Kenya GazetteThe Kenya Gazette is an official publication of the government of the Republic of Kenya. It contains notices of new legislation, notices required to be published by law or policy as well as other announcements that are published for general public information. It is published every week, usually on Friday, with occasional releases of special or supplementary editions within the week. |
Common terms and phrases
Act of Parliament addresses adjourned aforesaid allotment alteration amount application appointed articles of association assets auditors authorises or permits balance-sheet called certificate chairman commencement common seal Companies Ordinance company limited company makes default company who knowingly contract creditor or contributory deemed default continues default in complying directors dividends document duly entitled exceeding 75 extraordinary resolution filed floating charge Governor in Council holders Indian Companies Act inspection issue Letters Patent liable limited by guarantee limited by shares limited company manager manner memorandum of association ment mortgage or charge notice number of shares official liquidator paid pany payable payment penalty permits the default person Power of Court prescribed Protectorate provisions proxy purpose reduced register of members registered office registrar regulations rupees share capital share-warrant shares or debentures special resolution specified subscribe therein thinks fit transfer unless unlimited voluntary winding vote wilfully authorises winding up order