Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
aircraft allocated answer Anyona asked the Minister Assistant Minister aware beg to reply cent Chair DEB meeting document economic development Eldoret Eldoret Airport family planning farmers Gatabaki girls give going Government Imanyara implementation issue Kampala KANU Karauri Kenya Airways Kiluta Kimetto Kisumu Kituyi Kiunjuri Machakos District Madoka Makueni District Masakhalia Masinga Maundu Mboko Medical Supplies Members of Parliament Michuki million Minister for Education Minister for Planning Minister for Tourism Ministry Motion Mudavadi Muite multipartyism Mungiki Munyao Mwenje Nairobi Ndambuki Ndhiwa North Eastern Province Nyagah Nyahururu Ochuodho Ojode Osundwa parents pipeline point of order policy on land population growth rate poverty poverty line problem produce Sankori Science and Technology secondary schools Sessional Paper sex education Standing Order supplementary question sure talking tell Temporary Deputy Speaker things Trade and Industry