Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Affairs and International allow Angwenyi Anyang'-Nyong'o Anyona apply asked the Minister Assistant Minister child labour Civil Servants Union coffee Constitution COTU denied discrimination e-mail elections employees Gesonso globalisation Government Gucha happening headteachers Human Resource Development Imanyara implement important International Co-operation International Labour Organisation issue jela KANU Karauri Kemera Kenyans Kibera Kihoro Kilgoris killing Kisii Labour and Human Labour Day labour movement Lengees lift the ban live Maasai Maasailand Madoka Mara border markets matatu industry Minister aware Minister for Labour Ministry Motion Motion of Adjournment Muchilwa Muchiri Muite nations Nyachae Nyang'wara Ochuodho part-time point of order police station President Maj prisons problem Prof Question by Private ratify this Convention recommendations retrenchment right to organise sector Sessional Paper South Mugirango Sunkuli tabia talk tell Temporary Deputy Speaker told trade unions Trans Mara District tribal clashes visa applications workers