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(P.L. 89-77)

House Report 164 (Committee on Education and Labor).

Senate Report 311 (Committee on Labor and Public Welfare).
Congressional Record, volume 111 (1965):

March 15: Considered and passed House.
June 11: Considered and passed Senate.

July 6: House concurred in Senate amendments.

Approved: July 21, 1965.

(P.L. 89-313)

House Report 587 (Committee on Education and Labor).

Senate Report 783 (Committee on Labor and Public Welfare).

Congressional Record, volume III (1965):

August 30: Considered and passed House.

October 1: Considered and passed Senate, amended.

October 13: House concurred in Senate amendments with an amendment.
October 15: Senate concurred in House amendment.

Approved: November 1, 1965.

(P.L. 89-750)

House Reports Nos. 1814, 1814 pt. II (Committee on Education and Labor) and No. 2309 (Committee of Conference).

Senate Report 1674 accompanying S. 3046 (Committee on Labor and Public Welfare).

Congressional Record, volume 112 (1966):

October 5: Considered in House.

October 6: Considered and passed House.

October 5, 6: S. 3046 considered and passed Senate.

October 7: Considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S. 3046.

October 19: Senate agreed to conference report.

October 20: House agreed to conference report.

Approved: November 3, 1966.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

(P.L. 89–10)


AN ACT To strengthen and improve educational quality and educational opportunities in the Nation's elementary and secondary schools.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965".


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(NOTE.-Title I is an amendment to P.L. 874, 81st Cong. and is included herein on p. 54 as a separate program.)



SEC. 201. (a) The Commissioner shall carry out during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and each of the four succeeding fiscal years,

a program for making grants for the acquisition of school library resources, textbooks, and other printed and published instructional materials for the use of children and teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools.

(b) For the purpose of making grants under this title, there are hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $100,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, $125,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, and $150,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968; but for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and the succeeding fiscal year, only such sums may be appropriated as the Congress may hereafter authorize by law.

(20 U.S.C. 821) Enacted April 11, 1965, P.L. 89-10, Title II, sec. 201, 79 Stat. 36; amended Nov. 3, 1966, P.L. 89-750, Title I, sec. 121, 80 Stat. 1199.


SEC. 202. (a) (1) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year for the purposes of this paragraph an amount equal to not more than 3 per centum of the amount appropriated for such year for payments to States under section 201 (b). The Commissioner shall allot the amount appropriated pursuant to this paragraph among Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands according to their respective needs for assistance under this title. In addition, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, he shall allot from such amount to (A) the Secretary of the Interior the amount necessary for such assistance for children and teachers in elementary and secondary schools operated for Indian children by the Department of the Interior, and (B) the Secretary of Defense the amount necessary for such assistance for children and teachers in the overseas dependents schools of the Department of Defense. The terms upon which payments for such purpose shall be made to the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Defense shall be determined pursuant to such criteria as the Commissioner determines will best carry out the purposes of this title.

(2) From the sums appropriated for carrying out this title for any fiscal year pursuant to section 201 (b), the Commissioner shall allot to each State an amount which bears the same ratio to the total of such sums as the number of children enrolled in the public and private elementary and secondary schools of that State bears to the total number of children so enrolled in such schools in all of the States. The number of children so enrolled shall be determined by the Commissioner on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data available to him. For purposes of this subsection, the term "State" shall not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

(b) The amount of any State's allotment under subsection (a) for any fiscal year which the Commissioner determines will not be required for such fiscal year shall be available for reallotment from time to time, on such dates during such year as the Commissioner may fix, to other States in proportion to the original allotments to such States under subsection (a) for that year but with such proportionate amount for any of such other States being reduced to the extent it exceeds the

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sum the Commissioner estimates such State needs and will be able to use for such year; and the total of such reductions shall be similarly reallotted among the States whose proportionate amounts were not so reduced. Any amounts reallotted to a State under this subsection during a year from funds appropriated pursuant to section 201 shall be deemed part of its allotment under section (a) for such year.

(20 U.S.C. 822) Enacted April 11, 1965, P.L. 89-10, Title II, sec. 202, 79 Stat. 36; amended Nov. 3, 1966, P.L. 89-750, Title I, sec. 122, 80 Stat. 1199.


SEC. 203 (a) Any State which desires to receive grants under this title shall submit to the Commissioner a State plan, in such detail as the Commissioner deems necessary, which

(1) designates a State agency which shall, either directly or through arrangements with other State or local public agencies, act as the sole agency for administration of the State plan;

(2) sets forth a program under which funds paid to the State from its allotment under section 202 will be expended solely for (A) acquisition of library resources (which for the purposes of this title means books, periodicals, documents, audio-visual materials, and other related library materials), textbooks, and other printed and published instructional materials for the use of children and teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools in the State, and (B) administration of the State plan, including (i) the development and revision of standards relating to library resources, textbooks, and other printed and published instructional materials furnished for the use of children and teachers in the public elementary and secondary schools of the State, and (ii) the distribution and control by a local educational agency of such library resources, textbooks, and other instructional materials in carrying out such State plan for the use of children and teachers in schools referred to in clause (A), except that the amount used for administration of the State plan for any fiscal year shall not exceed an amount equal to 5 per centum of the amount paid to the State under this title for that year or $50,000, whichever is greater;

(3) sets forth the criteria to be used in allocating library resources, textbooks, and other printed and published instructional materials provided under this title among the children and teachers of the State, which criteria shall

(A) take into consideration the relative need, as determined from time to time, of the children and teachers of the State for such library resources, textbooks, or other instructional materials,

(B) provide assurance that to the extent consistent with law such library resources, textbooks, and other instructional materials will be provided on an equitable basis for the use of children and teachers in private elementary and secondary schools in the State which comply with the compulsory attendance laws of the State or are otherwise recognized by it through some procedure customarily used in the State, and

(C) provide assurance that, in order to secure the effective and efficient use of Federal funds, there will be appropriate coordination at both State and local levels between the program carried out under this title with respect to library resources and the program (if any) carried out under the Library Services and Construction Act (20 U.S.C. ch. 16); (4) sets forth the criteria to be used in selecting the library resources, textbooks, and other instructional materials to be provided under this title and for determining the proportions of the State's allotment for each fiscal year which will be expended for library resources, textbooks, and other printed and published instructional materials, respectively, and the terms by which such library resources, textbooks, and other instructional materials will be made available for the use of children and teachers in the schools of the State;

(5) sets forth policies and procedures designed to assure that Federal funds made available under this title for any fiscal year will be so used as to supplement and, to the extent practical, increase the level of State, local, and private school funds that would in the absence of such Federal funds be made available for library resources, textbooks, and other printed and published instructional materials, and in no case supplant such State, local, and private school funds;

(6) sets forth such fiscal control and fund accounting procedures as may be necessary to assure proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Federal funds paid to the State (including any such funds paid by the State to any other public agency) under this title; and

(7) provides for making such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Commissioner may reasonably require to carry out his functions under this title, and for keeping such records and for affording such access thereto as the Commissioner may find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports.

(b) The Commissioner shall approve any State plan and any modification thereof which complies with the provisions of subsection (a).

(20 U.S.C. 823) Enacted April 11, 1965, P.L. 89-10, Title II, sec. 203, 79 Stat. 37; amended Nov. 3, 1966, P.L. 89-750, Title I, sec. 123, 80 Stat. 1200.


SEC. 204. (a) From the amounts allotted to each State under section 202 the Commissioner shall pay to that State an amount equal to the amount expended by the State in carrying out its State plan. Such payments may be made in installments, and in advance or by way of reimbursement, with necessary adjustments on account of overpayments or underpayments.

(b) In any State which has a State plan approved under section 203(b) and in which no State agency is authorized by law to provide library resources, textbooks, or other printed and published instructional materials for the use of children and teachers in any one or more elementary or secondary schools in such State, the Commissioner

shall arrange for the provision on an equitable basis of such library resources, textbooks, or other instructional materials for such use and shall pay the cost thereof for any fiscal year ending prior to July 1, 1970, out of that State's allotment.

(20 U.S.C. 824) Enacted April 11, 1965, P.L. 89-10, Title II, sec. 204, 79 Stat. 38.


SEC. 205. (a) Title to library resources, textbooks, and other printed and published instructional materials furnished pursuant to this title, and control and administration of their use, shall vest only in a public agency.

(b) The library resources, textbooks, and other printed and published instructional materials made available pursuant to this title for use of children and teachers in any school in any State shall be limited to those which have been approved by an appropriate State or local educational authority or agency for use, or are used, in a public elementary or secondary school of that State.

(20 U.S.C. 825) Enacted April 11, 1965, P.L. 89-10, Title II, sec. 205, 79 Stat. 38.


SEC. 206. (a) The Commissioner shall not finally disapprove any State plan submitted under this title, or any modification thereof, without first affording the State agency administering the plan reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing.

(b) Whenever the Commissioner, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to such State agency, finds

(1) that the State plan has been so changed that it no longer complies with the provisions of section 203 (a), or

(2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any such provisions,

the Commissioner shall notify such State agency that the State will not be regarded as eligible to participate in the program under this title until he is satisfied that there is no longer any such failure to comply.

(20 U.S.C. 826) Enacted April 11, 1965, P.L. 89-10, Title II, sec. 206, 79 Stat. 39,


SEC. 207. (a) If any State is dissatisfied with the Commissioner's final action with respect to the approval of its State plan submitted under section 203 (a) or with his final action under section 206(b), such State may, within sixty days after notice of such action, file with the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which such State is located a petition for review of that action. A copy of the petition shall be forthwith transmitted by the clerk of the court to the Commissioner. The Commissioner thereupon shall file in the court the record of the proceedings on which he based his action, as provided in section 2112 of title 28, United States Code.

(b) The findings of fact by the Commissioner, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive; but the court, for good cause

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