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[98] 4 T19/4 T19/78
1. S. 1600 (Senator Armstrong): Indexing the basis of
certain assets..
2. S. 1579 (Senator Armstrong): Charitable expense
deduction for use of passenger automobile
3. S. 108 (Senators Grassley, Jepsen, Durenberger, and
Thurmond): Tax incentives for vocational educa-
tion programs....
a. Increased charitable deduction for contribu-
tions of equipment to postsecondary voca-
tional educational programs........
b. Postsecondary vocational education instruc-
tion tax credit..
4. S. 1464 (Senators Armstrong and Hart): Exemption
from divestiture requirements of excess business
holdings for the El Pomar Foundation
5. S. 1549 (Senators Armstrong, Long, Durenberger,
Wallop, Grassley, Symms, Bentsen, Baucus,
Boren, and Pryor): Exemption from unrelated
business income tax for income from certain oil
and gas property....