. Cassell, representing W. B. Cassell Co..
W. H. Jasspon, Dallas, Tex., representing a number of crude cotton-
T. S. Kenan, representing the Cotton Seed Crushers Association of
F. W. McKee, first vice president Van Camp Packing Co..
Clarence Ousley, of Dallas, Tex., former Assistant Secretary of
Louis Rosenstein, president Portsmouth Cotton Oil Refining Cor-
poration, Portsmouth, Va__
William A. Storts, Brooklyn, N. Y., representing New York Produce
Charles W. Wells, representing New Orleans Cotton Exchange....
Ed. Woodall, Dallas, Tex..
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