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Dickinson, G. L., The European Anarchy (New York, 1917). A brief study of the rivalries of the Great Powers.

Culbertson, W. S., Commercial Policy in War Time and After: A
Study of the Application of Democratic Ideas to International
Commercial Relations (New York, 1919). A statement of the
economic situation calling for an effective union of nations as a
condition of world peace.

Culbertson, W. S., "Raw Materials and Foodstuffs in the Commercial
Policies of Nations," Annals of the Am. Academy of Pol. and Soc.
Science, March, 1924, v-145. A valuable study, with a Supple-
ment giving the papers presented at a Round Table Conference
at the Institute of Politics, 1923 (Philadelphia, 1924).
Fisk, G. M., International Commercial Policies with Special Refer-
ence to the United States (New York, 1907). "A systematic treat-
ment of the politics of international commerce" (Preface).

c. Willoughby, W. W., China at the Conference (Baltimore, 1922). An account of the rivalries of the Great Powers in their relations with China.

d. Colonial Tariff Policies. U. S. Tariff Commission (Gov't Printing Office, 1922).


International Treaties

a-j. Crandall, S. B., Treaties, Their Making and Enforcement. (2nd ed., New York, 1916). A standard treatise, with emphasis upon American practice, followed by a compendium of decisions. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, V, §§ 734-780. Official documents illustrating American practice.

Potter, P. B., Introduction to the Study of International Organization (New York, 1922). Chaps. X, XI, "Treaty Negotiation," "The Modern Treaty System," with select bibliography in Appendix B, §§ 10, 11.

Satow, Sir E., Guide to Diplomatic Practice (2nd ed., New York, 1922). Chaps. XXVII-XXXI discuss the diplomatic aspects of treaty negotiation, with numerous references to specific treaties. Myers, D. P., Manual of Collections of Treaties. See Chap. IV, a. Reciprocity and Commercial Treaties. U. S. Tariff Commission (Gov't Printing Office, 1919).

Handbook of Commercial Treaties. U. S. Tariff Commission (Gov't Printing Office, 1923). A digest of commercial treaties of all nations, including a statement of the treaty-making power and principles of interpretation.

d. Wright, Q., The Control of American Foreign Relations (New York, 1922). A study of constitutional problems, including (Chap. XIV) "The Power to Make International Agreements."

Mathews, J. M., The Conduct of American Foreign Relations (New York, 1922). Chaps. VIII-XIII deal with the making and execution of treaties.

h. Roxburgh, R. F., International Conventions and Third States (London, 1917). A scholarly monograph, presenting both theory and practice.


The Agents of International Intercourse

a-h. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, IV, §§ 623-695. American official documents illustrating the "Intercourse of States."

Satow, Sir E., A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, Vol. I (London, 2nd ed., 1922). A mine of information, with citations from writers and illustrations of practice. Bibliography at end of Vol. II. Foster, J. W., The Practice of Diplomacy as Illustrated in the Foreign Relations of the United States (New York, 1906). A popular narrative of the rules of procedure of diplomatic intercourse. Potter, P. B., Introduction to the Study of International Organization (New York, 1922). Part II, Modern Diplomacy. Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of the United States. Issued by the Department of State. Not a public document, but obtainable upon request.

e. Wicquefort, A., L'Ambassadeur et ses Fonctions (The Hague, 1680). Translated into English by John Digby, The Embassador and his Functions (London, 1716, 1740). A classic commentary on the diplomacy of the period.

i. Stowell, E. C., Le Consul: Fonctions, Immunités, Organisation, Exequatur (Paris, 1909). A technical treatise, of value to the specialist.

Stowell, E. C., Consular Cases and Opinions from the Decisions of
the English and American Courts and the Opinions of the Attor-
neys General (Washington, 1909). A valuable collection, with
comprehensive index and compendium of subject-matter.
Moore, J. B., op. cit., V, §§ 696-733. American official documents
relating to "Consuls."

Hyde, C. C., International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied
by the United States (Boston, 1922). Vol. I, §§ 460-488,

Consular Regulations of the United States (Gov't Printing Office, 1896).


Remedial Rights

a. Holland, T. E., The Elements of Jurisprudence (8th ed., New York, 1896). Chap. XIII discusses "Remedial Rights" under Private Law.

b. Scott, J. B., "The Evolution of a Permanent International Judiciary," Am. Journal of Int. Law, VI (1912), 316-358. A French edition, enlarged, bears the title, L'Evolution d'une Jurisdiction Internationale Permanente (Paris, 1919). A survey of the growth of remedial rights and procedure, followed by illustrative extracts from writers.

Maine, Sir H., Early History of Institutions (London, 1874). Lectures IX, X, "The Primitive Forms of Legal Remedies," offer helpful analogies to the development of international remedial rights.


The Responsibility of International Persons

b-d. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, VI, §§ 998-1039. Official documents illustrating "Claims," the grounds and conditions of intervention of the United States on behalf of its citizens.

Borchard, E. M., The Diplomatic Protection of Citizens Abroad (New York, 1915). Chaps. IV-VIII treat of the "International Responsibility of the State."

b-c. Triepel, H., Droit International et Droit Interne (Oxford, 1920). Chap. III, § 13 deals with the "Responsibility of the State for Acts of Individuals."

Hyde, C. C., International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied by the United States (Boston, 1922). Vol. I, §§ 286-302, deals with "Claims," including incidentally the responsibility of states. Baty, T., International Law (New York, 1909). Chaps. III-V cite numerous instances of facts giving rise to claims.

Ralston, J. H., International Arbitral Law and Procedure (Boston, 1910). Chaps. VIII, IX and XI summarize decisions of arbitral courts in passing upon "Claims" and "Damages" and "Responsibility."

Oppenheim, L., International Law, Vol. I, §§ 148-167, "Responsibility of States," a good text-book survey.


Peaceful Procedure

a-d. Moore, J. B., Digest of International Law, VII, §§ 1064-1088. American official documents.

d. Moore, J. B., History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which the United States has been a Party, 6 vols. (Washington, 1898). The standard work upon the subject, with documents and descriptive text.

De Lapradelle, A., et Politis, N., Recueil des Arbitrages Internationaux. Tome I, 1798-1855 (Paris, 1905). A collection of historical instances, including chronological tables and subject-index. Darby, W. E., International Arbitration. International Tribunals (4th ed., London, 1904). A collection of schemes for international peace, followed by historical instances of arbitration summarized. Phillipson, C., Two Studies in International Law (London, 1908). Part I, "The Influence of International Arbitration upon the Development of International Law," contains a study of theory and survey of practice.

Ralston, J. H., İnternational Arbitral Law and Procedure (Boston, 1910). "A resumé of the procedure and practice of international commissions, and including the views of arbitrators upon questions arising under the law of nations" (sub-title).

f. Scott, J. B., ed., The Hague Court Reports (New York, 1916). The awards, accompanied by syllabi, of courts of arbitration established under the provisions of the Hague Conventions.

Wilson, G. G., The Hague Arbitration Cases (Boston, 1915). The
awards, compromis and protocols of cases submitted to arbitra-
tion under the Hague Conventions.
Wehberg, H., The Problem of an International Court of Justice
(New York, 1918). A scholarly analysis of the problems in-
volved in a permanent international court, with a full bibliography.
Translated from the German.

g. Loder, B. C. J., "The Permanent Court of International Justice and Compulsory Jurisdiction," British Year Book, 1921-22, pp. 6-26. Hudson, M. O., "The First Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice,” Am. Journal of Int. Law, XVII (1923), 15; "The Second Year of the Permanent Court of International Justice," Ibid., XVIII (1924), 1.

h. Scott, J. B., ed., Treaties for the Advancement of Peace (New York, 1920). Texts of treaties between the United States and other states negotiated by Secretary Bryan, with descriptive introduction.


Forcible Procedure by Methods Falling Short of War

a-g. Moore, J. B., Digest of International Law, VII, §§ 1089-1099. American official documents, dealing with "Modes of Redress: Non-amicable, short of war."

Hyde, C. C., International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied
by the United States (Boston, 1922). II, §§ 586-595.
Scott, J. B., Cases on International Law, 486-521.

c. Westlake, J., Collected Papers on Public International Law (Cambridge, 1914). Part II, XVI, "Reprisals and War."

e. Hogan, A. H., Pacific Blockade (Oxford, 1908). A scholarly monograph, with numerous illustrative incidents and elaborate bibliography.

Falcke, H. P., Le Blocus Pacifique, translated into French from the German by A. Contat (Leipzig, 1919). An enumeration of historical instances, followed by a discussion of theory.


Forcible Procedure by War

a-b. Hall, W. E., International Law, §§ 15-18. A logical analysis of fundamental principles.

Spaight, J. M., War Rights on Land (London, 1911). The "Introduction" deals with the nature and sources of the laws of war; Chap. XIV, "The Sanction of the Laws of War."

Garner, J. W., International Law and the World War. 2 vols. (New York, 1920). Vol. I, Chap. I, "The Status of International Law at the Outbreak of the War."

Brown, P. M., International Realities (New York, 1917). The opening articles criticize the idea of regulating war as "essentially paradoxical and unsound."

Stowell, E. C., and Munro, H. F., International Cases (Boston, 1916).
Vol. II, §§ 15, 16, "Sanctions: Means to enforce Respect for the
Laws of War" and "Military Reprisals."

Moore, J. B., International Law and Some Current Illusions (New
York, 1924). Chap. I maintains the validity of the traditional
distinction between combatants and non-combatants.


Effect of War upon the Normal Relations of the Belligerent States

c-f. Garner, J. W., International Law and the World War. 2 vols. (New York, 1920). Chaps. III-IX deal with the application of the law to the circumstances of the World War.

Huberich, C. H., The Law relating to Trading with the Enemy to-
gether with a consideration of the Civil Rights and Disabilities of
Alien Enemies and of the Effect of War on Contracts with Alien
Enemies (New York, 1918). The work of a practicing lawyer.
Hays, A. G., Enemy Property in America (Albany, 1923). A law-
yer's handbook of the Trading-with-the-Enemy Act and of the
post-war disposition of enemy property.

Baty, T., and Morgan, J. H., War, its Conduct and Legal Results
(London, 1915). Part IV, "The Subject and the Enemy."
Scott, J. B., Cases on International Law. Part III, Chaps. III-
VIII. Evidence of national interpretation of international rights.
Evans, L. B., Cases on International Law. Chap. IX, "The Belliger-
ent Relations of States."

e. Garner, J. W., op. cit., Chap. VI.

f. Higgins, A. P., War and the Private Citizen (London, 1912). Chap. I.

Phillipson, C., The Effect of the War on Contracts and on Trading Associations in Territories of Belligerents (London, 1909). A scholarly monograph, with analyses of cases.

Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, VII, §§ 1135-1142. Official documents on "Interruption of Commercial Relations."

Cobbett, P., Leading Cases on International Law (3rd ed., London, 1913). Part II, pp. 62-91, “The Effect of War on Commercial Relations."


The Laws of Land Warfare

a-b. Rules of Land Warfare (Washington, 1917). Published by the Office of the Chief of Staff, War Department, United States. Morgan, J. H., The German War Book (London, 1915). A translation of Kriegsbrauch im Landkriege, with critical introduction. Spaight, J. M., War Rights on Land (London, 1911). A valuable commentary on the Hague Convention, with numerous illustrations of international practice.

Bordwell, P., The Law of War between Belligerents (Chicago, 1908). A survey of the growth of conventional law, followed by a brief commentary.

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