"EXPERTS AND CONSULTANTS "SEC. 507. The Commissioner may employe experts and consultants, as authorized by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, to advise him with respect to the making of grants and contracts and the approving of programs under this title. Experts and consultants employed pursuant to this section may be compensated while so employed at rates not in excess of $100 per day (or, if higher, the rate specified at the time of such service for grade GS-18 in section 5332 of title 5, United States Code), including travel-time, and, while so serving away from their homes or regular places of business, may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United States Code, for persons in the Government service employed intermittently." EXTENDING TEACHER FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM TO INCLUDE GRADUATE EDUCATION FOR PRESCHOOL AND ADULT AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PERSONNEL SEC. 503. (a) The heading of part C of title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is amended by inserting "AND RELATED EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL" after "FELLOWSHIPS FOR TEACHERS". (b) (1) The first sentence of section 521 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is amended (A) by striking out "elementary and secondary schools" and inserting in lieu thereof "schools", and (B) by inserting "or postsecondary vocational education" after "career in elementary or secondary education". (2) The second sentence of such section is amended by striking out "teacher education programs" and inserting in lieu thereof "programs for the education of teachers and related educational personnel". (3) (A) So much of the third sentence of such section as precedes the first comma therein is amended to read as follows: "For the purposes of this part the term 'elementary and secondary education' includes preschool and adult and Vocational education, and the term 'career in elementary and secondary education or postsecondary vocational education' means a career of teaching in elementary or secondary schools (including teaching in preschool and adult and Vocational education programs) or in postsecondary vocational schools"; (B) the words "elementary or secondray schools", the second time these words occur in such third sentence, are changed to read "such schools"; and (C) the following is inserted in such sentence before the comma after "educational media": "(including educational and instructional television and radio), child development". (c) Section 522 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "FELLOWSHIPS AUTHORIZED "SEC. 522. The Commissioner is authorized to award fellowships in accordance with the provisions of this part for graduate study leading to an advanced degree for persons who are pursuing or plan to pursue a career in elementary and secondary education or postsecondary vocational education." (d) (1) Paragraph (1) of section 523 of such Act is amended by striking out "Advisory Council on Quality Teacher Preparation" and inserting in lieu thereof "National Advisory Council on Education Professions Development". (2) Paragraph (2) of such section is amended by inserting "or postsecondary vocational schools" after "elmentary or secondary schools"; inserting "or postsecondary vocational education" after "elementary or secondary education"; and amending the term "career in elementary and secondary education", each time such term occurs, to read "career in elementary and secondary education or postsecondary vocational education". (e) Section 524 of such Act is amended by striking out "; GRANTS" in the heading therof, by striking out the subsection designation "(a)", and by repealing subsections (b) and (c). (For substantially equivalent provisions, see sections 531 (b) and 507, respectively, of such Act as inserted therein by section 504 and 502 of this Act.) (f) Subsection (b) of section 525 is amended to read as follows: "(b) Unless in the judgment of the Commissioner a program development grant under section 531 of this title adequately covers the institution's cost of education for persons awarded fellowships in a graduate program approved under section 524, the Commissioner shall (in addition to the stipends paid to persons under subsection (a)) pay to the institution of higher education at which such person is pursuing his course of study such amount as the Commissioner may determine to be appropriate, not to exceed the equivalent of $2,500 per academic year, but any amount charged such person for tuition and nonrefundable fees and deposits shall be deducted from the amount payable to the institution of higher education under this subsection." (g) Section 528 of such Act is amended to read as follows: 66 ‘APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZED "SEC. 528. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this part for each fiscal year ending prior to July 1, 1973." NEW PARTS ADDED TO TITLE V OF HIGHER EDUCATION ACT OF 1965 SEC. 504. Title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is further amended by adding the following new parts at the end thereof: "PART D-IMPROVING TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONNEL SERVING IN PROGRAMS OF EDUCATION OTHER THAN HIGHER EDUCATION "PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT GRANTS "SEC. 531. (a) The Commissioner is authorized, in accordance with the provisions of this section, to make grants to, or contracts with, institutions of higher education to pay all or part of the cost of projects for developing or strengthening undergraduate or graduate programs (or other programs of advanced study) which the Commissioner finds will afford substantially improved training opportunities for persons who are pursuing or plan to pursue a career in elementary and secondary education or postsecondary vocational education (as defined in section 521). "(b) Projects for developing or strengthening graduate programs may be approved by the Commissioner under this section, either individually or in conjunction with graduate programs approved for purposes of awarding fellowships under part C of this title, for such purposes as "(1) encouraging imaginative and innovative approaches to teacher education, including new patterns of education and new curriculums; “(2) obtaining an appropriate geographical distribution of high-quality graduate programs which meet or, as a result of assistance received under this section, will be enabled to meet the requirements for approved fellowship programs under part C of this title; "(3) establishing and supporting for a reasonable period of time projects for the development of new or expanded graduate programs which provide opportunities to prepare persons to serve in school systems in nonteaching professional fields; or "(4) meeting other critical needs for advanced study in the area of critical personnel training. "(c) Projects for developing or strengthening undergraduate programs may be approved by the Commissioner under this section for such purposes as improving the curriculums designed to prepare persons for teaching and related fields, and establishing or expanding programs for the training of teacher aids and other nonprofessional educational personnel. "PRE-SERVICE AND IN-SERVICE TRAINING "SEC. 532. (a) The Commissioner is authorized to make grants to, or contracts with, institutions of higher education, State or local educational agencies, or other public or nonprofit agencies, institutions, or organizations, and to enter into contracts with public or private agencies, institutions, or organizations (including in either case professional or scholarly associations), for carrying out programs or projects to improve the qualifications of persons who are serving or preparing to serve in education programs in elementary and secondary schools (including preschool and adult and vocational education programs) or postsecondary vocational schools or in educational or other related agencies, or in the fields of educational or instructional television or radio, or to supervise or train persons so serving. "(b) Programs or projects under this section may include, among others"(1) programs or projects to train or retrain teachers, or supervisors or trainers of teachers, in any subject generally taught in the schools, including such subjects as history, geography, economics, civics, industrial schools, including such subjects as English, reading, history, geography, economics, civics, science, mathematics, industrial arts, modern foreign languages, health, physical education, international affairs, and the arts and the humanities; “(2) programs or projects to train or retrain other educational personnel in such fields as guidance and counseling (including occupational counseling), school social work, child psychology, remedial speech and reading, child development, and educational media (including educational or instructional television or radio); "(3) programs or projects to train teacher aids and other nonprofessional educational personnel; "(4) programs or projects to provide training and preparation for persons participating in educational programs for children of preschool age; "(5) programs or projects to prepare teachers and other educational personnel to meet the special needs of the socially, culturally, and economically disadvantaged; "(6) programs or projects to train or retrain persons engaging in programs of special education for the handicapped; "(7) programs or projects to provide inservice and other training and preparation for school administrators, school board members, State educational agency personnel, and persons responsible for or involved in planning or administering educational programs; and "(8) programs or projects to prepare artists, craftsmen, scientists, or persons from other professions or vocations to teach or otherwise assist in programs or projects of education on a long-term, short-term, or parttime basis. "(c) Grants or contracts under this section may provide for use of funds received thereunder to pay the cost of— "(1) short-term or regular-session institutes or refresher courses; “(3) other preservice and inservice training programs or projects designed to improve the qualifications of persons entering or reentering the field of elementary and secondary education or postsecondary vocational education. "(d) The Commissioner may include in the terms of any grant or contract under this section provisions authorizing the payment, to persons participating in training programs supported under this section, of such stipends (including allowances for subsistence and other expenses for such persons and their dependents) as he may determine, which shall be consistent with prevailing practices under comparable federally supported programs. "APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZED "SEC. 533. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this part for each fiscal year ending prior to July 1, 1973. "PART E-TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION PERSONNEL "PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS "SEC. 541. (a) The Commissioner is authorized to make grants to, or contracts with, institutions of higher education to pay all or part of the cost of projects for developing or improving programs which the Commissioner finds will substantially improve educational opportunities for persons who have, or are preparing to undertake, teaching, administrative, or other educational specialist responsibilities in institutions of higher education, or in educational or other related agencies, including "(1) projects to establish new, or improve existing, programs of advanced education for prospective college teachers, with emphasis upon developing the cabilities of such persons for teaching; "(2) projects for planning changes in the curriculums of advanced-degree programs in order to meet the specific needs of particular subject-matter areas for increased numbers of qualified teachers; "(3) projects to develop or establish programs or courses designed to improve the administration of institutions of higher education; or “(4) preservice or inservice programs, including arrangements for shortterm or regular-session institutes, refresher courses, seminars, symposia, workshops, or conferences. "(b) The Commissioner is authorized to make arrangements with institutions of higher education for providing fellowships, traineeships, or internships to persons undergoing advanced education in a program assisted under this section. "STIPENDS "SEC. 542. The Commissioner may include in the terms of any arrangement with an institution of higher education under this part provisions authorizing the payment, to persons participating in training programs supported under this part, of such stipends (including allowances for subsistence and other expenses for such persons and their dependents) as he may determine, which shall be consistent with prevailing practices under comparable federally supported programs. "APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZED "SEC. 543. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this part for each fiscal year ending prior to July 1, 1973." LIMITATION SEC. 505. The Higher Education Act of 1965 is further amended by inserting before the period at the end of section 508 (as redesignated by section 502(b) of this Act) the following words: "or training for a religious vocation or to teach theological subjects". SHORT TITLE OF TITLE V OF HIGHER EDUCATION ACT OF 1965 SEC. 506. Title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by this Act, is further amended by adding at the end of part A thereof the following new section: "SHORT TITLE "SEC. 509. This title may be cited as the 'Education Professions Development Act'." EFFECTIVE DATES SEC. 507. (a) The amendments to title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965 made by the foregoing sections of this title shall be effective with respect to fiscal years beginning after June 30, 1968, except that the following amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act: (1) The redesignation of section numbers made by section 502 of this Act. (2) The repeal (by section 502(c) of this Act) of section 501 of title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (which provides for an Advisory Council on Quality Teacher Preparation) and the enactment, in lieu thereof, of section 501 (Statement of Purpose) and section 502 (National Advisory Council of Education Professions Development) of such title; and the conforming amendment of section 523 (1) of such title V made by section 503 (d) (1) of this Act. (3) The enactment (by section 502(c) of this Act) of section 507 of title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (relating to experts and consultants), and the concomitant repeal (by section 503 (e) of this Act) of subsection (c) of section 524 of such title V. (4) The amendments made by sections 505 and 506 of this Act. (b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude advance planning and dissemination of information by the Commissioner of Education with respect to amendments the effective date of which is deferred by this section. TITLE VI—INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS PART A-EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (AMENDMENTS TO HIGHER EDUCATION ACT OF 1965) EXTENSION OF PROGRAM SEC. 601. (a) Subsection (b) of section 601 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is amended (1) by striking out "and" before "$60,000,000", and (2) by inserting after "June 30, 1968," the following: "and such sums as may be necessary for each of the five succeeding fiscal years,". (b) Subsection (c) of section 601 of such Act is amended by inserting after "the succeeding fiscal year," the following: "and such sums as may be necessary for the next five fiscal years". (c) Section 601 of such Act is further amended by striking out subsection (d). ELIMINATION OF SUBJECT LIMITATIONS; EXTENSION OF ASSISTANCE TO GRADUATE INSTRUCTION SEC. 602. (a) Subsection (a) of section 601 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is amended by striking out "in selected subject areas". (b) (1) Clause (A) of paragraph (2) of the second sentence of section 603 is amended by striking out "other than" before "supplies consumed in use" and inserting in lieu thereof "except (i) laboratory or other special equipment for education in the natural or physical sciences at the graduate level; (ii) athletic or recreational equipment; and (iii)"; and such clause is further amended by striking out "in science, mathematics, foreign languages, history, geography, government, English, other humanities, the arts, or education at the undergraduate level". (2) Subclause (i) of clause (B) of such paragraph (2) is amended by striking out "in such fields". (c) The caption of title VI of such Act is amended by striking out “UNDERGRADUATE”. PART B-EQUIPMENT and MATERIAL FOR ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION (AMENDMENTS TO TITLE III OF NATIONAL DEFENSE EDUCATION ACT) EXTENSION OF PROGRAM SEC. 621. Section 301 of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 is amended by striking out "and" before "$110,000,000" and by inserting after "June 30, 1968," the following: and such sums as may be necessary for the next five years,". ELIMINATION OF SUBJECT LIMITATIONS; AND MERGER WITH SECTION 12 OF NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON ARTS AND HUMANITIES ACT SEC. 622. (a) (1) Paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of section 303 of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 is amended (A) by striking out 'in science, mathematics, history, civics, geography, economics, industrial arts, modern foreign languages, English, or reading"; (B) by inserting before "supplies consumed in use" the following: "(i) athletic or recreational equipment, and (ii)", and (C) by striking out "and such equipment may, if there exists a critical need therefor in the judgment of local school authorities, be used when available and suitable in providing education in other subject matter,". (2) Paragraph (5) of such subsection is amended by striking out "in the fields of science, mathematics, history, civics, geography, economics, industrial arts, modern foreign languages, English, and reading" and inserting in lieu thereof "in the subject-matter areas for which equipment and materials acquired under the State plan are used"; (3) The heading of title III of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 is amended to read "FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR STRENGTHENING INSTRUCTION IN ACADEMIC SUBJECTS". (4) There is added at the end of title III of such Act the following new section: "LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS UNDER THIS TITLE "SEC. 306. No grant or loan may be made under this title for equipment or materials to be used for sectarian instruction or religious worship." |