Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
ambayo Angwenyi Anyang'-Nyong'o areas Assistant Minister aware Baraza biashara cigarettes Clause Committee correct democracy East African Community ensure farmers freedom of expression going Government haki hakuna hasara hata hili hiyo Ikiwa journalists kama Kamama katika jela Kenya Khamasi Kibunguchy Kilonzo Kiswahili kitu kubwa kuna kuvuta sigara kuwa kwa nini kwa sababu kwamba Lakini lazima lengo M'Mukindia media houses Member Migori District Minister for Health Ministry Mombasa Mswada huu Muturi mwingine Naibu Spika Nakuru Nyachae nyama officers Poghisio point of order police Prof promotion Question Raila Raila Odinga road sheria Siaya District Sijui sisi smoking Spika wa Muda story talking Tanzania tarmacked Temporary Deputy Speaker Teso districts Tobacco Control Bill tobacco products tobacco smoke tobacco use causes tumbaku uhuru uvutaji wa sigara vyombo hivi vyombo vya habari wakati wako Wamunyinyi Wamwere watu Waziri wengine yake yetu yeyote